Friday, October 27, 2023

Happiness & Tolerance - Sharda Pullabhatla

An Unhappy Student:

I am also one of the admission team members at our school. Every day I meet students from various schools of different classes with different mindsets, skills and hobbies. Last week I met a girl child who hadn’t cleared her grade IX final exams in her previous school.

She wanted to be admitted to grade IX in our school. Her parents were very tense and worried about her being very quiet and shy. They said that until grade 7 she was an active and enthusiastic girl. However, after the lockdown, she has changed a lot and does not want to talk to anyone. 

Gradually, she became lonely and this resulted in her inattentiveness to her studies. As a result, she could not score well in grade IX exams. While I spoke to her she expressed her sadness about not having friends. She said she was unhappy because she did not have friends to share her feelings and thoughts. 

During her interaction, I motivated her to stay happy and keep smiling. I also told her that we would make new friends for her in this school. Her buddies in class will help her settle down in this new school. She may share moments of joy and happiness with them. 

Even our school Principal motivated her very much and encouraged her to perform well in class. Be happy and do every work with zeal. She told her to forget the past and put her efforts into the present task. 

She was admitted to our school. I met her every day for one week. Gradually, I noticed changes in her. It's almost 15 days since she joined our school. She is paying attention in her class studies, sharing lunch with friends, making new friends and has started smiling as well. 

Educators who wish to inculcate the value of Happiness in their students may refer to these points:

i) We should always support students. 

ii) Lend an ear to their issues and concerns. 

iii) Make them understand the positives and negatives of the situation and then resolve the issues.

An Intolerant Student -

Early morning after the assembly while students were settling down for their periodic assignment, suddenly we heard a loud noise from a teacher. I ran towards the classroom from where the disturbance was coming. Two teachers were already scolding two students involved in the quarrel.

On investigating the matter, we found out, that one of them had posted some abusive/unwanted comments on the social media account of another classmate. As a result, the first student was irate and held his collar and asked him to apologize. Instead of apologizing he commented by saying - “I have done the correct thing”. 

We made both of them sit in different rooms, gave them a glass of water, heard the complete situation and counselled them about their behaviour and approach. We spoke to them about the method they have used to solve this situation. Also asked the students to write a realisation letter, promising this shall not repeat and they shall be more tolerant in future. I also made them say sorry to each other and shake hands. 

After a week, just went to meet them and gauge the situation. While I observed them, they were not talking to each other, but then the quarrel had come to an end. My advice to teachers who wish to inculcate the value of tolerance in their students shall be –

I) Consider every situation as separate. 

II) Take action based on a case-to-case basis. 

III)Share different stories and situations where people demonstrated 'the value of tolerance to achieve victory and succeeded with students during class.

IV)Be friendly with students.

V) Be tolerant of students.

Sharda Pullabhatla @KNPS Phagwara

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