In a thought-provoking and engaging scene enacted by three teachers, students are taught the importance of integrity and the consequences of dishonesty during examinations. The short play "The Choice is Yours" explores the dilemma of copying versus honest effort and leaves a lasting impact on everyone who watches it.
The scene is set in a classroom during an examination. Teacher 1, known for strict but fair demeanour, reminded the students about the importance of honesty, urging them to rely on their preparation and trust in their abilities. Shortly the teacher stepped out, leaving the students under the supervision of Teacher 2, a lighthearted and mischievous character. Teacher 2, pretending to represent the tempting voice of shortcuts, humorously encouraged the idea of peeking at a friend’s answers, suggesting it was a harmless and quick solution.
However, Teacher 3, the calm observer, questioned this mindset, and pointed out the deeper implications of such actions, asking whether copying truly helped in the long run or merely set students up for failure when no one was there to assist them.
The turning point came when Teacher 1 returned and caught a student (imagined) red-handed in the act of copying. They sternly explained the consequences, underscoring that dishonesty leads to failure and regret. Teacher 2, acting as the enabler, tried to defend the action, suggesting that it was common and insignificant. Teacher 3, in a composed manner, delivered the moral of the story, stating that true growth comes from hard work and honest effort, not shortcuts.
The scene concluded with a powerful message from all three teachers. They highlighted the importance of choosing integrity over dishonesty, even when it feels challenging. The enactment ended with a meaningful quote:
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” – C.S. Lewis
The impactful performance a reminder to the students that while the path of honesty may be difficult, it is the only one that leads to true success and self-respect. It encouraged everyone to embrace integrity as a core value in their academic journey and beyond.Sunbeam English School Bhagwanpur, Varanasi
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