Saturday, January 27, 2024

What School means to me? - Sukhpreet Kaur

School means to me….

A secure place that is full of joy, happiness, respect, dedication, giving and helping to fulfil our purpose in life. It touches each and every individual who is a part of this sacred place. A place where I can learn and grow. It’s a place where I can be myself and express myself. It’s a place where I can meet people with vast experience in life. It’s a place where I can be challenged and push myself. 

It helps everyone to learn challenges and to overcome problems that may arise in everyday situations. A place where I can share my knowledge and passion for learning with my students. The school doesn’t just teach you facts and academic skills, but also discipline, social and communication skills, leadership and inculcate values. It gives a sturdy foundation to the life of the students as well as everyone around. It is also the place where I can help my students grow into responsible and successful adults. It is like an organization of the human body from cell (brick) to organism (school) where both target the harmonious development of an individual.   

It is a place where everyone gets a vision and wings to reach that vision. So, once we understand that vision clarifies purpose, life will become simpler and more meaningful.

Sukhpreet Kaur
Gyanshree School, Noida | Masterclass 2024

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