Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Freedom and Peace - Laxmi Kant Bhatt

is a state of independence where you can do what you like without restrictions. Moreover, it can be called a state of mind where you have the right and freedom to do what you think.

Here are the three instances where I felt that more freedom at my disposal would have allowed me to realise my potential better:

Instance 1 – When I was in grade 9th. or 10th. I was in my school volleyball team. Volleyball was my passion. In addition to Volleyball, I also liked playing cricket. Once there was an actual interschool event, cricket. I wanted to participate in that competition as I loved playing cricket and wanted my skills to be enhanced. But the team was already selected without any selection. I went to the coach to give me a chance and prove that I was worthy of playing for the team, but the coach trusted the captain and did not give me a chance to prove myself. Hence, I was ignored and not allowed to enhance my skills.

Instance 2 – I wished to learn to drive a car as a teenager. Those days it was rare for people to drive cars. Only trained people could do it. I could not learn how to navigate the car as I could not find anyone who could have taught me. My parents were also very possessive in matters like these and never allowed me to go and learn how to drive from a stranger. Therefore, I could not learn how to drive a car which created a phobia in my head, and I had trouble learning how to drive in my thirties.

Instance 3 - I wanted to take my career to a higher level by going abroad. I received a call from a good and well-known school from abroad. My mother used to live alone then, so I had to compromise the opportunity for my mother. As she was an old woman and needed constant support and someone to look after her, and being the only child, I had to stay.

cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding – Albert Einstein.

Peace may have different meanings for everyone, but to me, it means learning how to deal with a conflict in a way that doesn't put anyone's rights over others. It is learning how to resolve a dispute without destroying an individual's respect and reputation. We should encourage students to work peacefully and respectfully. If you have an annual event like a poetry recitation, musical or an act, then you should appoint the theme of 'Peace' and challenge students to find stories, poems and songs about peace. They can also make posters and paint pictures of peace and what it means to them. It can be beneficial and teach students how to maintain peace and live equally and supportively.


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

स्वतंत्रता और शांति - ज्योति तड़ियाल

स्वतंत्रता और शांति
स्वतंत्रता का शाब्दिक अर्थ है – स्व+तंत्र+ता अर्थात स्वयं की इच्छा के अनुसार कार्य करना। जब हम स्वयं की इच्छानुसार मार्ग चयनित करते हैं और ऐच्छिक कार्य कर पाते हैं।

तिलक जी के अनुसार, “ स्वतंत्रता मनुष्य का जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार है।” यानि कि स्वतंत्रता हमारा अधिकार है और यदि कोई इसका हनन करता है तो भारतीय संविधान हमें सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है। परंतु बंधनहीन स्वतंत्रता अराजकता उत्पन्न करती है।

फ़्रांस के महान दार्शनिक रूसो ने लिखा था, “ मनुष्य स्वतंत्र पैदा हुआ है, किंतु वह सर्वत्र बंधनों में जकड़ा हुआ है।“ रूसो का यह कथन फ़्रांस की राजक्रांति का नेतृत्व वाक्य बना और वह १७८९ में राजशाही से मुक्त हो गया।

विद्यार्थी जीवन की तीन घटनाएं जब मुझे स्वतंत्रता का अभाव अनुभव हुआ –
प्रथम – विषय चयन के समय मुझे अपना चयनित विषय नहीं मिल पा रहा था। कारण अंक कम आना। शिक्षिका की प्रतिक्रिया स्वाभाविक थी क्योंकि उन्हें अपने परीक्षाफल का भय था। परंतु उस विषय में मेरी पकड़ ठीक ठाक थी। केवल १२ वीं कक्षा में अंक कम आए थे। फिर भी क्यों हमें इस बात की स्वतंत्रता नहीं मिलती कि मेहनत से परिणाम सुधारा जा सकता है। बहरहाल बहुत परेशानियों के बाद मुझे वह विषय मिला और स्नातक में मेरे उसी विषय में सर्वाधिक अंक थे।

द्वितीय – बात कक्षा ८ की है। नए ऐच्छिक विषय के रूप में मेरे द्वारा संगीत का चयन किया गया। परंतु अध्यापिका को मेरी आवाज़ पसंद नहीं आई। मुझे अवसर ही नहीं मिल पाया। और विवशता में कला विषय कर चयन करना पड़ा। तृतीय – कभी कभी केवल ऊपरी तौर पर देख लेने भर से ही किसी के प्रति राय बना ली जाती है। कक्षा में भी जो छात्र थोड़ा संकोची होता है, उसे कुछ उत्तरदायित्व ही नहीं दिया जाता और प्रायः ऐसी परिस्थितियों से हम परिचित होते ही रहते हैं।

सार यही है कि केवल पुस्तकीय भाषा में स्वतंत्रता लिखने भर से ही स्वतंत्रता नहीं मिलती इसके लिए हृदय विशाल और धैर्य धारण करना आवश्यक है। साथ ही यह कुछ बंधनसहित होनी चाहिए।

शांति वह मानसिक अवस्था है जब मस्तिष्क तनाव व हिंसा से मुक्त हो। जब असफलता का भय मनुष्य को पीड़ित न करे। जब किए गए कार्य में कोई मीन मेख न निकले। जब दूसरे को नीचा दिखाने किर इच्छा बलवती न हो। देखा जाए तो अनेक सामाजिक कारण ऐसे होते हैं जब किसी के द्वारा शांति का मार्ग छोड़ हिंसा का मार्ग पकड़ लिया जाता है।

हम प्रायः अपने विद्यालय या आस पास भी ऐसा देखते हैं कि कुछ विद्यार्थी स्वयं को ठीक से प्रकट नहीं कर पाते हैं और हिंसक हो उठते हैं, कई बार ऐसा भी होता है कि दूसरे विद्यार्थियों पर प्रभाव जमाने के लिए कुछ विद्यार्थी उग्र व हिंसक हो उठते हैं।

कक्षा कक्ष के संदर्भ में वायलेंस शब्द के अनेक अर्थ लिए जा सकते हैं। जैसे – हिंसा, आवेग, उग्रता, उग्र व्यवहार, बल, तीव्रता, उत्पात आदि। मेरा मानना है कि कक्षा में वायलेंस शब्द को भली भांति विद्यार्थियों को समझाया जाना चाहिए। इनका भेद भी स्पष्ट करना चाहिए कि केवल बल प्रयोग ही वायलेंस नहीं है। मौखिक व्यवहार द्वारा किसी को दुःखी करना भी वायलेंस है।

मेरा मानना है कि आज सबके ऊपर अपेक्षाओं का इतना भार है कि न चाहते हुए भी वह वायलेंस का शिकार हो जाता है, शांति कोसों दूर चली जाती है। इसलिए परिवार, विद्यालय, संस्थाओं, कार्यालयों का यह दायित्व बन जाता है कि वे यथासंभव वातावरण को शांत बनाए रखने का प्रयत्न करें, जिससे वॉयलेंस में कमी आ सके।

लक्ष्य कठिन अवश्य है परंतु असंभव नहीं है और पहल करने से ही अगर सफलता मिल पाएगी।।

ज्योति तड़ियाल
द दून गर्ल्स स्कूल

Monday, November 28, 2022

Peace and Freedom - Nitin Sharma

Freedom is the ability to make decisions for ourselves. We’re free to think and speak our minds, to choose our own path in life. This allows us to be individuals and create our own unique life. In Fact, Freedom is a fundamental human right.

This pursuit of Freedom begins at home, where we’re taught how to think about ourselves and others – and how to behave if we want to continue to receive love and acceptance from those closest to us.

As children, from an early age, we believe that Freedom means doing what makes other people happy and avoiding anything that makes them unhappy. Here I would like to share my own instances when I was a student. When I had finished my schooling and started college, at that time, my mother used to say not to talk to anyone, especially boys. Not to pass any smile unnecessarily. Even so many restrictions on my way of dressing up. Under all these restrictions, I made myself a hushed girl. I feel its impact even today on my personality. Now being quiet has become my habit, and I put all my best effort into coming out of this zone and actively participating in any conversation.

        1. As a girl, I was not allowed to play outside in the open ground or adopt any game or sport. I was confined to playing inside the house or on nearby streets. So, it was just my dream to be a good player.

        2. Even after my graduation, I was not allowed to choose a degree of my own for this, I had to go to the Southern part of the country, so I had to compromise.

So here I feel that if I had been granted Freedom, I would have been different. Thus The right to liberty is essential because it allows us to have power over our own lives and to strive for a better life. It’s one of the fundamental rights we all deserve as human beings, regardless of where we live or our circumstances.

  • Freedom is essential because it allows us to live a life without fear or oppression from those who would seek our enslavement through force or coercion.

Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in which there is no hostility and violence. Fear of failure or of success disturbs our inner Peace. Many factors are responsible for violence in our society, such as bad parenting and genetic or brain injury. Even some Environmental factors are also responsible for it. In our schools, we see some students who cannot express their feelings and become violent. I noticed that after two years of the Pandemic, when students were there for face-to-face learning in the school, their behaviour changed. They are more violent. So we need to promote Peace in our classrooms. I think this is possible through some yoga classes to channel their energy and help students overcome stress through exercises and exploring our students. Our schools should promote some activities to teach students the importance of Peace. For example, in our schools, we preach United Nations Sustainable goals. From Nursery to Twelve, students are familiar with all the SDGs. Goal no. 16, Peace, justice and strong institutions. We promoted this goal three years back when all classes were involved in peace prayers. So, this is a joint effort, and we all need to come ahead to make peaceful societies in this world so that this Earth is a better place to live in.

Nitin Sharma 
Kamla Nehru Public School

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Freedom and Peace - Jaspreet Kaur

Freedom means we can do anything according to our abilities and inner potential. There are numerous instances where I felt that my potential was not encouraged during my school period. Here I would like to write about 3 Instances as a student where I felt that more freedom at my disposal would be allowed me to realize my potential in a better way: - 

1st Instance- During my school Sports Meet, my teachers always selected a few students who were their favourites in various games. They never gave me a chance to explore my skills in badminton. Although I played with my friends and brother in the evening and always won, my sports teacher never gave me a chance to show my talent in school. My parents also requested them, but they always ignored their pleas. I still think I might be a good player if my teacher showed trust in me and if they gave me the freedom to play on the ground. I knew many of my friends too, who were very good and never got a chance to play at State or National level.

2nd Instance- I was not very good at Art as my art teacher never encouraged my artistic skills. It is the moral duty of every teacher to give equal chances to every student, whether they have some incapabilities. Real teachers always teach from the heart, not from any book. Whenever I did something wrong in my drawing book, my teacher scolded me and said, “Never try to do art; you can’t do it”. Gradually, I lost interest and still couldn’t draw anything confidently.

3rd Instance- As a student, I always hesitated while speaking in mike as my teachers never motivated me to speak in morning assemblies or functions. Mostly they have chosen monitors of the class or some favourite learners.  Today’s scenario has totally changed. Now teachers give a chance to each and every student. They give freedom to everyone to explore their hidden potential. In our school, we also give the whole class chances and help them be confident. We are promoting SDG goal number 4, Quality Education.

Causes people to give us peace and adopt violence: -

Peace is a situation or period in which there is no war or violence in a country or area. There are numerous reasons that people adopt violence and give up peace. The primary reason for the violence is now people have less patience than before. Young people can’t tolerate any suggestion given by their parents.

The next reason is work pressure and frustration; when people feel overburdened, they adopt violent methods. Moreover, disagreements in opinions also play a vital role in adopting violence and giving us peace. Teachers play a crucial role in the classrooms and in society. When there is any conflict between students, teachers must counsel them by giving real-life examples where small conflicts lead to violence. In this way, they can understand the significance of peace in society. Teachers must share meaningful folktales related to freedom and peace in the classrooms. During Assemblies, teachers can share keywords and names of persons who receive Nobel peace prizes. The biographies can be shared, for instance – The biography of Malala Yousafzai, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa. Teachers must connect some lessons with peace. In our school, we connect our lessons with SDGs. We are promoting SDG goal 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institution.

Jaspreet Kaur 

Kamla Nehru Public School, Punjab

Freedom and Peace - Preeti Mahajan and Mridula Renjit


"Freedom is not the right to do what we please. But it is the opportunity to do what is right."

Being a girl is cool, but it is not always easy. For no good reason, girls are not always given the same opportunities as boys. Just sharing when I was denied the freedom to be on my own.

1. I wanted to go abroad to pursue higher education because of the restricted atmosphere at home. I had to compromise on my passion.

2. I wanted to pursue music as my career, but then, I was not given the freedom to choose my subject of choice.

3. I wanted to keep a full-time maid for the household chores so that I could devote more quality time to my kids. But I could not take this decision independently. My freedom to take such decisions was curtailed, and I had to compromise again.

Yes, definitely; there are many occasions where I still feel I am not free to take my own decisions. But no regrets so far because we have to make certain compromises when we are in a family. We want to bring so many improvements in our lifestyle, our qualifications, our style of dressing, our way of upbringing our own children, and in adopting new teaching methods in school. Still, the bitter reality is that we all must adhere to certain restrictions and can't take decisions independently or freely.


Why do people give up the peace and adopt violence? There are many reasons for giving up peace and adopting violence. Man is a product of his circumstances. There are several reasons for violent behaviour.

A few are mentioned below:

1. Neglect at home.

2. Lack of self-respect.

3. Low self-worth.

4. Peer influence.

5. Witnessing violence at home or community.

6. Impact of social media.

7. Availability of weapons.

How can we use the classrooms to shape peace-loving individuals?

• The critical action in promoting peace is education. Teachers are more than educators: mentors, event coordinators, monitoring and evaluation experts, curriculum specialists, conflict negotiators, administrators, and social change makers. One role of teachers that may be overlooked is peace builder. With ongoing global conflict, teachers must expose their students to those global issues and incite motivation in their students to be advocates for peace, both in their local communities and globally.

• Peace can be made the theme of various events like Sports day and the Annual day.

• Literary activities like debate, declamation, poem recitation, one-act play etc., can be conducted on the theme 'Peace.'

• no-bullying policy should be adopted strictly.

• moral lectures on peace and tolerance should be imparted.

• Board decoration, poster making, poem writing, story narration - all these activities should be done with the theme PEACE and HARMONY.

Ms Preeti Mahajan
Ms Mridula Ranjit
Ahlcon Public School
JOL cohorts

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Freedom and Peace - Joy Of Learning Program Session 8

Freedom and Peace (Session 8 for the Happy Teachers JOL Cohort 2022)

Present: Anvesha Rana, Arav Agarwal, Guneet Kaur, Jugjiv Singh, Jyoti Tadiyal, Kunal Rajpurohit, Laxmi Kant Bhatt, Monisha Dutt, Mridula Renjit, Preeti Mahajan, Rishona Chopra and Roopa Bhattacharyya.

The takeaway from the learning session:

  1. Students need to understand what Freedom is in its true sense and how Freedom makes us different from animals, adding to our humanity. Freedom means to be able to do what we want but within the limit of the social fabric.

  2. Freedom is a state of mind where you have the right and Freedom to do what you can think of, but at the same time, we should remember that our Freedom should not disregard the rights of others. Freedom in its most proper form should not affect or alter the needs of others. 

  3. When we have to be culturally unique, some amount of Freedom takes courage to disregard the current norm and beliefs of society. मनुष्य स्वतंत्र जन्म लेता है परंतु सर्वत्र बंधनों में जकड़ा होता है।

  4. Freedom, to some extent, is contextual also; what a child is free to do in sports, period, may not be allowed in an academic one. We are born free, but the constraints that we allow are: 

  • Be non-judgemental and let others also be free 

  • Be responsible for your decisions, for your choices

  • Be clear about what you want to be free about 

  1. Humans do not need Freedom, but animals, birds and trees need Freedom. For example, if we keep an animal in a cage for some time, it will start feeling uncomfortable and making noise, but when we let it out, it will be happy. So, with Freedom comes joy and Peace. Facilitates individuals in realising their true selves and is crucial for pursuing happiness. 

  2. With great Freedom comes great responsibility, but to be free, you need to return to society in some way or another. Ask the students to do whatever they want in these margins for specific rules and regulations.                                                     

  3. Responsibility makes you accessible; let them ask, think, and do, but let them be themselves. Try to find out the problem, accept it wholeheartedly and work on it, giving Freedom to the children for their reflections. The definition of Freedom is ever-evolving. 

  4. Freedom of thought and Freedom of choice gives us confidence. The aim of Freedom should be to provide us with Peace. Freedom from disturbance, anxiety, war and distress, tranquillity. Peace makes us confident. तनावमुक्त, भयमुक्त वातावरण ही शांति प्रदान करता है।

  5. It's a feeling of pleasure, satisfaction, fulfilment and joy. Peace is Freedom from the noise and disturbance in our minds. Peace is to be in harmony with yourself, with everyone around you and with the entire world. "The more in harmony with yourself, the more joyful you are, and the more faithful you are. Faith is not to disconnect you from reality. It connects you to reality."— Paulo Coelho.                          

  6. Peace cannot come without Freedom, and Freedom cannot come without the ability to make your own decisions and choices. Nobody can give us Peace. It is something we create. Peace and Freedom are our choices, and we can be peaceful and free only by choosing to be. 

"I really loved and enjoyed today's session! Discussing Freedom and Peace has brought me a lot of joy and calmness. Looking at the current scenario and the kind of pressure that people of all age groups feel, trying to bring about Freedom and Peace in our lives and others is the need of the hour". - Guneet Kaur, Mussoorie Public School
- Big thank you, Anvesha Rana, for this report. Our Interns at My Good School do us proud.

Freedom and Peace - Rishona Chopra

Freedom as we know, of course, is the joy of feeling free & and doing what we want, to simply have freedom. We can do what we want, but freedom has its own limits. It's not that we cut the wings on the bird, but it's like a summer-adapted bird goes to Antarctica. Can it? It might die... Similarly, freedom is to have the initial and foremost rights and the right to do good deeds, not bad ones.

When someone says, "you are not good at drawing at all. I am much better." These things hurt us, and then when people say things that hurt us, they capture our thoughts. We usually start criticizing ourselves. Their thoughts about us capture our thoughts. What people say about us is not necessarily who we are. 

We are who we think we are, so if we start thinking about ourselves as someone else thinks, our thoughts are not free. We are not free at all. So people can say what they want to, of course, if they say something we must see if what they are saying is true but if not then don't think about what they say because if your mind doesn't have free thoughts, then you are not free and if you are not free then how will you be happy and if you are not satisfied then how will you feel peace and if you have no peace then you don't have a wonderful, happy and peaceful life. And I'm sure all of us want a happy life. Don't we?

Freedom in the classroom is quite essential; the Montessori teaching style aims to make the child more thoughtful and independent. Freedom for thought and doing. In the book "Lord Of The Flies" a group of boys are left alone on an island for the first few days the enjoy, but after a few days, they need someone to guide them. So freedom doesn't just depend on you but the proper process with which we need some guidance.

Freedom and peace are pretty related; peace starts when space starts. Peace, in my opinion, is something you can't describe. It's a feeling of pleasure, satisfaction, fulfilment and joy. Peace is freedom from the noise in our minds. Today let us pledge, "Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me". "The more in harmony with yourself, the more joyful you are, and the more faithful you are. Faith does not disconnect you from reality; it connects you to reality." — Paulo Coelho Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Hope and Friendship - Preeti Mahajan

“Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try.
Once you choose hope, anything is possible.”

Life is a roller coaster ride. We all face ups and downs in the course of life. The only weapon that helps
us to sail through the darkest of times is hope.

My Observation
A girl in class 8, Vibhuti (name changed), lost her parents in a car accident. She was an average student, but post the tragedy, she became utterly hopeless and pessimistic in her approach to life.

The effort from my side.
Vibhuti was given individual attention in class. Many times, counselling and guidance were provided to her. Personalised notes and test papers were given to her. She was made comfortable to ask and discuss her personal problems and challenges. In due course of time, she regained her lost hope and interest. Instead, her academic performance also improved.

“True friends are like diamonds bright, beautiful, valuable and always in style.”

My observation
A child named Zoya (name changed) in class 8 was a reserved and quiet girl. No friend circle at all. She occupied the last seat always and often found herself lost in her thoughts only. At times, she was quarrelsome and short-tempered also. This indifferent behaviour made her isolated from her entire class.

Action taken
Zoya was counselled for her indifferent behaviour. She was convinced to sit and mix up with the
students of a class. She was given group tasks like board decoration, copy collection, group projects,
enacting plays and many more to make her converse, interact and talk with her classmates. She was
appreciated for her excellent performance and transformation.

Advice to the educators

Children are like soft clay, ready to be moulded and shaped by us, the sculptors.
Observe the child deeply.
Take the right action at the earliest.
Hold their hands firmly.
Show them the light so that they can traverse even the darkest tunnel in their life smoothly.

Ms Preeti Mahajan
Ahlcon Public School
JOL Cohort 2022

Hope and Friendship - Roopa Bhattacharyya and Mridula Renjit

A child who has lost hope
In Primary classes, there generally are no children who have lost hope. But if there is such a child, the child will feel left out. She will not participate in group activities, which will affect learning outcomes. She will feel demotivated to even come to school. The unhappiness will affect all learning areas like reading, numeracy, awareness, observation and communication.

The intervention on the teacher's side is, first of all, the identification of the child. The child will be made to sit with a vivacious child who will try to rope her into activities. Conscious efforts will be made to engage her in classroom discussions.

One-on-one discussion with the child about why the child feels less hope. If there is a specific incident or incident, it will be discussed and dealt with. All the other subject teachers and activity teachers will be sensitized about the child so that all efforts are synchronized. A lot of encouragement and a rewarding small attempt by the child will help fill the child with hope.

Lastly, the parents and friends will also be part of this project, so everyone is in sync.

A child who has no friends
Friends are what childhood is punctuated with, and a child with no friends is indeed a sad thing which calls for intervention. Such a child will find no interest in coming to school and lag behind in
learning parameters. There was one such child in our class; let us call him X. He hardly ever smiled and showed no interest in work, play, or other class activities. It was observed that the child did not mingle with anyone, not even during the lunch period. So the child was talked to, which revealed the sad reason that the child had been in a coma for the past 2 years.

The child was assigned a buddy to share lunch with him, play with him, and engage him in group games during lunch break. X was encouraged to participate in group recitation and plays, which he slowly started participating in as he felt less threatened in such situations. The other subject and activity teachers were also sensitized about the child so that all efforts were synchronized. By the end of the session, X had made a few friends and started looking happy.

Mridula Renjit
Roopa Bhattacharyya
Ahlcon Public School

Hope and Friendship - Shalini Solanki

Hope and Friendship go hand in hand. These two values make the world move with the courage to face difficult situations and times. A friend is the one who gives us hope to rise whenever life is unfair. Friendship is a  bright house of hope where no one is left alone in the darkness of loneliness. 

A student who has lost all hope and has no friends in school 

In every teacher's life, there are times when he/ she gets to meet a child with less confidence, hope and sometimes No Hope. This reminds me of a student in the current session of my class. I met her for the first time a week after this session's beginning. She was a quiet child with no friends. Though she was not a new student but still hesitant to speak with anyone. I went to say to her, but she was not really comfortable talking to me. I thought of giving her some time, assuming her being uncomfortable in the new class and meeting her new mentor. We started revising the concepts of the previous grade and observed that she got restless in class with the thought that the teacher might ask her a question. I did exactly what she was scared of. I asked her a question regarding numbers, and she was quiet. She was so negative and hopeless that she didn't focus on the question. I was just asking her to recognize a simple number. She knew the answer already but didn't have trust in herself that she could give the correct answer. I didn't pressure her but tried to learn more about her from the previous year's mentors and get in touch with the parents. I knew that she was irregular in school, because of which she was missing concepts. Her father is in sales and generally out of town, and her mother has delivered a baby. Nobody has time to speak to her. As she is irregular in school, she has no friends. She had no confidence, hope or friends.

I decided to do something to change her mindset. I used to ask her questions and move on to the other students very quickly without saying anything to her or giving her any look after receiving no answer from her. Then, I would call her separately at my table in every period for every subject. I would make her understand the concepts and discuss the answers separately. I became her friend and created a trust that I would never make fun of her, and together, we will learn everything. She started giving me the answers, and gradually, she became confident enough to answer in front of the entire class. She now positively takes any feedback. The full class is her friend now. She knows that we are there to help her whenever she needs help and support her in every situation. She is sure that no one will make fun of her and treat her as inferior. She is now at par with other students. The magic of friendship brings her to school every day. She is bright and full of hope. Here,  we got support from her parents as well. They have been sending her regularly to school. She is not missing on concepts, which has created hope that She  Can and She Will….

Shalini Solanki

Gyanshree School

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