Tuesday, June 18, 2024

War Vs Peace - Vijeta Wilson

War Vs Peace 

I remember the day I joined Sunbeam Indiranagar with anxiety and nervousness. This was my first job as a teacher and I was so excited because I knew I was going to learn new things and figure out how to be patient with little children. 

I got a tremendous opportunity to showcase my talent and new ideas. I got to know people with different mindsets. Although it was challenging to adapt to the school policies, teaching methodology, and existing dynamics between staff and students, I really enjoyed the days with so many ups and downs.

On the other hand, there was a time when I tried to connect with new people and this success was visible because welcoming someone new always requires empathy, openness and inclusivity which has a favourable effect on the individual. puts.  

Thoughts on pros and cons (War vs. peace)

1. Benefits of joining a new place

  • Opportunities to connect with new people.
  • Getting diverse perspectives.

2. Disadvantages of joining a new place

  • Ignored
  • Unfamiliar environment
  • Challenges of fitting into the organization.

High-risk behaviour in the classroom -

As such, I have not experienced many high-risk scenarios in my classroom. But I just want to share a recent incident that happened in my class. There was a child in my class who suddenly started shouting and throwing books during class. He was not at all interested in doing any work in class. He often used abusive words in class. This would really upset the whole class.

I tried to talk to the child on my end but was unsuccessful so I gave the child a quiet place to sit (e.g. library or computer lab) and took help from the school counselor. I realized how challenging it can be for teachers to handle such situations.  While handling this situation I learned that teachers can reduce the impact of high-risk behavior and promote a safe, supportive environment in the classroom for everyone

Sunbeam Indiranagar 
Vijeta Wilson

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