Thursday, December 28, 2023

Freedom and Peace - Saumya RPKM


Freedom is the state of independence where one can do whatever one likes without any restriction by anyone. They have the right and are free to do what they can think of (ethically). Freedom has a different meaning. because everyone has a different opinion about freedom. So, it can be called a state of mind where you have the right and freedom to do what you think.

There are three instances where we felt that more freedom at our disposal would have allowed us to realise the potential better. (experience of Mrs. N . Narula)

Instance 1- When I was in class 9th. My teacher always explained every topic in English. Because of my hesitation at that time, I was unable to ask my queries or problems from the teacher. I feel now that if I were free to ask questions from the teacher, I'd have secured better marks in class 9th.

Instance 2- As a girl, I was not allowed to wear Western dresses and go outside. I feel that, if I were permitted for the same, I would have been more confident.

Instance 3- I was not very good at Art as my art teacher never encouraged my artistic skills. So I lost interest and still couldn't draw anything confidently. I feel that If I were encouraged by my teacher, I would have gained at least some interest in Art.

We do not believe any of these issues are faced by students at the current time or these issues are sparse. Women have become more empowered and our education system has grown a lot,  promoting every student's potential.


Peace means a state of quiet or an absence of disturbance or agitation. It can also describe a relationship between people characterized by respect, justice and goodwill. Peace can describe calmness serenity and silence.

Violence - It's the act of purposefully hurting someone. Many different factors cause violent behaviour. The more these factors are present in life, the more likely we are to commit an act of violence. 

Causes people to give up peace and adopt violence -

The most common motivation for violence can be inappropriate attempts to handle emotions. Often, violence is the medium used by an individual to openly express their feelings such as anger, frustration or sadness. Other times, violence can be considered as a form of manipulation for individuals to try and get what they want or need. 

Aggressive behaviour can also be used as a form of retaliation. A means by which one uses to even the score. Other factors which can be the cause of violence -

  1. - The influence of one's peers
  2. - Having a lack of attention or respect
  3. - Having low self-worth
  4. - Experiencing abuse or neglect 
  5. - Witnessing violence in the home or community

Classrooms can be used to shape peace-loving individuals -

Students learn the skills and information necessary to resolve a conflict without resorting to violence through Peace education. Peace education is centred on the concept of social justice and non-violence. It advocates for a fair and inclusive society where people can coexist peacefully without encountering discrimination.

Ways to use the classroom to shape peace-loving individuals - 

Storytelling, role-playing games and other activities that provide children with the chance to practice interacting with one another are just a few approaches to teaching empathy. To inculcate empathy among students, you can promote social-emotional learning in the classroom. 

Teachers should prioritise peace education in their classrooms since it is a skill that can be mastered. Through peace education, you can teach students the origins of conflicts and critical thinking skills. It enables them to comprehend potential causes of conflicts which may stop them from engaging in such conflicts (violence) in the future.

Saumya @ RPK Moradabad 

Rashmi Wright (G. Leader), Ekta Sharma, Nidhi Narula, Rajni Gupta, Beena Singh, Shaifali Johri, Asha Singh 

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