Tuesday, June 4, 2024

War vs Peace - Ranjana Singh

As an educator, I feel students need a lot of support from their teachers. Today's classrooms are full of diverse learners, geniuses, talents and imaginative minds. With the advent of the AI and Machine Age, children have also lost patience. Therefore, classroom conflicts become inevitable, providing ample opportunities for teachers to cultivate a peaceful and respectful environment.

Teaching for me is a passion and a very noble act of working for society and the nation. Thus I'm trying to put a close view on the topic mentioned above. Adults feel that they live in a bitter world and are surrounded by infinite problems, but the truth is that students today are living with multifarious issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately, some of us do not understand that.

No teaching-learning can happen if students are not at peace. We, as teachers, can play a vital role in fostering a harmonious classroom ambience.

Thus comes the concept of Happy Classrooms. A classroom, where teaching-learning happens.

I remember when I joined Red Rose School as a class teacher of class 4 grade, the students were initially very quiet and introverted. Gradually they started loving me, as my classes were full of fun and play. 

I taught them but in a very sporty manner. I never studied child psychology, but from 7 o'clock to 2 pm the student's behaviour gave me enough information about them. I loved them and they became fond of me.

I learned that to create a teaching ambience, I need to create trust. To build trust, I needed to understand them and that was only possible if the class became interactive. Therefore I spoke less and gave opportunity to my children to speak. I realised they needed to be heard and I learned patience to hear them and they followed me.

To bring harmony to my class I promoted teamwork. Students enjoyed that. There were some rules which students made and the first rule was to respect each other's ideas.

Today I'm a class 12 teacher, but my methods are the same with little difference. Whatever conflicts arise in my class, my children sit together and resolve them as the first rule is still the same; to respect each other's ideas.

I ensure that each student has the opportunity to speak and be heard. I equip them with problem-solving skills through certain activities like brainstorming where children come up with a myriad of new solutions quickly. In group brainstorms, I allow everyone to state ideas. I appreciate all answers and avoid criticism. Then, organize solutions into groups around common themes. In today's scenario, it is an extremely required skill. 

Thus I'm able to overcome conflict in my classroom and my classrooms become the happy ones.

Ranjana Singh
Sunbeam Varuna.

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