Saturday, June 22, 2024

Love Learning vs Hate Learning - Ranjana Singh

My experiences have been really tough, as  I deal with teenagers. The age group 15 yrs to 18 yrs is really a very difficult age for children as they have a range of issues that is why it is categorised as a complex age. 

They have myriad issues, and the worst part is that nobody understands them. Parents have their own strict or pampering way of dealing with this age group. They have zero tolerance. Since they are not accountable to anybody, they handle their children according to their own way. 

Here the needs of children go unheard and remain unattended. This gives rise to behavioural issues in children which percolates from home but reflects in school.

Teachers have higher responsibilities to handle students' issues with care, keeping in mind the safety of each child sitting in the classroom.

I follow a few skills which my school has enriched me with to bring a better teaching-learning environment in my classroom. My classrooms are happy rooms. Though this was once not that easy. But rich experiences in Sunbeam Varuna made this possible.

Generally, it is noticed students are asked to listen and are not allowed to speak. I remember the book by Helen Keller 'The Story of My Life' where she shares her experience of college. She was desperate to go to college, but once she got admission, she realised that there are lecture-based classrooms and students are not allowed to think, create and reflect.

I made sure that in my classroom, all students get a chance to reflect. I welcomed their questions, I empowered them to choose topics and do volunteer teaching. I praised their efforts, celebrated their success and gave them positive feedback.

I build a strong and respectful relationship with students. Encouraging group work and peer-to-peer learning impacted their performance the most. Through this, I developed their love for learning. I showed them my passion for the subject I teach. I also taught them how to manage time and set goals.

By implementing these strategies, students developed a love for learning. Thus With all happiness, I look forth that children sitting in my classroom are at peace and are also ready to imbibe what I impart, making my classrooms the happy ones with effective - learning ambience.

Ranjana Singh
Sunbeam School Varuna

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