Wednesday, February 15, 2023

KNPS Learning Academy - Icebreaker JOL Cohort 2023-24


Icebreaker questions are different ways of getting the people in your small group to talk about themselves. An easy way to encourage friendships to form in your group as you help everyone get to know each other. 

Adapted from COURAGE TO TEACH by Parker Palmer

"When I am teaching at my best, I am like a _____________________."

Fill in the blank.

For example, if I fill in Sheepdog, I add a few words why?


It maintains a space where the sheep can graze and feed themselves; it holds the sheep together in that space, constantly bringing back strays; it protects the boundaries of the space to keep dangerous predators out; and when the grazing ground is depleted, it moves with the sheep to another space where they can get the food they need.

My task in the classroom parallels this imaginative rendering of the Sheepdog's task. My students must feed themselves—that is called active learning. If they are to do so, I must take them to a place where food is available: a good text, a well-planned exercise, a generative question, and a disciplined conversation. Then, I must move them to the next feeding ground when they have learned what to learn. I must hold the group within those places, paying special attention to individuals who get lost or run away - and all the while, I must protect the group from deadly predators, like fear.

Charu Chhabra, [Feb 12, 2023 at 4:15 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a light, illuminating the path of knowledge, skills and understanding for my students. Light of hope facilitates the clarity of thoughts and insight, helping students see connections and make sense, positive energy and enthusiasm to the classroom, and creates an environment that ignites curiosity, creativity and critical thinking.

Shikha Vaid, [Feb 12, 2023, at 4:33 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a skilled leader. Unlike administrative leaders, the effective focus is on shared decision-making, teamwork, and community building. This sense of leadership to students provides opportunities for each of them to assume leadership roles.

Jyoti Bhardwaj, [Feb 12, 2023, at 4:40 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like an explorer, exploring the knowledge of my students and providing them with a platform to come up with their new ideas and thoughts, encouraging them to show their innovative and creative skills, which ultimately makes them confident of overcoming their problems.

5315191398, [Feb 12, 2023, at 4:54 PM] - please post with your name!

When I teach at my best, I am like a Polaris, navigating my students to the right path and making them learn everything creatively—encouraging a brighter outlook and developing their motor skills. I always make a friendly and fun-loving relationship with my students.

Sukhpreet, [Feb 12, 2023 at 5:17 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a *pro* (ap*pro*achable). Being light-hearted and having a positive attitude helps me quickly understand even complex core concepts for my students. An approachable attitude helps students easily connect with classmates and teachers and makes them feel more confident to face the world and difficult situations.

Shikha Vaid, [Feb 12, 2023 at 5:44 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a learner—learning with an inquisitive mind. I am trying my best to create interactive learning opportunities. The teacher can change lives with the right mix of chalk and challenges.

Shveta, [Feb 12, 2023 at 5:47 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like the Spectrum. I am ready with the versatility to impart the ultimate colours that expand the learning capacity indulging my little ones into hope, and surprise, imparting knowledge, good values, tradition, modern-day challenges and ways to resolve them within students. I strive to reach every ward so that no child is left behind. I am open to learning which gives me time to analyse. I love my profession. It gives me immense pleasure and the opportunity to be more than just what I am.

Sneha Bansal, [Feb 12, 2023 at 5:48 PM]

"When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Device, Updating and Adapting to all possible requirements to meet up to the understanding level of the students. A device can express and present the same concept in many different ways. I keep updating myself with new techniques and teaching methods like a device. In modern times, the environment is changing, so the students are. The amount of stress they handle, just like a device sending notifications continuously, communicating with them and being adaptive to the ways they prefer, has become significant. I am updating myself with the new version, 0.2,0.3 and so on, to incorporate new skills to provide students with a friendly and satisfying learning experience.

Dalbir Kaur, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:09 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a clear and transparent mirror for my students.

Hemant Jhamb, [Feb 12, 2023, at 8:10 PM]

"When I teach at my best, I am like a stockbroker. I add considerable knowledge of my kids and subtract the doubt of my children.

Pratishtha Kumar, [Feb 12, 2023, at 8:13 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like an angel. I rediscover my unique abilities and feel it's possible to help each child explore their superpower and acquire wings. The inspiration for the pupa becoming a butterfly is aloft! The magic lies in using one's potential. I am the guardian of my children. I feel responsible for their spiritual, emotional, mental and physical evolution. May God guide each one of us to provide this support system to the young ones entrusted to us

Pooja Sharma, [Feb 12, 2023, at 8:15 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Gardener. I  want my students to understand the value of beauty, which means the value of studies and their positive effects on their life. I know that there are thorns on many plants, which are the hurdles during their studies, and I will teach them how to overcome those hurdles without being harmed. I will teach them the importance of water, sunlight, and the care they have to give a plant to survive, similarly the respect and responsibility they have to give to their parents, elders and their country. While teaching, I understand that all my plants have the exact basic needs, but the technique of handling all my plants differs. As a gardener, I will grow old, but my teaching will help the nation to survive in the form of capable individuals.

Poonam Rani, [Feb 12, 2023, at 8:17 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Sculptor, making children come to life by joining and moulding the materials. I put every effort into making their and my learning worthful so that individually we all can grow at our best.

Anu Virdi, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:18 PM]

When I am teaching, I am rediscovering my unique abilities and feel it's possible to help each child explore their superpower and acquire wings.

Neha Bhalla, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:18 PM]

When  I am teaching at my best, l am like an actor. Teaching is like acting, a high-energy performance profession requiring a person to be a  role model. Still, when teachers go through training and professional development, the performance aspect of the job should be emphasised and taught.

Rajvinder Kaur, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:19 PM]

When teaching at my best, I am like a friend. I am engaged and excited about what I am teaching, and my students feel the same way. I can lead with more exciting methods, and my students remember what I have taught.

Sukhwinder Kaur, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:20 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a shadow. Shadow is always with us like I am a teacher with my students in their learning and developing stage. I always motivate and encourage them to do their job and become successful in every walk of life.

Renu Sallan, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:27 PM]

"When I teach at my best, I am like a life. Let's do some tasks and see. Gain from experiences. Let them win everything.

Pawandeep Kaur, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:29 PM]

When I teach at my best, I'm like a lake with patience, calmness, simplicity and no discrimination toward others.

Seema V Dheer, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:34 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I'm like a facilitator...When we say the teacher has to play the role of a facilitator in the classroom, the teacher should not be the king who controls the learners' activities. They should grant the learners space to let the spirits of creativity and innovation. In other words, the learners must get involved in active participation that would be represented in argumentative discussions and teamwork activities so that the process of learning becomes comprehensive. As a facilitator, my job is to support every student to do their best thinking and practice. As a facilitator, I encourage the full participation of students, promote mutual understanding, and cultivate shared responsibility among students.

Richa Kad, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:36 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a potter who shapes a student's future, like a potter shapes clay and prepares it for a purpose. The same is the case with the students, teacher shapes the students' minds and makes them well-developed personalities to live a successful and self-sufficient life ahead.

Priya Sharma, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:45 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a learner because great teachers are heroes in the 🌎 world. As a learner, I will try to be one with my students and help increase their knowledge.

Iqneet Kaur, [Feb 12, 2023, at 8:47 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I'm like a lake  🌅🌅🌅🏞🏞🏞  Because of patience, calmness, simplicity and no discrimination towards others. Bearing the same qualities and feelings, I impart my knowledge to my students in and outside the class.

Esh B, [Feb 12, 2023, at 8:53 PM]

​When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Parrot🦜 keep answering every query, whether meaningful or not. Parrots🦜🦜 are striking, beautiful, impressive and entertaining pets to have. They make excellent companions. Their colourful patterns🌈⭐️🌈⭐️ and cute mannerisms, including picking things up with their feet 🐾 and climbing with their bills, endears them to us all. Similarly, in the classroom, my student🧍🧍‍♀🏃‍♀👫  enjoy with me when I am picking every thought from them ❤️❤️❤️.

Satinder KAUR Rai, [Feb 12, 2023 at 8:54 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a soldier who gives everything for the safety and prosperity of his fellow citizens. Always try to guide my students towards the right path, provide them with knowledge, build their courage and confidence, remove negativity and create optimistic approaches.

Veena, [Feb 12, 2023 at 9:07 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a mother who understands what the child is doing or needs makes no difference between the students. Take care of all and gives equal attention to all. Teaches the right things and teach moral values so that they become a good citizen.

Kusam Roslin, [Feb 12, 2023 at 9:07 PM]

When I'm teaching at my best, I'm like a Waterfall, pouring down knowledge and wisdom. I find my students to be the rivers carrying the resources of knowledge and wisdom, paving their way through life's challenges".

Seema Dutt, [Feb 12, 2023 at 9:12 PM]

I see myself as an Artist. I take up words and try to create images. I show children the beauty, magic, and rhythm of words. I bring the characters to life. I have always believed in feeling the characters and situations. While teaching language, I encourage children to imagine.

Malti Duggal, [Feb 12, 2023, at 9:13 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like an aurora. As a natural light display that shimmers in the classroom, always bright and charming. I make students curious about the more profound meaning and understanding of surroundings and beyond. That allows students to venture out of their comfort zone; in the end, the rewards are worth it. It takes them to the other world and, at the same time, brings them back to reality with a brilliant mind and sparkling eyes. I glow with excitement to teach them, I attract them to the magnetic field of learning, and they're always full of wonder. That's how they light up with me!

Ramandeep Kaur, [Feb 12, 2023, at 9:20 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I  am like a mother. I inspire my little  Stars 🌟  to do their best and help them strive for goals.

Nirmaljit Kaur, [Feb 12, 2023 at 9:28 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a flower because 🌺🌻🌹🌷flower gives us fragrance. Like flowers, I always try to spread fragrance in the form of knowledge to my students. 💐🌷🌹🪷

Manjinder Kaur, [Feb 12, 2023 at 9:31 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I engage my students and provide them with every opportunity to explore and understand the concept.

Dimple Bhatia, [Feb 12, 2023 at 9:31 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a banker who multiplies and adds happiness and knowledge, subtracts and divides sorrows. I play with numbers and variables and encourage children to do the same. I motivate them to enjoy solving problems; it provides us with solutions.

Sharda, [Feb 12, 2023 at 9:46 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like Passionate Captain who creates a positive learning environment and inspires students to reach their full potential. A Passionate Captain is like a person who is commonly referred to as a keen teacher. A passionate captain possesses the qualities you mentioned and is an "empathetic teacher." This term emphasises the ability to understand and connect with students, helping them overcome their fears and feel supported in their learning journey.

Chahat Sharma, [Feb 12, 2023 at 9:48 PM]

When I'm teaching at my best, I am like a compass. I think of myself as an instrument to guide my students towards the better direction of their choices. I am also a mirror to make them measure their strengths and weaknesses.

Baljit Kaur, [Feb 12, 2023 at 9:59 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a creator. I Work as a knowledge repository with the patience and confidence to take responsibility for the student's future. I only want to see my students successful and happy. Through my magic of education, I want to raise my students' lifestyles and mind levels. Also, I want to navigate my students to the right path and make them learn everything creatively.

Meenakshi Sharma, [Feb 12, 2023, at 10:02 PM]

When I'm teaching at my best, I am like a knight. I teach my children to be brave and self-tap their shoulders when they achieve more extraordinary things. Being noble is all I teach.

Jyoti Kalra, [Feb 12, 2023, at 10:09 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am passionate, versatile and truthful. I am ready with the versatility to impart the ultimate colours that expand the learning capacity indulging my little ones into hope, and surprise, imparting knowledge, good values, tradition, modern-day challenges and ways to resolve them within students. I strive to reach every ward so that no child is left behind. I always motivate and encourage them to do their job and become successful in Every Walk of life so that individuals can grow at their best.

Pooja Bawa, [Feb 12, 2023 at 10:13 PM]

When I'm teaching at my best, I am like a friend to my students. A teacher must be a friend to students because students respond better to friendship than to authority. If the student perceives his teacher as his friend, he will not hesitate to air his doubts. A friend is someone who understands you and someone you can depend on.

Pallavi Malhotra, [Feb 12, 2023 at 10:41 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Dronacharya, teaching the subject matter and trying to build my students into wholesome people. Excellent Intellectually, Spiritually, Physically, Morally and Emotionally. This is my Prime duty.

Vasudha Bathla, [Fe 12, 2023 at 11:07 PM]

When I am  teaching at my best, I am like a learner because great teachers are heroes in the world that has a lot to learn and do their best for society. As a learner, I will be one with my students and help to increase their as well as my knowledge.

Simarjeet, [Feb 12, 2023 at 11:51 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Horse to win the goal of teaching the students as well as possible through experimental learning.

Anjali, [Feb 13, 2023 at 12:23 AM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a juggler because 30 to 40 students have different abilities and learning styles in class. I cater to the competing needs and demands of every student.

Nidhi Thakur, [Feb 13, 2023 at 6:18 AM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a Stockbroker, who multiplies and adds happiness and knowledge, subtracts and divides sorrows.

Kumari Reena, [Feb 13, 2023, at 7:00 AM]

When I am teaching at my best, I'm like a Mother... Listen to all my kids showering love on them, try to understand their basic needs accept diversity in them, learn many things from them and show them the right path. Try to teach them as well as possible.

Sujata Sharma, [Feb 13, 2023 at 8:38 AM]

When I am teaching my best, I am like the Sun. Sun gives us light and energy. I always try my best to spread my knowledge among the students. So that they can grasp knowledge and be able to achieve their goals in life. I always try to rise like a 🌞 sun that fills empty and dark minds with the light of education. Let's Remember: one book, pen, child, and teacher can change the world. A good teacher can change everything. I always try to become one!!

Kanchan Gold, [Feb 13, 2023, at 10:23 AM]

When I am teaching at my best, I see myself as an Artist 🎨. I take up words and try to create images with them. I try to show children beauty. I try to bring the characters to life. I have always believed in feeling the characters and situations we discuss. I try to encourage children to imagine.😊

I, [Feb 13, 2023 at 11:51 AM] - we do not have a name for this teacher, please.

When  I teach at my best, I am like a musician who gives rhythm to students' lives and makes their bodies and souls rhythmic.

Jaswinder Kaur, [Feb 13, 2023 at 4:45 PM]

When I am teaching at my best, I am like a learner because great teachers are heroes in the world that has a lot to learn and do their best for society. As a learner, I will be one with my students and help increase their knowledge. 

Learning Forward India Foundation
helps you grow the capacity of your people to improve student achievement and transform your school into a culture of trust and collaboration in less time with fewer resources. We design teachers' training programs that meet your unique needs and improve teaching and learning in your school. 

Kamla Nehru Public School at Phagwara has established a Learning Academy that works for every teacher's personal and social development.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing to see the vibrant thoughts of team KNPS.


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