Tuesday, February 20, 2024

War Vs Peace in Class - Deepti Sharma

Since I don’t have any high-risk classroom experience. Reading about high-risk behaviour in the classroom if I had been at Roma’s place I would try to navigate the class to calm down. I would convey a clear message to the students that such behaviour is unacceptable. 

I will counsel the child and make him/ her understand that we value him. This behaviour is not good for him to be a responsible adult one day. I would have not handled it the way Ms Roma has handled it. There are a few things that I am learning here. In this Case study Ms.Roma was guided by counsellor Ms.Uttara. 

Roma being a wonderful teacher has also proven herself to be an ideal student. The importance of calculation is realised when Ms Reshma miscalculated her response by underestimating the situation which in turn led to the deterioration of the situation. 

The students should realise that they are valued at school. They will reciprocate the same to their teachers. A teacher has to be emotionally strong only then she will raise emotionally strong students.

Deepti Sharma 
Gyanshree School, Noida 

Reflection: War versus Peace in Class

1. In your journey so far, have you been the ‘different’ student/teacher joining a new school? 
Have you been on the other side too - of welcoming a ‘different’ person into your world? How did that go?
Based on the session, reflect a little on what could have been the pros and cons of your own experience joining a new space and welcoming another joining your space. What could have been better in both, if any? Or list any possible learnings from them. 

2. Reading about high-risk behaviour in the classroom, did any incident in your classroom or outside, come to mind? If yes, how did you handle it? What was the final resolution like and does this session add some more learnings to perhaps add to your style of handling?
If you haven’t experienced a high-risk scenario in your classroom, imagine yourself to be in Roma’s place and reflect on how you would have tackled it. 

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