Monday, August 29, 2022

उत्तरदायित्व और सहयोग - ज्योति तड़ियाल

उत्तरदायित्व – उत्तरदायित्व जीवन में यदि न हो तो मनुष्य कभी आगे नहीं बढ़ सकता। हमसब प्रत्येक परिस्थिति और परिणाम के उत्तरदाई स्वयं होते हैं। हमारे ऊपर कई उत्तरदायित्व होते हैं, जिनका हम निर्वहन करते हैं। एक शिक्षिका के रूप में हमारी उत्तरदायित्व बहुत बढ़ जाते हैं। कक्षा कक्ष में विद्यार्थियों के भविष्य के उत्तरदाई हम स्वयं हो जाते हैं। हम उस विद्यार्थी के प्रति उत्तरदाई हैं जो हमारे दिए ज्ञान को आत्मसात कर जीवन में आगे बढ़ता है, हम उन माता पिता के प्रति भी उत्तरदाई हैं जो अपने अबोध बालकों को हमें सौंपते हैं, हम उस संस्था के प्रति भी उत्तरदाई हैं जहां हम कार्य करते हैं। वैसे ही विद्यार्थी भी उत्तरदाई होते हैं। कक्षा में जब कार्य दिया जाता है तो सभी उसे पूरी मेहनत से करते हैं क्योंकि वे भी उत्तरदाई हैं। इस प्रकार हम सभी उत्तरदायित्वों को पूर्ण करते हुए जीवन मे आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं और सफलता प्राप्त करते हैं।

सहयोग – सहयोग एक ऐसी भावना है जो समाज की आधारशिला है। सहयोग के बिना मानव समाज की कल्पना नहीं की जा सकती। जीवन में सभी को सहयोग चाहिए। विद्यार्थी जीवन में सहयोग की भावना अधिक बलवती होती है। कक्षा में सहयोग से अनेक कठिनाइयां दूर हो जाती हैं। कक्षा के लिए बोर्ड बनाना हो या प्रार्थना सभा कराना इन गतिविधियों में प्रत्येक का सहयोग होता है। एक अध्यापिका के रूप में मुझे भी सहयोग की आवश्यकता पड़ती है। यह सहयोग अपने सहकर्मियों से , प्रधानाचार्य से, विद्यालय परिवार से और बच्चों से भी प्राप्त होता है। सहयोग लेना जितना आवश्यक है उतना ही सहयोग देना। सभी को साथ लेकर चलना है ताकि कर्तव्य पथ पर कोई छूट न जाए।

सहयोग की इसी भावना पर गुप्त जी की काव्य पंक्तियां उद्धृत करना चाहूंगी –

है कार्य ऐसा कौन सा, साधे न जिसको एकता।
देती नहीं अदभुद अलौकिक शक्ति किसको एकता।
दो एक एकादश हुए, किसने नहीं देखे सुने।
हां शून्य के भीर योग से हैं अंक होते सौ गुने।

प्रेषक – ज्योति तड़ियाल
द दून गर्ल्स स्कूल।

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Responsibility and Cooperation - Laxmi Bhatt

A classroom brings together all sorts of students, both well and poorly behaved. The latter needs special attention to usher them back on the path of good behaviour. Irresponsibility is a result of carelessness, excessive pride, or self-confidence. To deal with irresponsible behaviour, we should follow the following points.  

As the students are not at that maturity level, we should be friendly and polite with them. Set an example for your students by teaching politeness. Model the behaviour you want your students to mimic by saying polite things and acting kind. Focus on encouraging "please and thank you,""hello and goodbye," and "excuse me." Reinforcing proper manners will inspire more acts of politeness and change the tone of your classroom.

Make them believe that you believe in them and ask them to do the assigned work. 
Gradually increase your students' responsibilities by assigning small tasks, such as erasing the board or collecting homework. This will help them feel a greater sense of accountability. Identify your most irresponsible students and give them small tasks to boost their accountability. Small jobs will build responsibility, and responsibility will lead to better behaviour.

There might be some cause behind the irresponsible behaviour of the students. Before judging them, we should ask what the problem is or why they have been irresponsible.

Students tend to overthink a lot due to the peer pressure they have been receiving. They might start to think that you have been mean to them. So to solve this problem communicating can be a solution.

A powerful characteristic of teenagers is their emotional connection with others. If you are friendly with them, they will start listening to you. You will be able to create a bond with them that will help you ask them whatever you want them to do.

Try to understand their emotional quotient also. Try to support the students whenever they feel emotionally weak. If you find their behaviour weird, try to talk to them and know the reason behind their behaviour.

Teenagers always need a person who can understand and listen to them well, so be a good listener and do not make fun of their emotions.

Laxmi Kant Bhatt
The Doon Girls' School
Happy Teachers JOL Cohort 2022

Responsibility and Cooperation - Nitin Sharma

"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future." ― George Bernard Shaw. 

Responsibility is accepting that you are the cause and the solution to the matter. Responsibility is one of our character traits, which means that a person can respond to his action, take on some duties, and face the inevitable consequences of an activity that may occur. Responsibility is something every person should cultivate in himself. It should become a part of our personality. When you are responsible, it is easier to gain the respect of your people, and you get a decent place in our society.

Responsibility is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings. Our children will not become responsible unless they have a responsibility, like everything else that starts at home. The foremost goal of teaching is to make them successful adults who contribute to society. Try to indulge your children in everything you do. Make them feel that their opinion is valued. When your children do something, praise their efforts. It will motivate them to do better.

How can you teach your students to be responsible in school, at home and outside? Give at least two examples in each case.

Children learn what they see, so be extra careful of your actions in front of them. Responsible teachers raise responsible citizens. By teaching your students to be responsible in the classrooms, you are also teaching them to be responsible at home and in their communities. In the class, discuss the various duties to be performed by the students at school. Each student can be assigned a job: note down the names of the uniform defaulters or turn off the lights and fans when everyone leaves the classroom.

At home, I'm responsible for packing my school bag, putting the books and notebooks according to the timetable and for the lunch box. Teach him that while coming back from school, you have to keep your shoes in the proper place and ensure that homework has been done sincerely.

We can guide to fulfilling the social responsibilities as a student like:

Keep the surroundings clean, and put the litter and put it in the bin. To keep a check on reducing energy and water consumption. Whenever they attend any function, such as a wedding, not to waste food and only take the desired amount.

How strong is the culture of cooperation in your classroom?

As a coordinator of class IX and X after Covid, it is noticed that students need to be more cooperative in their classrooms as for a long time they were alone at their home and some values of being cooperative in the class they have forgotten. Whenever a new student is there in the class, there is one buddy for that student for a week or more than that who takes care of that new student and guides him regarding the rules and regulations of the school. In the class, during lunch break, students share their food items. 

Many events and school functions allow students to collaborate and coordinate, through which students imbibe the very spirit of teamwork. Ms Nitin Sharma Kamla Nehru Public School, Phagwara JOL Cohort 2022

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Responsibility and Cooperation - Jaspreet Kaur

Why is Responsibility an important trait? 

Responsibility helps to raise our self-esteem, and our relationships with friends, family and co-workers improve ten-fold. Responsibility is essential because it makes you more productive. Without Responsibility, you are more likely to shirk your duties or miss deadlines. On the other hand, people who do not take Responsibility are usually quick to blame others when something goes wrong, even though they have a role in causing the problem. It can increase self-esteem because it encourages you to work harder at achieving desired results. This makes you feel more competent, which boosts your confidence and improves how others perceive you. One of the most essential benefits of Responsibility is that it teaches valuable life lessons. Responsibility helps you learn how to handle difficult situations, make good decisions, set goals, and achieve them. Responsibility is essential because it makes you into a better person. Life lessons are often taught through taking Responsibility for your actions, mistakes, and events in life. Responsibility teaches you to be responsible for other people’s safety, property, feelings, and emotions. These skills are essential for success in any area of life, from personal relationships to your career. Responsibility is an essential moral concept that helps to build strong character. When you are responsible, you act with integrity and honour, even when no one is watching. 

How can you teach your students to be responsible in school, at home, and outside? Give at least 2 concrete examples in each case. 

We can teach Responsibility to students at school while assigning them some vital duties, such as a monitor, cleanliness in-charge, Resource manager and time manager for group activities. We can teach students to maintain discipline when the teacher is not in class. We can teach mischievous students to share daily diaries in class groups. At home, we can teach them to take care of sick grandparents or help their mother with household chores on Sunday and father gardening. 

How strong is the culture of cooperation in your classroom? 

As I am class In charge of Grade V, I always encourage my students to be cooperative with each other. I made a buddy system in my class. In this system, average students are sitting with below-average students. Brilliant students help their buddies to complete their pending work; they do hand-hold. Even when below-average students are not giving answers, I always inspire them to repeat their buddy’s answers. In this way, gradually, the below-average students also gain confidence and a sense of cooperation increases daily. When some special assemblies are conducted, the buddies help each other understand the dialogues and gestures.

Jaspreet Kaur 

Kamla Nehru Public School  Happy Teachers JOL Cohort 2022

Thursday, August 25, 2022

ScooNews Global Educators Fest 2022 | Jaipur, Rajasthan

Over 600 educators met in Jaipur, Rajasthan, to discuss the way toward establishing India as the next global education powerhouse. The theme for this year’s fest was Transforming School Curriculum: Empowering Learning for Life.

Music Credits: Padharo Mhare Des (Folk Fusion) Swaraag
Rajendra Singh
Lakshya Singh
Katen Singh
Aryan Sharma
Karan Soni
Direction: Rajendra Singh 
Editing: Rajendra Singh 
A ScooNews Production

#JoyOfLearning #SGEF2022 #HappyTeachers #SFEF2023

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Responsibility and Cooperation - Arav Agarwal

Lesson - Responsibility and Cooperation on 13.08.2022


Responsibility is response + ability, which means our ability to respond in any situation. When we make children or adults aware of the responsibility, our ability to respond becomes empowering as it gives us choice and freedom to respond with love, patience and kindness. Just understanding the simple meaning of responsibility will help to take self-ownership.

Activities to carry out in the classroom

ü  Telling students to write and reflect on their achievements, mistakes and failures. I think this will help the students to know themselves better, and also, they will see that they have a choice to act more responsibly. Also, giving appreciation stars or remarks on the classroom appreciation board to students who take self-ownership and do their work responsibly will motivate them.

“Every privilege comes with a responsibility. If you don’t take the responsibility, you will lose the privilege.” - Sadguru.


Cooperation is working together to achieve a common goal or result. Cooperation brings harmony, understanding and team spirit. I think cooperation makes work more accessible and better as everyone works together using their strengths and skills to achieve the best results for the team.

Activities to carry out in the classroom

 ü  Classroom is the best place to teach cooperation. Giving students group projects and team quizzes for assessment and playing sports teaches the value of cooperation as the team members who cooperate most succeed.

“Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.” – Virginia Burden.

The connection between Responsibility and Cooperation - Responsibility and cooperation go hand in hand. Cooperation becomes easy if we know we can respond to any situation or activity and not react.

Cricket or any team sport is where we can see how responsibility and cooperation together can make the players win. Cricket requires players to play responsibly and cooperate with team members to win the match.

When we responsibly cooperate, we create harmony and balance in society.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Responsibility and Cooperation - Anvesha Rana

Responsibility and Cooperation go hand in hand and are the two fundamental pillars of any classroom. A classroom always bursting with creativity, energy, and innovativeness is an uncontrollable power in need of the right master, a teacher. A class is a team; after all, it is a group of young learners who connect with each other to create something new and then critically analyze what could be done better; they take responsibility for their actions in case something is done wrong and then empathize with others to only cooperate more.  

Responsibility is accountability for owning up to your things and words, whether they were correct or incorrect. We are held responsible for others and for ourselves. Responsibility is the ability to respond and not react; it is to calmly anchor the ship without blaming others and by simply sharing the credit. Trust is perhaps the most crucial aspect of being responsible. Unless and until you are not accountable, you will never be trustworthy. 

We can teach students responsibility by assigning group tasks where each child needs to contribute. In my class, we often need to do group presentations on different topics, so we split the subtopics among ourselves. This way, all the bases are covered, and we can go in-depth about each subtopic; plus, all the members in the group are equally working. So, responsibility can be ignited in a team set up by simply doing what you are supposed to do. 

When someone is not responsible, rather than punishing them, we should make them realize and reflect upon the consequences of their actions so that they can empathize with others and never repeat the same mistake. If they were in a team and didn't prepare their part, the entire team would suffer because the team trusted them enough to hand over a task, but they broke the group's trust by not doing what was supposed to be done. How will he feel if that group member is asked to imagine himself in a similar situation where he is ready with his part, but a fellow team member has not prepared anything? 

When many young learners brainstorm upon a topic, it yields better results than when they work alone; this is Cooperation. It teaches us to trust, friendship and responsibility. When we cooperate with someone, we will only build trust, and once we build trust, we will be friends who will be trustworthy enough to be responsible. 

Our strength lies in our unity, and unity lies in our diversity. Imagine if we were all the same. How monotonous it would be, but our differences are what bring us closer. Close enough to respect others, learn from others and cooperate with others to achieve a common goal. 

Responsibility and Cooperation both arise from love and passion. If we love our education and are passionate about our profession, then only passion will meet education. Our Responsibility and Cooperation lie in loving what we do. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Responsibility and Cooperation - Rishona Chopra

Responsibility is vital in a classroom, not only for students but for teachers too. Responsibility is taking ownership of one's actions. It is to accept your mistake and to help around and work hard. Responsibility is accepting that you are the cause and the solution to the problem. When we take up a responsibility, we should take it with total commitment and honesty. We shouldn't have a responsibility to others but to ourselves too.

At my earlier school, we did an activity, in fact, not an activity but a daily exercise. Every day, after lunch, we had to clean the class. We got duties of dusting, sweeping and mopping. Whoever finished their duty would get to play outside. This taught us responsibility; my favourite task was to mop the floor. If you try it once, you'll realize it's fun to mop the floor, unlike sweeping. Even cleaning the bathroom is a cool duty, well, only if it's a small one!

Cooperation is also an essential aspect of classroom work. Cooperation is the heart of teamwork. As Bob Proctor said, "Cooperation is always more powerful than the competition". Cooperation is working happily in a team and adjusting with others. It is when you help someone not caring about yourself and putting their needs before yours. For example, if you have a friend who needs immediate help and you have to go to a party, you could adjust and go to the party a little late and help your friend instead.

Giving a teamwork duty is perhaps the best way to practice Cooperation in the classroom. In any activity, thoughts often don't match and break into fights and complaints, but with a bit of Cooperation, the work can be done beautifully. A teacher must display an example of responsibility and Cooperation, and students slowly learn.

Responsibility and Cooperation are deeply connected. These are the core values that one needs to work in a team. There is no cooperation if there is no responsibility.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Joy Of Learning - Sandeep Dutt

Thank you, #SGEF 2022 (Photo courtesy Edupulse Media)

This is where passion meets education; never my purpose of making schools my bread and butter, just a steadfast belief that our young people deserve a better world. This is what makes the Learning Forward India Foundation my be-all and end-all. The Joy Of Learning Program is a much-loved innovation of the  Learning Forward India Foundation; the foundation also has a well-established Internship Program, Space Program, Well-being Program, Sports Program and a Happy Teachers Program.

The Future Of Learning - Long-lasting success in professional learning needs a ‘culture of learning,’ this is where I feel teachers need to take charge of their own learning. They can support your teams to design the future of education and transform your school to deliver better learning outcomes.
I see the possibility of a nation where every school offers young people the opportunity to be rewarded for challenging themselves, engaging with adult mentors when finishing school, and giving back to their communities. We can help connect young people with new opportunities to change their world. #JoyOfLearning
Philanthropy is not just giving for charity. Its real meaning is social wealth creation.

Please join us to spread the joy of learning. With deep respect for the teacher in every living being,

Sandeep Dutt #HappyTeachers

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

SCOOREVIEW - My Good School, by ScooNews Aug 2022

Does your school empower every individual?
If you are at school, we help you experience the joy of learning; for those who did not enjoy school, it is essential to realise that learning is natural for the brain. Just as the heart keeps beating as long as we live, the brain keeps learning.

The book, podcast, app and much more!
At My Good School, children develop critical thinking and communication skills, preparing them to face the world. They experience values and virtues working with mentors and peers. #JoyOfLearning

Why should you join My Good School?

"Improves confidence in speaking, helps improve listening skills and reading fluency, teaches time management - balancing schoolwork and My Good School. JOL (Joy Of Learning) helps us in academics; we feel more confident while performing in a play or giving a speech. Everyone quickly finds the pleasure and joy of learning in an open, adaptable environment". - Rishona Chopra, Grade 6 Gyanshree School "I love being an intern at My Good School, which gives me a lot of opportunities to learn. I like making posters and writing blogs which helped me enhance my writing skills and creative skills. I learn about life values like compassion, giving, and never giving up hope. I enjoy meeting many interns from other schools, picking up other skills, and being mentored by teachers. As an intern, I can explore so many things which are helping me to find my strengths. I am thankful that I got this internship opportunity at 10".

- Arav Agarwal, Grade 6 Billabong Thane


My Good School is Phygital (physical plus digital), a marketing term that combines digital experiences with physical ones. The GSA member schools emphasise service, Skill, Sport and Study. We Focus on the 6 C's: 1 Critical thinking; 2 Creativity; 3 Collaboration; 4 Communication; 5 Character; and 6 Citizenship. The "My Good School" designation shows the school's value on professional learning and student achievement.

Sunday School!

Experience the joy of reading, listening to heartwarming stories and connecting with young people from schools worldwide —every Sunday in English and Hindi on Google Meet. The once-a-week school, 30 minutes open forum; 60 minutes English and 60 minutes Hindi, follow up on the Telegram App. The pure joy of learning, no compulsion to attend!

Joy Of Learning
The Joy Of Learning Program and the Sunday School is a much-loved innovation of the  Learning Forward India Foundation; the foundation also has a well-established Internship Program, Space Program, Well-being Program, Sports Program and a Happy Teachers Program.

Good Schools Alliance

Schools and stakeholders empower young people. Programs Partners and Members Schools collaborate for service, skill, sport and study; add value to the school curriculum and spread the joy of learning.

  • Empower every individual at your school

  • Encourages students to become involved in activities beyond just study; this helps develop confidence, knowledge and networks.

  • Experiential learning is a critical factor in progressing successfully through adolescence.

  • Education empowers students by creating an environment for their personal and social development.

The story of My Good School started with the need for a balanced curriculum that ensured diversity, inclusion and belonging for every child at The Fabindia School; the school emphasises a holistic approach to education, offering extensive extra-curricular programs along with comprehensive academic courses. Our focus on happy teachers and the joy of learning became a story in itself!

My Good School - the book, podcast, App and school - give us a reason to celebrate the joy of learning and help us look at learning from every child's perspective. Today, the learning process has become far more democratic, and the role of the teacher has evolved from one who provides knowledge to a person who co-creates learning for every individual, with the child at the epicentre. The philosophy of My Good School gained global recognition with the publication of the book.


My Good School Where Passion Meets Education was published amid the pandemic by Rupa Publications 2021. This perhaps helped us all to look at a deeper understanding of a school, as the NEP 2022 has challenged the old style of teaching and learning. This book will help educators, school administrators and management and will change the future of learning.



The book is for parents to select the school for their child, as the choice can have a lifelong impact on the child's growth and personality.


A guide for you to look beyond that high-rise building and those perfectly manicured lawns—to go deeper in your search for your good school. It will encourage you to observe, question, evaluate, and choose a school that will truly prepare your child for a life beyond the campus, a life beyond theory.


This book will help educators, school administrators, and management build and rebuild such institutions and change the future of learning.


Enriched with the knowledge, experience and, most importantly, the wisdom of The Doon School alumnus and school improvement coach Sandeep Dutt, this book will encourage conversations around our education system and help shape the future of education.

"Sandeep is a passionate educator. He has dedicated his life to making the greatest impact on the greatest number of people." - William Nanda Bissell, Chairman of the Board, Fabindia.


"This book is almost like a conversation where a concerned parent, a well-intentioned teacher, and an entrepreneur who is aware of the reality of education today discuss everything from the what, the why and the how of teaching to what it will take to redefine education and learning." - Arvind Passey, Blogger and columnist The Education Post.


Listed in Top 10 Non-Fiction Bestsellers for 2021 by Booknerds.


Amazon lists the book in the top 100 non-fiction books.


At the Learning Forward India Foundation, passionate educators love to help schools deliver better, focusing on community learning programs for students and teachers to help take learning forward. You, too, can experience the joy of learning simply by enrolling at My Good School! #JoyOfLearning #HappyTeachers #MyGoodSchool Find out more at

This post is courtesy the ScooNews Magazine, reproduced from page 122 of the August Sixth Anniversary Special Edition.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Simplicity and Trust - Ruchi Chaudhary

Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things." - Isaac Newton Simplicity is a lovely idea, but in reality, it is often challenging to achieve.  
Being a different person in different situations may mean we do not accept who we really are. If we take our weaknesses and strengths and love ourselves, we are more likely to draw people and situations that are pleasing to us.
Simplifying our lives may be the best starting point to grow into better loving ourselves and others, leaving the unnecessary clutter behind. A teacher should be good at keeping things simple. He/She doesn't overcomplicate material and presents it in a very easily understood way.  

In today's world, simple has come to mean old, outdated, and not 'best practice'. Simple has come under fire because it isn't flashy enough and cannot be packaged and marketed for a profit. Unfortunately, I believe we're getting away from simple and replacing it with methods that clutter the mind and ultimately decrease knowledge retention.  

Simplicity is becoming a lost value in the classroom, and our students suffer.
I remember one of my teachers whose overall appearance was straightforward, simple and charming. Her appealing look must be due to her deep knowledge and always being approachable to the students. I always wanted to be as simple as she was.
Nobody loves to open up to a complicated person because it can make more tangles, but the scope to speak freely to someone solves all the hindrances. I find simple nature has become handy to manage difficult situations and remain in demand whenever there are some adjustment clashes. Not just the younger generation who need help but even the senior members use such person's service to solve any issue without dispute.
For me, simplicity is the most expensive ornament anyone can wear throughout life, and I cherish its reward by garnering genuine respect and love like my teacher has earned from all her students. One or two teachers would be so dear to every student because they made the teaching accessible and understandable.
Classroom Activity: Students can show simplicity in the classroom in many ways, including having students simply turn to one another and discuss a topic. The purpose of these techniques is to engage students and encourage their own knowledge construction. I just ask students to think about something for a few seconds, obviously something germane to the topic we're covering. Then, I have students pair up to have a sounding board for their ideas. Ultimately, I want them to come up with a well-developed response they can share with the class. After this activity, I showed them I was proud of them.
Always remember, Praise effort, not "smartness"! 
Trust is a two-way street earned over time through merit and based on actions. There is no singular action that will lead to developing a trusting relationship but multiple steps over an extended period to earn that trust. Building trust and establishing meaningful, cooperative relationships with your students will ultimately make your job easier.
Take the time to discover what your students like to do and incorporate their interests into your lessons. Establish a rapport and connection with them to engage them in class and show that you care about them beyond their performance in school. Always be willing to listen to your students. Be your students' biggest cheerleader. Never tell them that they cannot do anything. Help them accomplish their goals by familiarizing yourself with their specific needs and setting them on the path to success, gently nudging them in the right direction if they need it.

Ruchi Chaudhary Mussoorie Public School 

Happy Teachers JOL Cohort 2022

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