Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Unity and Caring - Mridula Renjit & Preeti Mahajan



The children were given the task of decorating the class for Christmas. Initially, each of them was in the mood for competition. Each wanted their Santa, bell, and streamer to be in the centre. Then I told them the story of ‘one stick can be broken easily, but a bundle of sticks is difficult to break.’ It was explained to them that they should plan and see how everyone’s work can be displayed to enhance the overall look of the class.

Children really understood the beauty and strength of Unity. The scenes that followed were a treat to watch. First, they made an overall plan of the materials and how these can be placed. Then, the tallest girl stood on the chair, others passed on the material, stapler, and tape, and in a well-coordinated manner, the task was accomplished.

The students said that they enjoyed picking out things made by their classmates and putting them up for decoration. Even the ones whose work was kept in reserve for next time did not feel left out. Finally, it was a united team effort.

Then students discussed how working for one united team, they enjoyed the task, and beautiful work was displayed in the end. As the teacher there, I realised that the finer qualities are there in all the children. We have to try to bring it out in classroom situations. We innately try to be united as it gives security and brings out appreciation from the group. This innate quality sometimes needs a push to find expression.


The children were divided into three groups, each given a situation to act out.

Group 1

One child of the group forgot to carry lunch for a picnic. The children acted out as if that child was quiet and did not even tell his teacher that he was without lunch. And then, one child finds out and tells the entire group. Then they share their favourite eatables with the child, and not just that, they all ensure he does not feel left out or hungry or misses his home.

Group 2

The students find an injured puppy. The children acted out that they picked up the dog. Foremost they try to find out if its mother is around. They didn’t find it, so they took the pup to one of the child’s homes. They feed the hungry puppy. Then they make an appointment with the nearest vet and get the necessary treatment.

Group 3

There is a lonely elderly person in their lane. The children acted out how they visited the elderly lady, talked to her regularly, and asked her to act as a referee in their badminton match. They try to give her company and ensure she does not feel lonely. After the tasks the teacher tells them in each situation, they displayed an extreme sense of caring, and this is how we should behave in real-life situations.

Mridula Renjit & Preti Mahajan
Ahlcon Public School

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