Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Honesty and Respect- Sharda Pullabhatla

 1. Common Instances of dishonest behaviour shown by students in class-

Actually, I believe in the fact that – “Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure”. So I try my best to motivate students to be honest while dealing with any type of situation.

Be it young or old students, when it comes to giving answers they try to hide things and in that process, they tend to be dishonest at times, which may be unintentional. I feel, in such instances, they lack the thought of the consequences of being dishonest.

Let me share a few situations where students tend to be dishonest in the classroom - 

a. When students do not complete their work (homework) they start making excuses like we were not at home, Oh! I forgot to bring my notebook I had completed the task though.

b. When students do not like food that their mother has sent in their lunch box, they do not want to eat and start making excuses, that they have stomach aches, they do not feel like eating their lunch. 

c. Students of grades XI / XII give dishonest answers while they are late to class. While they move to optional subject classrooms for different subjects, they do not report on time. On enquiring by the teacher, they tend to give dishonest answers or hide the truth – by saying – “was in the washroom”, or “I was drinking water”. 

We as educators should always try our best to make students understand the importance of being honest at all times. We should teach students in all situations and all aspects – “If you want to be trusted, be honest first”. 

2. Show respect to earn respect in the classroom Respect is a two-way process – give and take. 

The same goes in classrooms also. Nowadays, students have become outspoken. They want to express what is in their head and heart, the fear of being judged in less. Hence at times, we feel they are disrespecting, however, I feel it’s the liberty that they take with teachers whom they adore, especially in higher classes. In junior classes till grade 8 or 9 still students maintain cordial relations with teachers. 

As they are more into adolescence, they tend to have good sharing relations with educators. In my grade XI while I was teaching in class, a student shouted suddenly with a loud voice on his friend as they were sitting on the last bench and arguing about something. When I asked them to share with me in front of the class, they did not want to share. 

I gazed at the situation and counselled both of them and made them sit. While the period was over I called them both in the staff room and spoke to them about it. I also told them I didn’t want them to be embarrassed or made fun of by their friends as I wanted to keep their respect. They understood it and promised not to repeat this behaviour again in class. They requested kindly not to share with our parents, but I didn’t. 

They always behave well in my class and if I meet them anywhere, they show respect and listen to me if I guide them or ask them to complete any task. We educators should be friendly with students but not be their friends, as we have to still guide them on the correct part by differentiating between right and wrong. 

Sharda Pullabhatla @ KNPS Phagwara. 

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