Tuesday, September 3, 2024

ScooNews Global Educators Fest 2024

It was a truly enlightening experience for me to recently have the 
honour of attending the ScooNews Global Educators Fest 2024 in Jaipur, Rajasthan. 
Visionary educators and innovators from throughout the nation attended the event with the shared goal of influencing the direction of education.

Key Takeaways:

Holistic Development: The conference reminded us that our responsibilities go beyond the classroom, from teaching school subjects to moral education, interpersonal skills, and social skills.

Focus on Vocational Education: Educators led a masterful track on vocational education that was incredibly informative. Their talks about closing the knowledge gap between academia and business offered insightful viewpointsThe seminar emphasized practical skills and real-world experience.

Leadership and Partnership: Meeting innovative thinkers and school administrators from different backgrounds confirmed my belief that an intellectually vibrant community of educators and thinkers can do wonders for the overall welfare of Indian education. 

Reading as a PedagogyStorybook reading is disregarded mainly by parents and the school. Reading fosters connections between the LSRW and is crucial to children's development. Reading and reflecting help students learn more effectively; reflection is essential to overall growth.


Jaipur's warm welcome and dynamic culture gave the conference a special touch. A well-planned educational product exhibition with friends, sharing a great supper with other teachers who quickly became close friends, and rushing to lecture rooms reminiscent of our college days! 

I'm happy to be part of ScooNews for putting together such an influential event, and I'm looking forward to using the information I gained to improve my teaching-learning community! 

I thank Mr. Sandeep Dutt for allowing me to participate in #SGEF24.

- Manisha Khanna

GSA Principal


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