Monday, February 27, 2023

Quality And Love - Shalini Solanki

Quality is preferred to get appreciation, and appreciation creates love for Quality. One needs to spend more to get Quality in life, be it anything. The same goes for writing. One needs to spend time and patience to get the desired Quality in work. Quality in writing is not only about beautiful handwriting but also error-free work. It requires dedication and adaptability. Anyone ready to adopt criticism and feedback can positively change their task. We all want everyone to love us and our work, as it motivates us to do better in life, but when we love ourselves and our work, it brings Quality to our lives.
Situation 1
A student who does a shoddy job with classwork and homework
A student in my class joined our school this year only in Grade 2. He was introduced to cursive writing in Grade 1 in his previous school. When he was asked to write the answer in school for the first time, He wrote something, but I couldn’t understand a word. For him, there were no capital letters, no use of margins, and no giving finger gap between words. He used to start his written work from the middle of the page. Even the Follow-up work used to make my task difficult. I spoke to the parents, but the previous school never spoke to or guided them on the written work, so they never found it essential. I made him sit next to my table and guided him to write with the rules I made for him. But the day he would sit at a different place, he would make the same mistakes again. I started rubbing his work so that he would realise his mistakes. He had to redo the work, which I wanted, to make him serious about the classroom performance. His work started getting better, but not as per my expectations. I started making dots as per the placements of the date, heading, sentences, and numbers in the margin. This helped him to get an idea about the different lines and spaces given in the notebook. His work came out really well. He learned to write capital letters and their usage. One day I took English spell check in my class, and this time his work amazed me. His work was beautiful, and he got appreciation from his peers and mentor. This love and appreciation motivated him to bring Quality to his regular classwork and follow-up work. Whenever he completes his work, he stands next to my table and waits for his work to get checked. He waits for appreciation every time, pushing him to do better. He is in love with the Quality of his own work.

Situation 2
Two underage students in a romantic relationship

I deal with Grade 2 students, and romantic relationships are experienced infrequently. But yes, I have heard them using words like love, like, and marriage. A few weeks ago, I heard two children saying ‘’I love you” to each other. Other students heard and started discussing that they both love each other and now must marry. I didn’t interfere as I wanted to read the little minds. One child raised a hand and, on permission, told me that both these children love each other and they will marry now. I very casually said…Then what is wrong with loving each other? I asked them a few questions: Don’t we love each other? Don’t you love your parents? Don’t you love your teachers and friend? For every question, they answered ‘Yes’. So I explained to them that we all love each other because we are together and care for each other. Love everyone, including plants and animals, is always good, as they love and care for us. The students were happy and didn’t discuss it further.

My approach in the first situation was-
-          To understand the reason
-          Dealing with patience 
-          Appreciation and love
-          Creating trust, yes, I can.

In the second situation- 
-          Understanding the approach
-          Not creating hype about anything
-          Dealing with emotions
-          Explaining everything
-          Didn’t avoid the situation, which could confuse little minds.

Shalini Solanki
Gyanshree School, Noida

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