Saturday, February 17, 2024

Why Relationships Matter? - Mizan Ali

A relationship is the plinth of life. It is mandatory for everyone from the womb to the tomb. A fetus has a relationship with the womb, a teacher has a relationship with his/her students, a cloud has a relationship with rain, a plant has a relationship with soil, a devotee has a relationship with deity ...and they hear the innocent and innermost thoughts and feeling of each other which are often not expressed or only hinted at, through their actions.

A healthy relationship shields not only in fair weather but equally in sickness. Standing in tranquillity even the Laburnum tree finds itself lonely as the goldfinches transform the tree and make it alive, without the goldfinch and the chicks the Laburnum is just like any other tree. 

Overall what can be deduced out of this is that if one wants to live a dynamic life one has to have healthy relationships in all possible ways. Relationships are essential to humans. It is difficult to express what is a perfect relationship but it's quite easy to be one of those perfect people who carry relationships with love, care, trust, respect and honesty. 

It always adds meaning to life and gives purpose to live life to the fullest. The success of a student depends on the relationship he or she has with his or her teacher, how much they value each other and how they develop a connection among themselves based on mutual understanding. The same goes for other relationships too. 

It's a must to maintain relationships, to keep them healthy forever, & this applies to all relationships. But if it doesn't, the sugar coating recedes with the passing of time and the relationship ends in a broken, lost situation. Only verbal commitments do not work; one needs to express his/her love, through caregiving, and gratitude, through his her body language, gestures and the way they interact.

For example, if we see a perfect classroom it means that somewhere there is a strong relationship between the teacher and the student's communication and it plays a major role in building a strong relationship whether it is verbal, visual, nonverbal or any other way. Humans can't live alone; we need healthy relationships, which is crucial for healthy and meaningful survival. 

To conclude, I must state that relationships are eternal, infinite and pure and we must contribute to them through honesty, compromise individuality communication, control and purity of heart and soul.

Mizan Ali 
Sunbeam School, Indiranagar

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