Monday, January 30, 2023

Thoughtfulness and Understanding - Nitin Sharma

The next activity conducted in the school was The Joy of Giving. Here, students were requested to bring their old belongings, which are no longer in use but in good condition to be given to the needy. For this activity, a Joy of Giving corner was established in the school; daily, students brought some valuable items for others. The more thoughtful you are of others, the more brilliant they will be of you. The more you respect them, the more you will win their respect. Thoughtfulness is a manner which is kind and considerate of others or acts with thought and good sense. Here I would like to share one activity done in the classroom to write one positive thing about your friend. To my goodness, the students wrote one entire paragraph about their friends for that particular quality.

A few days back, I got a complaint regarding a student regarding her behaviour with a school maid, so in this context. I had taken one session in that class where a discussion was done with the students on student code, wherein we discussed the kind of behaviour the students must exhibit in the school, classroom, with the school maids and even with the maids at home. A conversation was brought up on gratitude; we should be thankful to our mothers for the delicious food they cook for us and never disrespect them by saying I will not eat it because it’s not tasty. After this session, that girl realised her mistake and felt sorry for her behaviour. Also, in school, when a student gets sick, the classmates share get well soon cards with them.

Your one act of Kindness can change the world of others. It gives us a feeling of happiness, which is also suitable for our wellness. In the school, on my floor, daily, I see a girl student who cannot walk properly, and two of her friends are always with her to hold her bag and help her up the stairs. Some students are very kind and lend a helping hand to each other whenever someone is in need, which is good for our society as we’re gonna get responsible citizens.

Conducted one activity in the class on Understanding and thoughtfulness where students expressed their views on thoughtfulness and shared their examples on Understanding.


Mutual understanding is the backbone of every happy accurate understanding. Good and evil go hand-in-hand; everyone has some positive and negative aspects as well; we must embrace all of this in our understanding. Similarly, Understanding is very Understanding a student Understanding You need to understand your students to teach them. Try to listen to your students; what their need is. The same goes for a student. One should understand their teacher and show their best behaviour. Misunderstanding can lead to conflicts to make any relationship successful. Understanding is the key.

In the end, I want to share that.

“ Understanding is an Art and not. Everyone is an Artist.”
But with the right tools and your efforts, you can learn the art!

~ Thank You!

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