Friday, May 5, 2023

Happiness and Tolerance - Samriddhi RPKM

Situation 1
: - "An unhappy student." 

For students of any age, the death of a parent is the most challenging time. They need time to go through the grieving process. They neither have the experience to cope with this pain.  Children who experience a parent's death, especially a mother, automatically feel separate and alone. They will feel different from their classmates. They are experiencing several emotions that they have never felt before. Their stability and security have been shaken by the loss of one of the most significant people in their life. 

This was the situation that I faced when the mother of one of my students died. It was very awkward for me to console such a small child. But I tried my best to divert his mind so that he could try to overcome this pain. 

Here are a few things that I did that may assist the child through the grieving process.  As the teachers are second mothers, I tried to develop a motherhood relationship with the child. 

  • Tried to communicate with him generously and made him comfortable in the class. 
  • Gave him the time to heal from the loss, as it cannot be done in a couple of days 
  • Tried to encourage and motivate him to participate more in class and help him in his academics by providing him extra time 
  • Made the other students realise his circumstances and made them understand how to support him. 

Conclusion- The loss of a parent is irreparable to a child. He/she is too young to face such a heart-wrenching situation. This is when a child needs all the support from his/her grieving family, relatives, and society. He/she should not be left alone momentarily as it is tough for a child to cope with this terrible loss. A teacher is also a guardian of the students, and in such a situation, empathy is expected from him/her. The child should be engaged in activities in the classroom to give him/her moments where the grief is somehow pushed away for some time. The other students must also be informed about the child's situation so they do not mistreat him/her during a time of great sorrow. With the support of teachers and fellow students, the child may start to find his/her life back on track. 

Situation 2: - "An intolerant student." 

Every child has a unique personality that causes them to act differently, so you must figure out how to enhance their interest in studying in different ways. As kids age, they must recognise that not every moment can be spent playing and studying is a crucial part of their everyday lives. I remember one of my students who was least interested in studies and never completed his homework on time. He was really an intolerable student. 

Here are a few things I did to make him understand the importance of education in everyone's life. 

  • Tried to create a loving, understanding, encouraging and supportive environment. 
  • Avoid comparisons between the students. 
  • Made learning more enjoyable through games 
  • By giving him rewards for participation and completing his work on time. 
  • By giving him a round of applause from the class. 
  • By making him the discipline in charge of the class. 
  • Tried to make an environment where he could easily interact and express his opinion. 

Conclusion- Each child is unique as he/she comes from different backgrounds. Many external factors contribute to the development of a child's personality. 

The child's early perception is formed by the lessons he/she learns from his/her family, friends, and society. The student who is least interested in studying should be dealt with delicately to develop his/her interest in studies. The teacher must work on identifying the hobbies and interest areas of such students and start creating a pedagogy which suits his/her learning needs. 

The child should be given rewards for his/her participation in class activities to encourage him/her to get involved in all future activities and events. The teacher must ensure not to compare a child with others. Such a child must also be encouraged to express his/her thoughts more often. With continuous support, such a child may become a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

Samriddhi @ RPK School Moradabad 

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