This MGI Online pilot project addressed the need for an effective well-being program for educators and students. By introducing the My Guide Inside (MGI) comprehensive curriculum in the MGI Online format, personal well-being was enhanced through educating youth to gain an understanding of their natural inner wisdom. In addition, educators were included to support their own and their student’s well-being.
The four student participants were all My Good School Interns. They read or viewed the MGI Online story and then participated in weekly zoom meet-ups to discuss the “Big Picture” ideas presented in the chapter. (We also had two student guest participants join us.) Students participated in a Learner pre- and post- assessment, journaling, as well as additional written and creative activities.
"It would be great and very helpful if MGI becomes a part of our daily curriculum.
Actually I told some of my friends about the course and they are really eager to join.”
The two regular educators present are interested in MGI Online as they understand this is a valuable program to incorporate within the school day. (We also had three guest educators join us.) My Guide Inside increases student well-being: academically, mentally, behaviorally and socially.
“It’s a very open hearted conversation; we are talking like family or a group of friends and everyone is sharing. That’s a very beautiful part about My Guide Inside.”
The MGI Online Pilot comprised access to the MGI online program and nine zoom meetings which commenced February 10 and ended on May 5, 2023. (We had a four week break during exam times.)
Listed below are the top areas of increased awareness and development as shown in the MGI Learner Post-Assessment two main areas.
I remain peaceful and calm in challenging situations.
I am aware of and responsible for my own well-being.
I manage my stress.
I have determination and motivation to explore new topics.
I see the logical results of my own thinking and actions. I catch myself “going off” emotionally, am able to calm down, and return to good behavior.
I make responsible decisions with consideration for others and also myself. Student
Video Clips of the regular student and educator participants will be shared at
Listed below are excerpts from the MGI Online student summative written reflections.
KNOWING WHO YOU ARE: we all should be able to find a purpose in life. MGI classes helped me understand myself and my surroundings. It made me a better, but not perfect person. MGI helped me cope with changes in life, as well as help me help others. I am so glad to be a part of this and always will be.
I believe the most valuable aspect of MGI was the idea of separate realities and lost thinkers. We all have our own thinking and perspective on things and it is vital to respect those differences. It is quite important to respect one's perspectives and accept those differences instead of being self-absorbed and only thinking about ourselves. This learning has helped me a lot, especially is team projects and group activities in class.
Always trying to learn helps us to face our future with a fresh, good mood and continue with a state of well-being. It is quite fascinating how a thing just like changing the way we think and looking at things differently can help us improve in every aspect of our life, and the best part is that one person changing their mindset to grow forever can benefit others too to grow further and adopt the same thinking pattern so that, the other person can also benefit from that and then spread the good word. Which can overall help the whole community.
I think that MGI all together has and still does help children like me get to their inner self and develop inner wisdom and managing our own emotions. Although if I have to describe the most valuable aspect of MGI in relation to knowing myself and understanding my world, it would definitely be what we learnt about separate realities. During teenage many of us compare us with others. Even I did. But after the first session in which we learnt about separate realities, it made me realise that all of us are different and unique in our own way (and it's not just any cliché statement). Separate realities made me realise that OUR lives are like the reference point which we learnt in Physics. Just like its necessary to have a reference point to define motion it is necessary to know that out of all the 8 billion people alive not even one would match your point of view completely.
Although the course has come to an end, I know there is nothing to be sad about because there's another journey waiting to unravel. I would like to end this journey by mentioning the most important thing that anyone could ever teach me but like always MGI has done it.
Student Summative Reflections MGI Online Pilot Program Good Schools Alliance
May 29, 2023 3
"Instead of dancing to the tunes like the crowd, let's create our own music!"
Observations and Conclusion
I saw the students and educators who participated in MGI Online pilot as being world class. It was an honor for me as a teacher to spent time discussing the MGI “Big Picture” ideas with them. The responses from the participants were positive; the classes were worth it!
Through MGI Online and related live discussions, participants began to benefit from an understanding in relation to “knowing myself and understanding my world.”
In conclusion, the positive participants’ feedback showed an increased awareness and experience of well-being. Due to busy schedules, the challenge was for students to participate regularly outside of school hours. It is interesting that this program can be simply followed “as is,” regardless of location, due to its universally relevant topics.
Christa Campsall BEd, DiplSpEd, MA
My Guide Inside: Orientation for Educators is free of charge, self-directed and online. Access through the PDL page:
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