Thursday, February 1, 2024

Why Relationship Matter? - Dipty Ahuja

Relationships are the positive connections between students, teachers and the education system that foster positive social interaction and establish a nurturing environment of trust and support in schools. Learning requires effort and one of the best predictors of students' effort and engagement in school is the relationships they have with their teachers. To promote high academic standards, teachers need to create supportive social contexts and develop positive relationships with students. 

Good relationships with teachers help students feel a greater sense of belonging and connection to the school community and encourage them to participate more actively. Student engagement in learning is linked to greater academic performance and is vital for a sense of belonging. Positive relationships help students and give comfort to discussing any problems sometimes they face in their lives.

A teacher needs to carry a robust personality where students should feel secure and at the same time a teacher should be able to enforce life learning under disciplinary acts. Young children, for instance, who have challenging experiences with trust and attachment can face further difficulties with social bonds and relationship formation later in life. These impacts can create obstacles for friends and intimate relations as well as further learning and employment. Having an early foundation for building positive relationships is important, and the school plays a critical role in this.

School belonging and teacher support are often investigated as bivariate connections in academic research. A correlation between two variables might build a relationship inference. While the student-teacher relationship is considered to be one of the most important components of school belonging, nurturing this relationship needs to be a priority.

A positive relationship between a teacher and with School administration will help a teacher understand the school and job expectations very well. So, it would be easy for a teacher to achieve the expected goal. Healthy relationships bring job satisfaction among teachers which always inspires them to excel in their work towards school and students.

Last but very important i.e. relationship with parents. The parent is the child's first teacher. When a school system values and respects the relationship between a parent and a child and welcomes parents as equal partners in their child's education, parents and teachers have an opportunity to influence a child to live a positive and fulfilling life.

Dipty Ahuja
Gyanshree School, Noida 

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