Saturday, February 11, 2023

My Experience in the Happy Teachers Program - Rishona Chopra

 Joy Of Learning (JOL) is based on The Little Book of Values: Educating Children to Become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens. Learning happens through these values.

Appreciation, Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.

These values make up our life. We don't have to do anything significant to master these. Just opening a door for someone, bringing a smile to someone's face, making friends with someone, trusting someone, understanding someone, and other little acts can do it all.

All these values have an essential meaning in my life. But the one I connected to the most was - Humility and Appreciation. I am very competitive, and this value gave me the essence of appreciation and the happiness it provides. 

The greatest thing is; I get to see all these values from the teachers' perspective. I get to see what they think while dealing with children like us. 

I hope to do another session like this again!

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

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