Saturday, March 16, 2024

Love Learning vs Hate Learning - Deepti Sharma

Michelle, a child of destiny, could not hear or see. Her unimaginable condition made her emotionally distraught and ill-behaved to the extent that her father considered putting her in a mental hospital. But then her life took a turn when an ‘eccentric teacher’ entered her life.

The teacher taught her to ‘Never Give Up’.With her guidance and coaching, Michelle earned her graduation degree although it took her 19 years of failing before she could wear that graduation gown. But as life came to a full circle, a few years later Michelle's teacher was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and that's when Michelle held her teacher's hand and taught her to "Never Give Up" and helped her teacher to navigate her remaining life.

I believe that Michelle and her teacher were the luckiest student and teacher duo, to have found each other at the right time to do their part. If I can bring even a small change in my student e.g. brushing the teeth before bed or Respecting Women around, I have done my part. 

To me, the definition of a successful teacher is when her student carries a bit of her everywhere he goes. Love is an emotion of giving, caring, and never giving up. Love is an essential component of continuously trying. Just like a painting is beautiful with bright colours. The efficiency of the human brain can be enhanced with positive emotions as they affect the cognitive process of learning. 

Emotions are like an On/Off switch for learning. Emotions like joy and confidence have the power to motivate the learners whereas emotions like anger, frustration, and embarrassment are negative emotions. They can actually make the learning journey more difficult. An emotionally distorted class can be controlled by the power of positive emotions and the controlled body language of the teacher. 

Learners respond differently to the same stimuli on the basis of their emotional state of mind. Being aware of and managing one’s emotions may not be the easiest thing to do. Teachers are Superheroes in the life of learners who are juggling with complex emotions. I, being a happy teacher, facilitate ‘Super Heros’ realising their ‘Super Powers'.

Deepti Sharma 
Gyanshree School, Noida

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