Friday, February 4, 2022

Power Women of India - Venu Agrahari Dhingra

Politics, by its very nature, is controversial, and when a woman takes part in it, she becomes controversy's favourite child. 

"Power Women - India's Political Winners" chooses to focus on the upsides of women in politics and highlights the excellence the women leaders have achieved in Indian Politics with their grit, guts, and glory.

Women, unlike men, work harder more sincerely to make a mark in politics with the boldness of her inner Goddess  "Durga".

These women protagonists have come from all walks of life - some with legacy and some without it - but they reached the highest echelons of Indian Politics and became the President,  Prime Minister, Speakers, Chief Ministers, Union Ministers and Members of Parliament.

This book narrates the inspirational stories of these torchbearers - 16 women political leaders of India, retracing the hard work they have to put into every field of life, especially politics. Indian democracy,  the biggest in the world, has given equal chances to men and women from all walks of life to make their mark in politics for the nation. The women mentioned here made their mark in their own inspirational ways, working for the country and their gender. 

Highlighting the achievements of the country's women leaders also paves the way for inspiring more women to join the country's mainstream politics. It covers 16 women politicians across decades and different parties, past and present, who entwine together to weave a womanhood fabric. The 'Durga' aspect of each woman is a common thread, which these remarkable women have in them and used with brilliance to move ahead in life and outshine in the political world. The information collected has been a year's work of research and dedication. Some of them have been written about posthumously. This book is a culmination of deep introspective analysis from various online and offline media.

My tryst with politics began with being born in a politico-business family. My father was the Mayor of Allahabad (now PrayagRaj) and Member of Parliament twice from Banda and Allahabad. While growing up in a house frequented by many stalwarts of Indian politics, including three former Prime Ministers of the country -  Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Shri VP Singh and Shri Chandra Shekhar, it was the women in politics who intrigued me the most. Whenever I accompanied my father to a rally, one thing that struck me was the plight and fate of my gender and what the female politicians did to make a change. I closely observed that women politicians worked harder because politics has traditionally been male-dominated and still is in many countries. The voices of women leaders resonated with me, and I believed that I could be an agent of change too. Seeing them overcome prejudice and voice their opinions fearlessly in the world's most prominent democracy seat inspired me to reflect on Women Politicians in India.

The book is available on, Kindle, and The English Book Depot.
Price Rs. 500.00 

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