Thursday, May 30, 2024

What School Means To Me - Vijeta Wilson

"School where dreams are nurtured and futures are shaped."

Photo- Vijeta Wilson
I can't express my thoughts but it's really amazing teaching in the same school where I studied. It's a very special experience. I can't imagine how meaningful it is to be able to give back to the school that played a significant role in shaping my life and I am glad to teach in my Alma mater!

It's a basic need of every individual. It can be different things for different people. For young ones, it's a place of learning and growth in a healthy environment. Where students discover their passions and talents, laying the foundation for their upcoming future. But for me as a teacher, school is coming out of your shell and exploring the world

Sunbeam Indiranagar is the first platform of my teaching career and it's been 13 + years in this institution but I can still feel the potential to learn and grow professionally. For me, this place is full of opportunities. It inspires me to educate young minds and shape the future by imparting and inculcating valuable lessons. 
Photo- Vijeta Wilson
Every day I get up in the morning with positive thoughts and reach school with full potential to experience another day with students. In my view, being a teacher is the most rewarding and fulfilling profession that allows me to make a difference in their life.

In my view, whatever our profession is, it doesn't matter at all. School days are the best days of our lives.

Vijeta Wilson
Sunbeam School, Indiranagar 

1 comment:

  1. The text makes plagiarism from another source.


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