Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Happiness and Tolerance - Aadhya RPKM

Dealing with Challenging Students

How did / will you deal with the student?

A) If it was a real-life situation, were you successful in helping him/her overcome their problem?

B) What is your advice to educators who want to inculcate these values in their students?

Scenario 1: An Unhappy Student

A) Our comments: We did not encounter such a situation.

B) Our Comments: If you have an “Unhappy Student” to tackle, there is no cut-and-dried formula to address such a situation. However, our group believes that under-noted suggestions may be of much help in coping with such students.

Our advice to Educators:

a) Try to ascertain the reasons for the unhappiness

b) If necessary, the parents may be contacted or counselled.

c) Motivational and appreciative words soothe the feelings

d) Make the student involved in some physical form of activities

e) Development of hobbies and creation of interest in reading books etc. are of much help also.

Scenario 2: An Intolerant Student

A) Our comments: We did not encounter such a situation.

B) Our Comments: Intolerant students are like a bull in a china shop and must be handled carefully and cautiously.

Our advice to Educators:

a) An intro with the class teacher, classmates and parents may give the insight to tackle with.

b) Motivational and appreciative words soothe the feelings

c) Make the student involved in outdoor sports activities which vent his complicated feelings for others.

d) Importance of sharing with friends and involvement in group activities to be encouraged and closely monitored with timely intervention wherever necessary would be helpful.

 Aadhya (Victorious) at RPK School Moradabad.

Deepa Khanna, Rachna Bisht, Asma, Farida, Sushma Paul, Kulmeet, Jaswant and Sunanda

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