Saturday, September 14, 2024

Heart Vs Mind - Reflection for September 2024

Reading HEART VS MIND, chapter 9 from Wanted Back-Bencher and Last-Ranker Teacher by Kavita Bhupta Ghosh

With teenagers in relationships comes the dangers of 'making out' and teen pregnancies. Roma counsels two students and their parents on dealing with the sensitive situation without aggression.


1. On the subject of teenage relationships, love, and sexuality, share a reflection articulating your personal views, experience and overall growth in understanding and handling teenage relationships and bodily curiosity as an educator over the years. Considering the aspect of emotional need and validation involved in teenage relationships, do you think that this awareness impacts your opinion, rather feelings about teenage relationships? Video content length: (upto) 3 mins.

2. In the overall way life is shaped and learnt to be looked at, having power / authority is usually seen as something that necessarily has to be stern, rigid, firm, stoic, hard. Soft power is not understood or explored much but oftentimes, soft power is the creator of long lasting positive impact. In a video not more than 3 mins long, share your thoughts and learning on the meaning of soft power at school. Further, share your own experience of another person’s soft power and its impact; along with your own display of soft power and its impact, in contrast to the more traditional form of power that we spoke of earlier. Lastly, how do you continue to plan to engage with softness now in light of the session?

Submission Specifications:
1. The assignment must be submitted in the shape of one video with 3 sections covering the 3 questions. You can make 3 separate videos and tie them together using InShot or another video app on your phone, or you can write down pointers for all 3 questions and answer them in one video of not more than 6 minutes.
2. Please ensure that the video is clear in sound quality. Please try to avoid filming with a lot of background noise. If unavoidable, please try to ensure that the volume and quality of your voice makes up for that.
3. Format of the video file must me .mp4 or .mov.
4. The assignment must be submitted by the 25th of this month.

Please email HD Videos only, use Google Drive to share if the file size is too large, I look forward to your submissions to my email ID MK@LearningForward.Org.IN

Thank you, and hope to have you catch up with the Assignments backlog, happy to help in any way.

Manisha Khanna
GSA Principal

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