Saturday, November 23, 2024

Reflections: Masterclass Saturday- 23rd November 2024

Chapter 2 -A Meeting of Mind
  1. Student-Centric or Teacher-Centric: Which school system is sound and why?
  2. Why do we require a tree house for education?
  3. Compare and contrast between A Tabula Rasa and A Child.
  4. Why is faith required in a relationship?
  5. What could be the risks and challenges in a school?
  6. What is a teacherly ability, and how will you use it in class?
  7. How has the education system changed over time in India?
  8. Your beliefs shape your reality- Comment
Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!      
Email your reflections to

The Teacher's Academy (11/23/2024

Here are the essential action items from the Masterclass:
• All participants to read Chapter 1 of Shomie Das's book if they haven't already done so.
• All participants to join the Good Schools Alliance WhatsApp community if they haven't already.
• All participants are to reflect on the question "Why do we experiment with our teaching methodologies?" and share their thoughts in the WhatsApp group.
• Sunbeam Schools to prepare for upcoming visits from Jugjiv and Sandeep in December, including live YouTube sessions.
• All participants are to consider attending the next My Good School retreat in April.

छात्र-केंद्रित या शिक्षक-केंद्रित:

1. कौन सी स्कूल प्रणाली अच्छी है और क्यों?

2. हमें शिक्षा के लिए ट्री हाउस की आवश्यकता क्यों है?

3. ए टैबुला रासा और ए चाइल्ड के बीच तुलना और अंतर बताएँ।

4. रिश्ते में विश्वास क्यों ज़रूरी है?

स्कूल में क्या जोखिम और चुनौतियाँ हो सकती हैं?

5. शिक्षक की योग्यता क्या है और आप इसे कक्षा में कैसे इस्तेमाल करेंगे?

6. भारत में समय के साथ शिक्षा प्रणाली में क्या बदलाव आया है?

7. आपकी मान्यताएँ आपकी वास्तविकता को आकार देती हैं-
टिप्पणी करें।


Establishing a School and Success Factors
In the meeting, Sandeep discussed establishing a school in 2000, focusing on understanding what makes a school successful. They visited various schools, including The Doon School, founded by Satish Ranjan Das, to nurture future citizens of a free India. The Doon School's colonial architecture and atmosphere of industrious serenity left a lasting impression on everyone. They also reflected on the contrast between The Doon School's resources and their own school, which caters to more people with limited income and resources.

Exploring Collaboration With The Doon School
Naga and Raj, two young entrepreneurs, meet Shomie Das, the grandson of Satish Ranjan Das, who founded the prestigious The Doon School. Shomie Das was the former headmaster of The Doon School and is now helping establish new schools. His colonial-style house impresses them, which exudes an intellectual and cultured atmosphere despite not being ostentatious. The meeting piques their interest in collaborating with Das for their educational venture.

Building Relationships for School Support
The NP and Raj discussed their experiences with Shomie Das, who played a significant role in their journey to establish a school. Initially, Shomie hesitated to engage with them, but after several interactions and visits, he agreed to become an advisor. NP and Raj also shared their experience with Shomie Das, who was initially reluctant to join their project but eventually agreed after a visit. They emphasized the importance of personal interactions and visits in convincing these individuals to support their school project.

Promoters' Unique Skills and Partnership
NP and Raj shared their experiences, which differed from those of others they had met. Despite initial doubts about their ability to build a school, the speaker was impressed by their earnestness, dedication, and appetite for risk. The two individuals, Shomie and Raj, had a unique combination of skills, with Shomie being good at sizing up people and Raj being adept at picking up new ideas. The two also recounted a story that encapsulated their partnership, highlighting the importance of trust and belief in their success.

Trust as Core for Successful Learning
In the meeting, Sandeep discussed the importance of trust in education and how it can lead to successful learning. He emphasized that trust is the core for any learning to thrive. He shared an anecdote about how two young people trusted their gut and approached a consultant, Shomie, who eventually became a crucial figure in their educational journey. Sandeep also highlighted the significance of developing trust in a class, even in a virtual setting. Carol agreed with Sandeep's points, emphasizing that trust is essential for building relationships and sharing thoughts and feelings.

TheTeacherApp Development and Trust
Sandeep discussed the development of TheTeacherApp, which is now available on various platforms. The app, developed in collaboration with Bharti Airtel Foundation, will provide content and allow users to join webinars. Sandeep also shared his experience working with the Bharti Airtel Foundation, emphasizing the importance of trust, hard work, and expertise in achieving success. He used the example of building a treehouse in a school to illustrate this point. Initially seen as a joke, the treehouse symbolised the team's shared belief in education and commitment to creating a nurturing environment for children.

Exploring Good Schools and Teaching Methods
In the meeting, Sandeep discussed the concept of a good school, emphasizing the importance of nature, size, and nurturing relationships. He also reflected on the previous week's discussion about experimenting with teaching methodologies to cater to students' varied learning styles and intelligences. Carol agreed with these points and shared her experiences with parent forums and student feedback mechanisms. The team decided to meet every Saturday to discuss one chapter and create thought points, encouraging reflection and post-processing. The goal is to make the process easy and manageable for everyone.

Transition to Whatsapp and Retreats
Sandeep discussed the transition from Telegram to WhatsApp for communication within the Good Schools Alliance. He explained how to navigate the Whatsapp platform, including joining the Teachers Academy, contributing to the Joy of Giving project, and participating in the Impact team. He also mentioned the upcoming Good School Retreats, scheduled for November 14th and April 14th, which will celebrate the birthdays of Nehru and Ambedkar. Sandeep encouraged everyone to express their preference for communication through WhatsApp or Telegram, as the team aims to engage with all members effectively.

Admitting Participants and New Programs
In the meeting, Sandeep discussed admitting participants and the importance of maintaining a culture of trust and learning. He also introduced a new program for their visit in December, which includes a live master class on YouTube and a "My Good School" program. The aim is to benefit all Sunbeam schools, with the visit scheduled from the 12th to the 16th. Sandeep also mentioned that the broadcast will be hosted from Lahartara and Bhagwanpur, with each event having a different learning outcome. He encouraged the focus on late middle years and interns for the "My Good School" program and welcomed all teachers to participate.

Communication Shift and Upcoming Events
In the meeting, Manisha informed the team about a shift from Telegram to WhatsApp for communication and encouraged everyone to join the WhatsApp group. She also announced that December is the visitor's date, and the subsequent retreat is in April. Sandeep suggested that team members could post their thoughts and reflections on the flagship, and Manisha agreed to pick them up and post them. The conversation ended with no further questions or concerns raised.

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