Tuesday, August 8, 2023

A fearful student & an impatient student: Aadhya RPKM

Situations where you as an educator are faced with the challenge of dealing with -

1. A Fearful Student 

2. An Impatient Student 

How did/will you deal with such kinds of students? 

As teachers, we deal with both kinds of students; In case of a fearful student, we can initiate the conversation. To understand the situation, we can do the following things: 

1. Asking about their fears - We usually  ask the child to speak up about his/her fears. What are the challenges or fears that he/she is facing? As teachers, we will try our best to help the student to overcome that fear. 

2. Connect with parents and ask them the reason- If the child does not respond about his/ her fears, we will try to connect with his/her parents to understand the actual reason behind the fearful behaviour of the child.


3. Identify the possible solutions- As teachers, we will try our best to find out the best possible solutions for helping the child. 


4. List the pros and cons of each solution- To remove the fear from the fearful student, we should make a list of all the pros and cons of the solution. It is to help teachers and the student to be mentally prepared for the consequences.

5. Create an action plan - To deal with such kinds of students, a teacher needs to prepare an action plan so the student can be more frank and outspoken to the teacher. 

6. Implement the action plan - After creating an action plan, every teacher must try their best method to implement the action plan. 

7. Help them to build self-confidence - To remove the fear from the fearful student, the teacher should be very open and frank. The teacher should  encourage such students to actively participate in all classroom activities. This will help the student develop self-confidence; His/her morale will also boost. 

Impatient Student

How to deal with impatient students- 

1. By praising them: By saying “Thank you for waiting so calmly for your turn”. For impatient students, it is one of the best ways to praise them to make them feel appreciated by their teachers. With time, they will self-generate this feeling of being praised and their habit of being impatient will slowly decrease. 

2. Help them to develop self-control - This method will be initiated by the teachers by keeping extra classes or some activities which will initially improve self-realisation and self-control among the impatient students. 

3. Motivate them to meditate daily to build inner calmness- It is one of the best and most important ways to deal with an impatient student. There must be 3-4 minutes of meditation sessions daily before starting the classes to help students develop inner calmness.

4. By telling them stories on how waiting for things sometimes makes us happier in the long run - We can deal with such kinds of students by telling them moral stories or stories which will prove beneficial for developing self-confidence subsequently leading them to become a good child with good moral values and positive attitude. 

5. Teach them to concentrate on learning rather than focusing on the outcome - To deal with such students, a teacher needs to teach them that learning is more important for them than the result or the outcome they seek in learning. We should teach them that learning improves their vision for achieving higher goals in life. 

Aadhya @ RPK Moradabad, India Deepa Khanna, Rachna Bisht, Asma, Farida, Sushma, Kulmeet, Krishangi.

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