Friday, July 26, 2024

War Vs Peace - Suparba Roy Choudhary

War Vs Peace 

Let's imagine a school where war and peace are represented in the daily lives of students and teachers.


Conflict: Students are always engaged in wrangles and fights with other students, leading to class disruption. It is such a feeling of confusion and clamour.

Divisions: There are formations of cliques in schools and students are grouped into a class that does not acknowledge the presence of the other. People surrender to bullying and the level of cooperation among people is low.

Stress: Most of the arguments that teachers deal with are related to discipline, and keeping learners in line consumes most of their time instead of teaching. Learning gives way to the all-important proposition of maintaining discipline.

Destruction: Tangible and intangible items are often destroyed, while the surrounding of the school seems aggressive. Learning materials are used inefficiently, and the school climate is affected.


Harmony: Students perform the tasks with the cooperation of each other, or giving a helping hand to each other. School environments particularly classrooms are orderly and have qualities that support learning.

Unity: There are also those activities which enable specially-abled students with other students to interact hence developing friendship. Actually, there are very few cases of bullying, and each student does not experience any fear for his or her safety.

Focus: The administrative workload is shifted leaving teachers free to teach, prepare good lessons/provide good teaching experiences and make students embrace learning. It brings out teamwork in the achievement of the objectives of education. 

Growth: The school climate is progressive and all stakeholders through their inputs strive to have a progressive school. Resources are utilized optimally and the school community corresponds.

In this analogy, "War" represents a hostile and unproductive school environment, while "Peace" symbolizes a supportive and flourishing educational setting.

Suparba Roy Choudhary
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

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