Sunday, February 2, 2025

Love Learning Vs Hate Learning - Khalid Zafar

A student’s bond with their teacher plays a crucial role in shaping their attitude toward learning. When a child feels connected, they approach learning with curiosity and enthusiasm. But when there is a disconnect, learning becomes a burden, and the classroom turns into a place of struggle rather than growth.    

As a teacher, I have witnessed both sides of this spectrum. There are students who eagerly participate, not just because they love the subject, but because they feel seen and valued by their teacher. On the other hand, there are students who withdraw, who struggle not because they lack intelligence, but because they feel unheard, unnoticed, or unmotivated.  
In my early teaching years, I believed that content mastery alone could make me an effective teacher. However, I soon realized that a teacher's ability to build relationships with students is just as important as delivering knowledge. When a student feels emotionally disconnected, their ability to grasp even the simplest concepts diminishes.  

I have seen students who initially showed no interest in learning but transformed once they found a teacher who understood them. A struggling student does not always need extra homework or stricter discipline; sometimes, they simply need someone who listens, encourages, and believes in them. A simple conversation, a word of appreciation, or a small gesture of support can bridge the gap between a student and their learning journey.  

As teachers, we must ensure that our classrooms are places of connection, where students feel safe to ask questions, make mistakes, and grow. The true success of teaching is not just in covering the syllabus but in ensuring that no child feels left behind. When a student connects with their teacher, learning becomes an exciting adventure rather than a chore. And in that connection lies the real magic of education.

Khalid Zafar 
Sunbeam Suncity 

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