Monday, November 20, 2023

Hope & Friendship - Adhya RPKM


Dealing with a student who has lost all hope

In the session of 2022, when I became the class teacher I found a girl who always remained quiet, didn't respond to the teacher's questions and always got scolded. After a few days of the same behaviour, I asked her what is the problem, but she wasn't able to explain. Some of her old classmates told me that she had lost her mother due to a long-term illness last year. 

Since then she seemed to be hopeless in her life. Being a teacher, I wanted to help her, so I encouraged her to participate in different activities first. I also tried talking to her for 15 minutes to learn her ideology every day. 

In the beginning, she hesitated but gradually started talking about different things. She also participated in different activities and started improving. Then, I started giving her tips about rapid improvement and she started following the tips. Slowly, she came out of the phase of hopelessness and passed her grade with flying colours. 

Helping a student make friends

This year when I got to teach Mathematics in a class, I faced an unusual situation with a boy who always stayed alone and sat on the last single seat. I thought it must be his fixed seat, but he was continuously sitting there for two weeks and never talked to any of his classmates. 

When I asked others, they told me that he always used to remain solitary with no friends. But as an educator, I knew the importance of having friends. So one day, I talked to him and told him about the importance of having friends. I also asked some students to break the ice with him. But he did not respond and started to ignore. 

At last, with regular trials, he had to give in, and he talked to some of his classmates. And gradually he started talking a little bit, regularly. The boy who looked boring turned out to be the most amazing with the other students. He became popular and also tried to become friends with other students in the class. 

Impact on Students 

Both students became cheerful and tried to remove their obstacles of hopelessness and loneliness by themselves. Hope and Friendship had a great and powerful impact on their life. 


As an educator, I advise that these values are significant for students as they are the future of our planet. To be confident and successful, both qualities should be inculcated in students. We should remember that students are also part of society and these values will help them in improving society.

Adhya RPKM

Deepa Khanna, Rachna Bisht, Asma Ali, Farida  Sushma Paul, Kulmeet Madan, Krishangi Sharma

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