Sunday, October 13, 2024

Masterclass 2024: Frowns & Smiles

Chapter 10 Smiles and Frowns by Learning Forward India Foundation

The Teacher's Academy 05-10-2024 

Reading two weeks, Reflection one week and then the assignment to build Relationships, working together to spread #JoyOfLearning as #HappyTeachers  Chapter 10 "Smiles and Frowns" from the book "Wanted Bag Bencher Last Ranker Teacher" by Kavita Ghosh.

Key Takeaways

  - The chapter explores the importance of establishing personal rapport with students while maintaining professional boundaries

  - Smiling and positive body language significantly impact student engagement and learning outcomes

  - Teachers should balance friendliness with maintaining respect and authority in the classroom

  - Giving students time to process questions (15-20 seconds) before expecting answers can improve participation

Personal Connection vs Professional Distance

  - Debate on appropriate level of personal connection with students

  - Importance of emotional rapport for effective learning

  - Strategies for maintaining professionalism while being approachable:

      - Greeting students at the door

      - Asking for their thoughts/opinions

      - Occasional informal interactions (e.g. lunch)

      - Listening and offering support

Impact of Teacher's Demeanor on Learning

  - Smiling and positive body language make teachers more approachable

  - Scientific benefits of smiling: releases endorphins, strengthens immune system

  - Importance of conveying warmth through voice tone, even when not visible (e.g. phone calls)

Classroom Management Techniques

  - Wait 15-20 seconds after asking questions before seeking answers

  - Use non-judgmental responses to incorrect answers (e.g. "good effort", "that's one way of looking at it")

  - Make learning personally meaningful by connecting to students' lives

Roma's Teaching Experience

  - Temporary teacher filling in for a term

  - Using past hospitality industry experience to inform teaching approach

  - Building rapport with students through storytelling and engagement

Next Steps

  - Complete reading of Chapter 10 in next session

  - Participants to make notes on chapter insights and post for group discussion

  - Join optional Sunday session for children's book reading and intern meeting

The Teacher’s Academy: 13th October 2024

Chapter 10 of the book focuses on interpersonal relationships between teachers and students and how to handle challenging situations in the classroom.

Key Takeaways

 • Warm interpersonal relationships between teachers and students are crucial for effective learning. However, boundaries must be maintained

 • Teachers need patience, empathy and adaptability when replacing a beloved teacher or handling loss in the classroom

 • Personalising learning involves understanding each student's unique needs and emotional state

 • It's essential to create space for students to process grief and loss while helping them move forward

Chapter 10 Summary: Frowns and Smiles

 • Focused on how a teacher's facial expressions and demeanor impact students

 • Emphasised the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in the classroom, even when challenging

 • Highlighted the problematic situation of a substitute teacher (Roma) having to inform students about their beloved teacher's death

Handling Loss in the Classroom

 • Roma had to inform students about their teacher Sonam's death sensitively

 • She took students outside to say goodbye symbolically, allowing them to express grief

 • Gradually rebuilt trust and created new bonds through positive reinforcement (e.g., star system)

 • Key lesson: Teachers must guide students through life's challenges, not just academic content

Developing Teacher-Student Relationships

 • Participants shared experiences of students struggling to accept new teachers

Strategies discussed:

 • Showing love, care and patience

 • Emulating the positive qualities of previous teacher

 • Coming down to students' level and being somewhat friendly (while maintaining boundaries)

 • Giving students time to adjust

Personalising Learning

 • Recognising each student processes information and emotions differently

 • Allowing time for students to think and respond (avoid rushing)

 • Creating an environment where students feel comfortable participating

 • Understanding the emotional component of learning (e.g. math anxiety)

Integrating Loss and Grief into Learning

 • Importance of openly discussing death/loss, not avoiding the topic

 • Never lie to children about loss, but communicate gently

 • Allow students to express feelings and ask questions

 • Help students develop emotional regulation and the ability to move forward

Next Steps

 • No session next Saturday to allow time for reflection and assignment completion

 • Participants are to complete a video assignment on diversity and personalising learning (3-5 minutes)

 • Participants are encouraged to collaborate on Zoom to complete assignments if desired

ASSIGNMENT: Smiles versus Frowns

1. Diversity exists in many forms. Make a list of diversity markers in your daily life. Do you see more diversity as you make this list, than you may have otherwise noticed? Share some of these new markers in a video along with how is it that you are able to collaborate with them with ease. Also, if there are some frictions or disagreements, in light of this session, share some of your learning on working together in our differences. In the end, also share one new thing that you can do to personalise learning in one relationship that has disagreements along with one need that you may have as a learner in the same relationship to communicate to them on how to make space for your personalised learning in the same vein. If you are able to identify the last two, try to communicate that with the concerned person and share in a line or two, how the conversation made you feel. Video content length: (upto) 2 mins.

2. Addressing the subject of loss and grief, how has your personal experience of processing grief been so far? Has that changed over time? In your class, how have you so far facilitated processing and acceptance of grief? Has this session leant insight into how you may further add to your process? If so, what is it that you would incorporate? Video content length: (upto) 3 mins.

Submission Specifications:

1. The assignment must be submitted in the shape of one video with 3 sections covering the 3 questions. You can make 3 separate videos and tie them together using InShot or another video app on your phone, or you can write down pointers for all 3 questions and answer them in one video of not more than 6 minutes.

2. Please ensure that the video is clear in sound quality. Please try to avoid filming with a lot of background noise. If unavoidable, please try to ensure that the volume and quality of your voice makes up for that.

3. Format of the video file must me .mp4 or .mov.

Please submit all your assignments by the 21st of October 2024, we will meet next on the 26th of October 2024 and share your Reflections.

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