Monday, August 30, 2021
Quality and Love - Chandra Prakash
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Quality and Love - Nisha Pundir
If a child gives us shoddy work, a teacher should know how to deal with the child and bring improvement in him.
In such a situation where two teenagers are in a romantic relationship, the First thing as teacher duty is to console Them and tell them about the meaning of love for that age; it is natural to get attracted towards the opposite gender. We can explain to them the meaning of love by the example of their family.
Quality and Love - Dolly Pharsi
Quality and Love - Sweta Thapli
Quality is the characteristic that something or someone has. It refers to how good someone or something is in comparison to others.
When we talk of people, quality refers to the attribute or characteristics that they possess.
Case-I- A student who does a shoddy job with classwork and homework.
We can deal with such students by:
Finding out the reason- As a teacher, I will try to find out the reason that why the child is not performing well with homework or classwork. Maybe the child is going through some trauma or maybe he is facing some problem at his home.
Praise their work and effort- We can appreciate another child in the classroom who are doing good with their work. Seeing everyone getting appreciated the child will focus on his study and he will be able to do his homework and classwork properly.
We can also mention their academic achievements to the other teachers and also to the students.
Encourage the child- Encouraging a child will help them to achieve good results. We should always be available to our students for their questions and concern as teachers.
- Individual time- Spending individual time with the students help them to understand things properly and easily. This will help the teacher to get to know the child better.
Limited work- We should not give plenty of work to the students, this loses the interest of the students in doing things. We should give them less work so everyone can do it without any difficulty.
"Love yourself first and everything falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." - Lucille Ball
Love is a strong feeling that you have when you like something very much. It is the feeling of liking a friend or any person in your family.
School is the place or extent to which students feel personally accepted, respected, included and supported by others in the school environment.
It is the psychological feeling of attachment that makes the students want to go to school every day.
Cave-II Two underage students in a romantic relationship.
We can deal with this situation by:
Not scolding them for things rather explaining to them that it is the age where you feel attached to someone. But that is not love it's just an attachment. Like:- you love dogs, chocolates, family and friends. You are attached to them.
We can have an individual talk with both of them.
We can have a discussion with the parents.
Counselling can be done to both and explaining to them that at this age you must focus on your studies and your career.
Explaining to them the importance and value of their time and their future.
There's a famous saying by Buddha:
When you like a flower you pluck it, but when you love a flower you water it daily...
-Sweta Thapli@JMMS, John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun
Quality and Love - Sonali Sharma
Quality and Love - Sandhya Thadani
Negligence and carelessness amongst children are not unusual! Priorities of any human being constantly keep changing, depending on the state of the mind, but that does not imply that the child may be branded as being careless or is shoddy in his or her work.
The education of a child begins at birth and experiences in these early years at home get imprinted into the child’s mind.
I personally feel that if the father or mother is careless or make excuses to evade situations, it gets noticed by the child leading to the child also adopting similar techniques to escape and take the easy route.
A common situation in every household is when the phone of the father is ringing and he tells the child or the mother to tell the caller to say that papa is not at home. That is the first lie witnessed by a child, who considers his father to be a role model!
Hence, the parents need to set examples of good behaviour, again and again, such that it registers in the child as standard behaviour. Setting examples through behaviour is far-reaching and penetrative than sermons that do not convey the message.
We want our children to work towards perfection but we ourselves keep doing shoddy jobs. That would be a very negative influence on the child and the child shall end up in the footsteps of the parents, be it, mother or father.
If a child’s work is shoddy, anger or authoritarian behaviour or impatience amongst the parents is not a solution. Children are very keen and clear-sighted observers and attempting to correct them through kindness and affection shall always give positive results. Giving students constructive feedback will always inspire them towards perfection which we are seeking.
It’s human to make mistakes. I will not expect the child to be perfect in their schoolwork or their homework. The child needs to be free from fear as fear is another cause for mistakes.
I will use the following approaches to overcome the situation:
1. Making the child responsible for his learning: It is important to guide the children through the learning process, but the control is in the hands of a child for his learning experiences whether it is at home or in the classroom.
2. Open and sincere feedback: I will create a comfortable atmosphere. Without being judgmental, I will give the child feedback so that he can improve.
3. Focus will be on learning: Actual learning is more important than just cramming for the exams. By focusing on learning, the child would solidify his learning experiences.
4. Being organized: I will help the child to be organized in his school and in his homework assignments. Being patient and consistent in the learning process will help the child to overcome doing shoddy work.
5. Focus on the strength: Focusing on the strength can be difficult when a child is struggling academically. It’s a vital force to healthy emotional and academic development and progress. It’s also another form of positive reinforcement that will motivate the child to bring perfection towards his task. Conversely, focusing on your child's weaknesses does nothing but cause discouragement, distress and a lack of desire to learn and perform.
6. Celebrating the achievements. Celebrating the child’s achievements or good work, no matter how small or insignificant they may be, is a very positive reinforcement motivating the child to excel.
Above all, I will make sure that the child is loved and only then he would be ready to learn anything.
“One must be a saint and a hero to be a good teacher. One must be a great yogi to be a teacher. One must have a perfect attitude to be able to exact a perfect attitude from the students. You cannot ask anyone to do what you don’t do yourself. That is a rule”. -The Mother
Romantic emotions amongst teens
It is not unusual for children in their teens to get entangled in romantic relationships with their classmates with whom there is extensive interaction in class followed by after class interaction as well.
Love is of varying kinds, not just a romantic alliance. There is parental love, brotherly love, friendly love and of course love driven by sexual attraction or infatuation or physical lust.
A child, irrespective of their gender, would be receiving very engrossing exposure through social media, television and travel would be witnessing the close proximity between boys and girls.
Under such circumstances, the parents who are generally held in very high esteem by the children, would not be able to have friendly communication with the child.
As their teacher, in a situation like this, after making close observation of the boy and girl, I would initiate a private conversation with their parents first separately and then collectively, and after taking them into confidence, have a word with the children but not as their teacher but as their friend.
The friendly communications with the two teens would be first singly with each of them followed by joint communication. In a situation like this, the teens are more receptive to friendly guidance than elderly advice.
I would advise them to have lots of friends irrespective of gender and that it is healthy for their development to interact with multiple boys and girls irrespective of their gender.
I will use the following approach to deal with the underage romantic relationship:
Avoid harsh punishments. It would affect the child adversely and he or she will become more dependent on the romantic relationship for comfort.
I will talk about infatuation, romance, sexual attraction. As a teacher, I will have a joint discussion with the parents and the child.
I will encourage the child to move into mixed friend groups of boys and girls.
I will define a clear boundary of behaviour for the child.
I will make the child realize the consequences of underage relationships.
I will encourage the child to take up a hobby or passion, instead of trying to break the friendship. I will get her involved in the activities, which she enjoys the most.
I will maintain a trusting and warm relationship with the child. I would try to have a strong teacher- child-parent, relationship. It would help the child to trust me unconditionally. If the child does not trust the teacher, then she would respond to the relationship, where she feels wanted and important.
I will avoid judging the children who are in a relationship. I will give her space to confide in me.
Changes in adolescence are a natural process of a child’s growth. We need to understand the growth and development of the child. The child is going through a period of intense self-discovery and the teacher must facilitate that process.
Quality and Love - Renu Raturi
गुणवत्ता (Quality)
गुणवत्ता का मतलब है, विशेषताओं की समग्रता जो एक आवश्यकता को पूरा करने के लिए कार्य करती है। गुणवत्ता को हम अनेक रूपों में ले सकते हैं, जैसे किसी व्यक्ति, वस्तु या किसी भी चीज के गुण या अवगुण। गुणवत्ता के द्वारा हमें इनके विषय में उचित ज्ञान होता है। गुण और अवगुण हर एक व्यक्ति में होते हैं और अपने गुणों के कारण ही लम्बे समय तक किसी व्यक्ति को याद किया जाता है। एक कक्षा में भी हर प्रकार के बच्चे होते हैं और एक अध्यापक को हर एक बच्चे को उसके गुणों और अवगुणों के साथ ही शिक्षा देनी होती है।
1. अगर कक्षा में कोई बच्चा कक्षा कार्य और गृह कार्य अच्छी तरह से नहीं कर रहा है तो एक अध्यापक को निम्नलिखित बिंदुओं पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना चाहिए -
1) समझने की कोशिश करे कि ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है -
जब भी कोई बच्चा कक्षा कार्य और गृह कार्य अच्छी तरह से नहीं करता तो अध्यापक को चाहिए कि वह कारण जानने की कोशिश करे कि ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है? जो बच्चा बार - बार गंदा काम कर रहा है? कहीं यह समस्या उसके परिवार से जुड़ी तो नहीं या कक्षा में कोई ऐसी वजह जिससे वह अपने काम पर ध्यान केंद्रित नहीं कर पा रहा।
2) बच्चे पर गुस्सा ना करें और शांतिपूर्वक बात करें -
ऐसी स्थिति में अध्यापक को बच्चे पर गुस्सा ना करके प्यार से बात करनी चाहिए ताकि वह अपने मन की बात सुना सके। अगर अध्यापक बच्चे से प्यार से बात नहीं करेगा तो बच्चा कभी भी अपनी समस्या नहीं बता सकता। बच्चे की परेशानी समझने की कोशिश करे।
3) बच्चे को समझाएं और प्रोत्साहित करे-
बच्चे को यह समझाएं कि अगर वह अपना काम नियमित रूप से करेगा तो कक्षा में सभी बच्चे और अध्यापक उसकी प्रशंसा करेंगे और बच्चे को यह भी समझाने की कोशिश करें कि उसका कार्य उसके परीक्षाफल को प्रभावित करेगा जिससे उसके भविष्य पर भी असर पड़ेगा। बच्चे के लिए एक अध्यापक उचित मार्गदर्शक का कार्य कर सकता है और अगर बच्चे के अंदर आत्मविश्वास की कमी है तो उसे समझाएं कि "करत करत अभ्यास ते जड़मति होत सुजान" मतलब अभ्यास करते रहने से मूर्ख व्यक्ति भी विद्वान बन जाता है और बच्चे को यह भी समझाएं कि उसे कभी भी उम्मीद नहीं छोड़नी है।
4) बच्चे के अभिभावक से बात करेंगे -
अध्यापक को बच्चे के अभिभावकों से भी बात करनी चाहिए शायद वह जानते हो कि बच्चा ऐसा क्यों कर रहा है या घर में ही बच्चे को कोई परेशानी है। अगर ऐसा कुछ है तो अभिभावक ही उसे सुलझा सकने में सक्षम हैं अपने बच्चे के लिए घर में ऐसा वातावरण बनाएं जो बच्चे को एकाग्र होने में मदद करें और बच्चे का गृह कार्य करवाने में उसकी मदद करें।
प्यार (Love)
प्यार एक भावना है, जिसका मतलब है, किसी व्यक्ति में गहरी रूचि या किसी की निकटता से प्राप्त होने वाली खुशी। प्यार एक ऐसा एहसास है, जो दिमाग से नहीं दिल से होता है। प्यार में अलग-अलग विचारों का समावेश होता है, प्यार खुशी की और धीरे-धीरे अग्रसर होता है, यह एक निजी जुड़ाव की भावना है। प्यार के अनेक रूप हैं जैसे मां का बच्चे के लिए प्यार, गुरु का शिष्य के लिए, दोस्त का दोस्त के लिए और भी कई रूपों में प्यार हमें दिखाई देता है। प्यार का मतलब है, किसी व्यक्ति का हृदय की गहराइयों से ख्याल रखना प्यार हमें आंतरिक ऊर्जा देता है और हमारी समस्याओं के समाधान में हमारी मदद भी करता है। समाज में प्यार को अक्सर स्त्री-पुरुष के बीच के रिश्ते के रूप में देखा जाता है और प्यार का मतलब अक्सर गलत ही समझा जाता है।
2) यदि एक कक्षा में अध्यापक को कभी ऐसी परिस्थिति का सामना करना पड़ जाए जब कक्षा के 2 बच्चों को लगे कि वे एक दूसरे से प्यार करते हैं, क्योंकि बच्चों को प्यार का सही मतलब नहीं पता होता तो अध्यापक को ऐसी स्थिति में बच्चों को यह समझाना होगा कि वास्तव में प्यार का सही मायने में क्या अर्थ है? प्यार एक मासूम सा एहसास है जो सभी रिश्तो में ऊर्जा देने का कार्य करता है। आजकल के बच्चे टेलीविजन पर मूवीस सच्चा प्यार वही है देखकर सोचते हैं कि प्यार एक भावना है जो उनकी जरूरतों को पूरा करती है लेकिन एक अध्यापक को बच्चों को यह समझाना होगा कि वास्तव में प्यार तो इंसान का इंसान से, इंसान का भगवान से निस्वार्थ रूप से प्रेम और जानवरों का भी एक दूसरे के प्रति प्यार होता है। जानवरों में भी प्रेम की भावना होती है। कक्षा में अगर दो बच्चे एक दूसरे से प्यार में पड़ जाएँ तो दोनों बच्चों को यह समझाएं कि यह जो उन दोनों के बीच है सिर्फ क्षणभंगुर आकर्षण है, जो उनके भविष्य को नुकसान पहुंचा सकता है उन्हें अभी इन सब बातों पर ध्यान ना देकर अपनी पढ़ाई और भविष्य पर ध्यान देना है, उन्हें यह भी समझाया जाना चाहिए कि प्यार उन्हें उनके परिवार में भी सभी करते हैं, जो किसी और के प्यार से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है। उनको अपने परिवार के विषय में सोचना है और अपने भविष्य के विषय में सोचना है। बच्चों को यह भी बताया जाए कि किस तरह से उनके माता-पिता रात-दिन मेहनत करके उनको विद्यालय में दाखिला दिलवाते हैं जिससे उनका भविष्य बन सके तो क्या यह उनके लिए माता-पिता का प्यार नहीं है। यह उसके माता-पिता का उसके लिए प्यार ही है जो इतनी मेहनत करके उसे विद्यालय में भेज रहे हैं। बच्चे को या समझाएं प्यार ही वह भावना है जो हमें बर्दाश्त करने की शक्ति देती है। सच्चा प्यार वही है जो हम निस्वार्थ भाव से करते हैं।
- Renu Raturi@JMMS, John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun
Quality and Love - Asha Bhandari
Quality and Love - Meena Kukreti
Quality and love - Bharti Dangwal
1. A student who does a shoddy job with classwork and homework?
There are many ways to tackle such problems. These students firstly need special attention and personal guidance. They are to be handled with care. The teacher and student must build trust among themselves. As a teacher, I will first talk to the student to gain his/her trust. Then I will try my best to tell or make the student realize the importance of classwork and homework. I will give individual time to the child. I will talk to the parents so they can help the child at home. I will try to keep the students engaged in activities. This will help students to focus on their work. I will give interesting and enjoyable work to the students. This will help the students to learn with fun. The more interesting the activities are, the more fun will be learning.
2. Two underage students in a romantic relationship?
As we all know, when puberty hits, a student goes through many adolescent changes like physical, social and emotional. Romantic relationships can bring many emotional ups and downs for the child and sometimes for the whole family. These changes distract the child and make him lose his concentration in studies. But being strict with the students or denying them entry into any relationship can affect them psychologically.As a teacher, the foremost thing I can do is talk to them and show them that I support them. By talking, I can counsel the students. We can find ways in which neither the students are harmed nor the relationship.
I will talk to the child about his/ her romantic relationship and make him feel comfortable sharing it with me. This will help the students to take the right steps and move in the correct direction. I will not criticize the relationship; otherwise, the students will drive away from me. The more they will share with me, the better I can help them with their life ahead.
- Bharti Dangwal@JMMS John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun
Quality and Love - Shalini Gurung
बच्चों में अच्छे गुण भी होते हैं और बुरे गुण भी और हमारा कार्य है बच्चों की अच्छे गुण को दर्शाना उन्हें अच्छे गुण में प्रोत्साहन देना। हमें कुछ इस ढंग से उनके अच्छे गुणों को दर्शाना चाहिए। जिससे कि उन्हें अपने बुरे गुणों की तरफ ध्यान ही न जाए और वह ऐसा कोई कार्य न करें। हमारा कार्य है उनके हर गुणों को सामने लाना । इसके लिए हमें उनके घर वालों से समय-समय पर बातचीत करते रहना चाहिए ।जिससे कि बच्चे के बारे में हमें पता चल सके कि बच्चा घर पर क्या करता है ?कैसे रहता है?और बच्चों के माता-पिता को हमारे द्वारा पता चल सके की बच्चा स्कूल में क्या कर रहा है? देखा जाए तो बच्चों का भविष्य घर में माता पिता के हाथ में और स्कूल में अध्यापिका के हाथ में होता है।
जो कार्य गुस्से से नहीं हो पाता प्यार के द्वारा आसानी से किया जा सकता है। प्यार में ऐसी शक्ति होती है, अगर कोई व्यक्ति आपसे बुरा व्यवहार भी करता है ,लेकिन आप प्यार से उससे अच्छा व्यवहार करेंगे तो वह व्यक्ति खुद ब खुद आपके साथ भी प्यार से व्यवहार करेगा। तभी प्यार को एक पवित्र एहसास माना गया है।
अगर आपको एहसास होता है किसी छात्र छात्रा के प्यार में पङने का तो आपको सबसे पहले दोनों को बिठाकर प्यार से उन्हें प्यार का मतलब समझाना चाहिए । क्योंकि जो हमारा विद्यालय है वह प्राइमरी सेक्शन वाला है। अभी तक ऐसा कुछ देखने या सुनने में नहीं मिला है । लेकिन अगर आगे जाकर हमें इस चीज का अगर सामना करना पड़ता है तो हम प्यार से ही समझाएंगे । और उन दोनों को प्यार का अर्थ समझाएंगे कि प्यार क्या है?
प्यार हम अपने माता पिता से ,अपने भाई बहन से ,अपने दादा दादी से ,अपनी अध्यापिका से ,किसी भी जीव से और भगवान से , किसी भी वस्तु से कर सकते हैं। और छात्र छात्रा के घर वालों से बातचीत द्वारा उनके बारे में पूछ सकते हैं। क्योंकि इसमें घर वालों की भी प्रमुख भूमिका रहती है। बचपन में जो भी चीज हमें अच्छी लगती है ।हम उससे प्यार कर बैठते हैं। फिर वह चाहे कोई खाने की चीज हो या कोई खेलने का सामान हो । जिसे हम दिल से चाहते हैं उसकी हम परवाह भी करते हैं । भले ही वह कोई इंसान हो या कोई वस्तु। अगर हम किसी जानवर से भी प्यार करते हैं तो हमारा प्यार भरा बर्ताव देख कर वह भी हमसे प्यार करने लगता है। अर्थात हमें सभी से मिलजुल कर रहना चाहिए ।सभी इसकी परवाह करनी चाहिए ।सभी से प्यार भरा बर्ताव रखना चाहिए। बच्चों का तो स्वभाव ही कक्षा में शोर मचाना और शैतानी करना होता है।
अगर कक्षा में अध्यापिका के होते हुए बच्चे शोर कर रहे हैं , तो इसमें बच्चे की कोई गलती नहीं मानी जाएगी। इसमें अध्यापिका की ही गलती मानी जाएगी कहीं ना कहीं उसके पढ़ाने का तरीका अथवा ढंग ही गलत होगा। इसलिए हमें कक्षा में इस तरह से पढ़ाना चाहिए । जिससे कि बच्चे शोर ना करें पढ़ने के साथ-साथ हमें क्रियाकलाप पर भी ध्यान देना चाहिए। उनके गलती करने पर हमें दंड ना देकर उन्हें अच्छे ढंग से समझाना चाहिए ।अगर आप दंड देंगे तो बच्चा और जिद्दी होगा । जिससे वह आपकी बात कभी भी नहीं सुनेगा।
- Shalini Gurung@JMMS, John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun
Quality and love - Neelam Bhardwaj
The degree of excellence in the work undertaken.
Distinct virtue or characteristic - Discipline, Hard Work, Diligence, Sincerity etc.
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A teacher deals with all kinds of students and no two students are the same. There are times when the children come up with untidy or incomplete work. So how a teacher can enhance the various qualities in the children to get a good quality of work from them.
There can be many reasons, for which a teacher needs to find the solutions as well.
1. Unclear concepts
Sometimes the child does not understand the concepts and finds it difficult to complete the given work. A teacher needs to find the learning styles of the students. For that matter, a teacher needs to be supportive and encouraging. There are some slow learners who may need extra help. The teacher should give them individual time, and may even need to adjust some assignments for them.
2. Too much workload
Sometimes it is hard for the children to give good results in their work as they get overburdened by the work. Rather than teaching 2 or 3 topics together, the teacher should limit the learning to just one topic. Students will give a better quality of work as their focus remains on a single topic. Homework should be given, but limited. It is just a mode for the children to revise and retain what they learned in the class. Homework is given to set a system of learning, which helps the children to develop discipline and self-confidence.
3. Home is a place for relaxation
It is hard for the kids to focus at home. When the child is in the classroom there aren't a lot of distractions and Learning is structured and organised. As soon as the children reach home their brain clicks to relaxing mode. They intend to do what they feel like. For this, the parents need to assist their child at home and teachers should make sure to check with the parents. Under the guidance of the parents, the children can give better results in their work.
4. Lack of interest
At a point in time, the children really lose interest in doing their work. A teacher needs to have discussions, not lectures. Some group activities, project work, outdoor walks, social experiments, should be included in the teaching to make the learning interesting and exciting for the students. This will definitely give good outcomes and improve the quality of work.
5. Lack of understanding between teacher and student
Students are more inclined to complete assignments when teachers and students respect one another. Students sense when teachers care about them and want them to do their best work. Even the students will try harder if they know that the teacher cares about them and respects them not just as students but as human beings as well.
Classwork and homework can bring together children, parents and teachers in a common effort to improve students' learning. Teachers are the vital link in making this happen. Qualities like self-discipline, responsibility, love of learning, sincerity, punctuality which they learn at school benefit them throughout their lives.
Love makes not just the world go around, but our perception of everything in the universe as well.
Love is a word that does not have a definition. It is more easily experienced than defined. It is multidimensional and complex yet simple and powerful. It takes on different forms.
Middle school or High school is when many teenage students start to explore love and romance. This may seem silly but for a teen student, it is one of the most important steps in the journey of growth. This is the time when they are going through hormonal changes.
Image: Pinclipart
For teachers talking on a topic like love is as important as teaching any biology lesson. Teachers have a great role in helping students understand what love is and its various aspects.
The conversation about love should start before the students reach that stage of getting into any romantic relationship. A teacher should define love to the students in different aspects. Having someone's help, enjoying a game together and sharing lunch is a way of showing love. It is the love that we share with our family, friends and pets. In another aspect- dancing, painting, travelling, gardening, shopping is also love because love is what you like. Doing something for the love of it is the most divine, wonderful, powerful way of doing it. Another form of love that generally attracts teenagers is the romantic form of love. The children need to know that love is not always about romance.
Love and relationships can be difficult, especially in the teenage years. Budding romances can be fun but also confusing. In these moments of confusion, students often turn to friends or the internet. In that case, Students can be best guided by the teachers, as they spend most of their time in school.
Teachers need to counsel the children about love and infatuation. Even talk to the parents. Tell the children what is right and wrong for them. Needs to show the students that they value their opinions and keeps the door open to more conversations.
Teachers and parents can still have rules for the children to be safe, healthy and moral while communicating in a mutually respectful way.
- Neelam Bhardwaj@JMMS, John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun
Quality and Love - Jyoti Joshi
Quality refers to being positive and finding the best in others. It means how good something is compared to other things. Teamwork is the key to quality. Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skilful execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives. Quality is not an act; it is a habit.
A student who does a shoddy job:-
Firstly I would meet with the student and try to build a friendship with the student. I will try to engage the student in the class activity to pay more attention and develop more interest in the particular subject.
While developing a friendly relationship with the child, I will try to identify the difficulties they face while doing the work.
I would also examine how they handle or keep their other things because their minds also affect them while keeping things. It elaborates on the situation that they are facing.
I would make them draw beautiful cards that require calligraphy. By doing this, they would enjoy and will improve their writing skills at the same time.
I would make them take the right posture while doing or writing in notebooks.
"True aspirations generate a positive feeling in you and fire with enthusiasm. "
Having said that, I would appreciate the child working in the class Or give chocolate or anything to take more interest in improving their work.
"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is a success. "
Love is a strong feeling towards something or someone. It's a mix of emotions, respect, and behaviour for the other person. Love can be defined in various ways. It can be the bond we share with our family members, friends and pets. Love is generally connected to a romantic feeling that we have for someone.
Student in a Romantic relationship:-
" It is said student life is golden life" Because in this time period, the character of a man/ woman is built; therefore, it is also called the Formative period of human life. Every student should try their best to make the best use of their student life.
I would approach the two students collectively and separately and make them understand the difference between "to like" and "to love" Someone's term. I would approach the girl as the girl is considered more mature and would make her understand the importance of studying and knowledge in life, and understand her about the stage where we acquire and identify our skills and goals in life.
" The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles".
I would make them understand the stages of life. That is a life everyone passes through a stage from being a student to an adult. So, this is a stage where you have to study and understand the world. You also come across a stage of loving others, but that comes after the student stage. You should not mix two stages together, because that would bring a Disbalance in life. Having a love relationship is a distraction to this identification.
"Let us always meet with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."
- Jyoti Joshi @JMMS, John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun
Quality And Love - Ambika Gurung
A teacher knows the true meaning of quality; they provide the best for their students.
Every student has different qualities; some are good at reading, some are good at listening, some are good at the artwork, and some are good at everything. At some points for teachers, it becomes difficult to counter an individual's problem. And during our classwork and homework, we notice children submitting shoddy work to the teachers.
This problem can only be handle by keeping these things in mind:
#Connecting with the students:
Teachers shall always be able to connect with the students to help and understand their needs.
#Always try to give positive feedback:
Students like to get compliments, we teachers shall find out positive feedback as much as we can give to our students. They get boosted about it and try harder to do their job correctly.
#Find alone time to talk to them:
Showing them that you care by communicating and correcting them. If they like you, they'll listen to you more.
#Showing them concern:
Rather than pointing them out of the class, which eventually makes them feel embarrassed. We should always show a good gesture to tell them about their underperforming work.
#Try to know the real problem:
While dealing with such students, we try to figure out what the reasons could be. Teachers should talk to other teachers too, about whether the student is not performing well in their subjects as well. And also observe their behaviour inside and outside the classroom.
Approaching the Situation:
● Handle the students with care and let them know that they have the capabilities to do their work better.
● Talking about the topics they like so that they feel u remember things about them. If they like the teachers, they will listen and learn better.
● Telling them that you expect good things, they shouldn't feel we are always consistently trying to get back to them. The child should know that the teacher expects good work and it'll allow them to work hard.
● Approach their parents too to help them out at home and guide them about their child's needs.
Therefore, we teachers should develop authentic trusting relationships among our students. So that they register the ownership of what they haven't done correctly and try more to be on a better level. Eventually, they'll exceed the expectations that we put on them.
LoveLove is a lot of things; There are different ways to express love. To me, love is like a seedling; at first, it's delicate; it needs to be taken care of and nurtured if we want it to last through time.
If in my class the situation of a romantic relationship arises; I'll be happy to have a meaningful conversation with my students.
The important key points which we all should practice while dealing with such cases are as follows:
● Know your child's love language
● Share your own personal experience to connect better
● Talk with parents and let them understand their children to explore love.
As educators, we are very much aware that our students avoid the topic of Love because the elderly people around them have only lectured about it or never tried to make them understand the reality of Love. To their curiosity, they try to find out 'What Love is?' Children get immature thoughts on love as they may have been influenced by the movies or other means of media. Younger minds are needed to be prepared for love; before any other source helps them to learn a different love variant of love. The teachers must take the initiative to teach them about love; it requires sensitivity, and never avoid it.
How to approach the situation?
In a classroom, these cases may occur, and we should avoid directly pointing out their flaws. We should always:
● Have a good relationship:
With students, we should learn to give and receive from each other. Students instinctively seek lots of different experiences and try out different things. Try to hear their definition of love and have a good conversation.
● Comfort with the topic:
Teachers should handle the scenario by being their friend, not only as a teacher. Being a friend helps them reveal their feelings best, so at first, we should share our experience and then let them share their thoughts.
● Develop understanding:
We must tell them it's a natural part of our growing up stage; we develop these feelings much better when we are adults. Everyone goes through these changes because it's part of our existence.
Acknowledge them that we step towards love in variety we show love to our parents, grandparents, siblings, pets and friends. The children will understand that they will get opportunities to experience and explore love in different stages. And in the classroom or school, their love should be directed towards studies; which will help them to uncover themselves best with the capability of love.
- Ambika Gurung@JMMS John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun
Quality and love- Manmohan Kaur
1. A student who does a shoddy job with classwork and homework.
A) What, according to you, are the most important things to be kept in mind when dealing with such a case?
Ans. In my experience, this has been a widespread occurrence in every classroom. The first thing a teacher should keep in mind is that not all students function in the same way. Some grasp faster than others, while others do not pay much attention to their studies. Thus, every student requires personalized attention. This should be done with ample patience and tact.
Another fact that a teacher must not overlook is the environment provided to the student. A healthy environment will reflect on the students’ performance. This includes the classroom as well as the domestic environment. Parents of most of our students work jobs with long working hours and/or are uneducated. To add to it, intrafamily dynamics may also affect the overall mental health of the students. Hence, the teacher should be mindful of these factors.
B) Give an account of how you would approach the situation?
Ans. Taking the above-mentioned factors into account, I would take the following steps to deal with such a situation:
1. Firstly, I would lessen the amount of daily classwork and focus more on explaining to them the concepts of the study material.
2. I would identify their friends in class and have the students in question sit with them to share and solve each other's problems together.
3. Offering positive remarks, such as ‘Good work’, ‘Well done, ‘Excellent’, ‘Good Going’, ‘Keep it up’ etc., for any progress made can boost their morale.
4. Additionally, exhibiting their work on display boards would motivate them to work harder to seek their peers' admiration.
5. Keeping a check on the classroom environment is a must. I would look out for problematic behaviours among students, such as bullying, and school them about its effects.
6. Every month, an interactive session with their (students in question) parents shall be scheduled to update them on their ward(s) performance and assess the parents' attitude towards academics.
7. I would also ensure that the students know that they can contact their teachers after school hours. We as teachers can organise after-school handwriting improvement classes,doubt-clearance sessions or any other activity as per the students' needs.
8. If the students are struggling financially, I would provide them with school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, pens, etc.
9. It has been observed that students perform better when their parents take an active interest in academics. Hence, this is what I would aim to achieve with the parents.
10. Lastly, to let the students live a healthy childhood and enjoy other interests, I would assign them the least amount of homework. This would be crucial in preventing them from losing interest in their studies.
2) Two underage students in a romantic relationship.
Ans. Romance is a kind of relationship between two people who are in love with each other. While the students at our school are pretty young, they are not aware of the concept of love.
Yet, in the many years, I have taught, I have not come across any two underage students in a romantic relationship. They experience love in all other ways. Even so, if I'm ever faced with such a situation, I would explain to them the meaning of romantic love. I would give them instances of all forms of love around them, for example, parental love, familial bonds and sibling affection. This would be necessary to make them understand that other than the bonds we are born into, choosing the romantic relationships one wants to commit to requires good decision-making skills, which comes with experience that the young students lack. It would also be beneficial to desensitize conservative Indian parents regarding this. Counselling them regarding their children's puberty in advance would give them ample time to prepare for their children's expected adolescent behaviour, including dating. This will help ensure the child's healthy growth in the most important years of their lives and build strong relationships with their own parents.
It is important to note that being in a romantic relationship is nothing to be looked down upon but rather encouraged. However, it should be so only when the individuals are mature enough to think and consent for themselves. Thus, to conclude, this is how I would handle the situation in question.
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- Manmohan Kaur@JMMS, John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun
Quality and Love - Parineeta Negi
When we talk about the quality of anything, we are actually judgmental about that thing. We seek good or bad qualities in it. We are making the judgment according to our point of view.
This can differ from person to person. For example- when we talk about a child’s behaviour, we judge him by his attitude towards others. His work and the way he behaves with elders and we come to a conclusion about that child.
Case1. A student who does a shoddy job with classwork and homework.
First, we will identify the child's work and check him in person so that the child may not feel awkward in front of everybody. This may improve his quality of work. If there is no improvement, then a teacher needs to go deep into the child’s life and find the cause of his behaviour; counselling the child and developing the teacher's confidence will help solve the maximum problems of the student. A teacher can even sit closer to the child and guide him with love and care. In this procedure, a teacher must keep in mind that the child’s feelings are not hurt; he may not feel left out or embarrassed. With continuous efforts, the quality of the work of that child can be improved.
LoveIt is actually the sense of care and respect for others. When we love anyone, we develop respect, care and understanding for the other person that can be our parents, friends, children or colleagues. Love brings us closer, develops understanding, and we share our happiness, joy and sorrows. As a teacher, we love our profession, and we respect all others at the same time.
We care and help each other so that we can give our best to society. We love our students and try our best to make them the best to become good citizens and live happy life.
Case2. Two underage students in a romantic relationship.
• If any such case comes to our knowledge, the first thing is to confirm whether it is true or not.
• We can call the student separately, and counselling can be done.
• We can make them understand that these situations are just the attraction that happens at this age, but they must focus on their future and think about their real ambition.
• Diverting their thoughts towards the reality of life can help them grow and develop their life.
• Talking to their parents and advising them to spend more time with their children can also help them think about their future.
• The child will open up and talk without hesitation and surely will understand the drawbacks of such a relationship and focus on his future. Dealing with such situations, our approach should always be positive and for the betterment of society. A teacher should always care, love, understand, listen patiently and make them feel that we are always there to help them. The children will develop confidence and will love and always respect you.
- Parineeta Negi@JMMS, John Martyn Memorial School, Salangaon, Dehradun
Blog Archive
- Quality and Love - Chandra Prakash
- Quality and Love - Nisha Pundir
- Quality and Love - Dolly Pharsi
- Quality and Love - Sweta Thapli
- Quality and Love - Sonali Sharma
- Quality and Love - Sandhya Thadani
- Quality and Love - Renu Raturi
- Quality and Love - Asha Bhandari
- Quality and Love - Meena Kukreti
- Quality and love - Bharti Dangwal
- Quality and Love - Shalini Gurung
- Quality and love - Neelam Bhardwaj
- Quality and Love - Jyoti Joshi
- Quality And Love - Ambika Gurung
- Quality and love- Manmohan Kaur
- Quality and Love - Parineeta Negi
- Compassion: Byju Joseph
- Rekha Sarin "I am passionate about Education...
- Quality and Love - Kiran Jayal
- Hard Conversation with Jennifer Abrams
- Thoughtfulness and Understanding - Urvashi Uniyal
- Robotic Telescopes for looking at the Planets, Sun...
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- Thoughtfulness and Understanding- Prachi Jain
- Philip M Burrett "I am passionate about Education...
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