Saturday, February 3, 2024

What Makes a School? - Leena Bhattacharya

Five things which come to my mind when hearing the word school? 

1. Uniform 

2. ⁠Educators

3. ⁠Learners

4. ⁠Timetable

5. ⁠Playground 

For me, school is a sacred place which should be revered. It forms the formative years of a child which in turn lays the foundation of a good pathway for them. 

I prefer the word educators over teachers as I believe that educators teach not only a particular subject but also educate children on basic life skills and moral values. 

I also believe in calling students learners as I think students apart from learning subjects also learn the importance of friendships, mutual understanding, respect, obedience, diligence, perseverance and other valuable skills needed in various social settings. Therefore schools are a sacred place for an educator, a learner and society in general.

Leena Bhattacharya
Sunbeam Suncity

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