Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Like Vs Dislike - Ranjana Singh

Like vs Dislike

With the advent of digital platforms and exposure to social media "like" and "dislike" have taken new dimensions. The concept of "like" which specifically symbolises approval or enjoyment — can impact the phenomenon of "dislike," particularly within educational contexts.

Like and dislike can empower students, educators, and the broader educational community in various ways, fostering critical thinking, analytical thinking, engagement, and a deeper understanding of content.

The rise of digital classrooms and social media has transformed students' perspectives in an educational context. Platforms like Google Classroom, Edmodo, and even social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter allow students to express their preferences through "like" buttons. This seemingly simple feature can create an environment where positive reinforcement is readily visible and accessible. When students "like" a particular post and comment and on a piece of content, it develops a sense of shared interest. This participation strengthens the feeling of team endeavour.

However, the empowerment of "like" inherently brings the concept of "dislike" into sharper focus. In platforms where "dislike" buttons are absent, the lack of engagement (i.e., fewer "likes") can serve as a form of silent criticism. This dynamic pushes students to think critically about what content they endorse, often leading to more thoughtful interactions. Students might reflect more deeply on why certain content resonates with them while other content does not, fostering a habit of critical analysis that is essential in educational development.

"Like" mechanisms also enhance the process of constructive feedback. Whether virtual or physical, students and educators benefit from practising brainstorming, student reflection, and volunteer teaching in a classroom setting. Positive reinforcement through "likes" can highlight effective teaching methods, successful projects, or engaging discussions. Conversely, the absence of "likes" on certain materials can prompt educators to reconsider their approaches and invite feedback from students.

This process empowers students to express their preferences and encourages educators to adapt and improve. For instance, if a teacher notices that a particular type of interactive content receives more "likes" than traditional lecture notes, they might incorporate more interactive elements into their teaching strategy. This feedback loop, driven by the empowerment of "like," can lead to a more dynamic and responsive educational environment.

Additionally, it fosters a Culture of Openness and Dialogue within educational contexts. When students feel empowered to express their preferences, they are more likely to engage in discussions about why they like or dislike certain content. This dialogue can lead to a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives and promote a more inclusive classroom environment.

For example, a student might express their preference for collaborative projects over individual assignments through their engagement patterns. This preference, when openly discussed, can reveal insights into different learning styles and preferences within the classroom. Educators can then tailor their approaches to accommodate a broader range of student needs, creating a more inclusive and effective learning environment.

Therefore by leveraging the positive aspects of "like" and addressing the challenges it brings, educators and students can create a culture of continuous improvement and meaningful interaction. This balanced approach can ultimately enhance the educational experience, promoting deeper understanding and critical thinking among all participants.

Ranjana Singh
Sunbeam Varuna

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