Wednesday, August 9, 2023

A fearful and Impatient Student: Saumya RPKM

What is fear? 

Fear is a powerful and primitive human emotion which alerts us to the presence of danger. It is the good side of fear but on the other side, too much fear can harm self-confidence, it can prevent from achieving heights of success by destroying reality or being grounded in false beliefs. 

A fearful and impatient student 

There was a child in my class who used to stammer. He found it impossible to participate in any competition like poem recitation or elocution etc. When he stammered, he got anxious and when he got anxious he stammered even more. He used to sit still in the corner, knowing all the answers and just watching other kids— never participating in the activities. He also never participated in any conversations for fear that he might stammer. 

He was known as a good listener, but the fact was he just avoided talking because he knew what would happen if he spoke. I observed him for a few days to know the reason behind his behaviour: why he was so shy or different from others?

One fine day, I got to know about his stammering issue. I started talking to him, being friendly with him but he didn't involve himself much. It didn't stop me from encouraging him. I used to encourage him and provide him with chances to speak so he could regain his confidence.

It took time but his stammering lessened which boosted his confidence. Through encouragement, he got the courage and strength to face his fear and regain his lost confidence. In the teaching profession, we see these kinds of children who are struggling with speech issues. But with patience and consistency, teachers can help them. 

Advice to educators: As an educator, I and my group would like to suggest- 

  1. Teachers should deal with these kinds of children (lack of confidence, shyness etc.) with calmness. 
  2. Teachers should encourage children by giving them as many chances as possible. 
  3. Teachers should teach them the attitude of never giving up in difficult or frightening situations (like exams, competitions etc). 
  4. Teachers should boost children's morale so they can stand up on their feet firmly (without hesitation). 

"Courage is the Power of the mind to overcome fear" - Martin Luther King JR. 

Patience is the art of concealing your impatience.

In the past, I encountered an impatient student who was eager to move ahead with the lesson. To address their restlessness, I took a moment to talk with the student privately after class. I listened attentively to their concerns and empathised with their desire for more challenging material. 

I acknowledged their enthusiasm for learning and explained that while I understood their feelings, it was crucial to ensure that all students grasp the foundational concepts before progressing. 

To keep the student engaged, I promised to explore more advanced topics in the near future and encouraged them to take an active role in class discussions. 

This way, they could contribute their knowledge and potentially spark deeper conversations. By validating the student's eagerness and providing a plan for future learning, I aimed to channel their impatience into positive motivation for academic growth. 

Patience is the skill to accept or tolerate delay without becoming annoyed or anxious and without responding in disrespect or anger. 

Experience has taught me, that we undo ourselves through impatience. 

"To lose patience is to lose the battle" - By Mahatma Gandhi 

Saumya @ RPK School Moradabad

Rashmi Wright, Ekta Sharma, Rajni Gupta, Shafali Johri, Asha Singh, Beena Singh, Nidhi Narula

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