Monday, January 25, 2021

Teaching Children Good Sportsmanship - Abhay Raj Singh

Parents and kids alike love sports, and it's easy to get caught up in a game and become focused on winning. Yet there is much more to be gained from the sports experience than a winning record. When children and teens are involved in sports, they are able to learn and put into practice values that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Good sportsmanship is one of the life lessons that children can learn from sports. You can help your children understand and value good sportsmanship while making sure they have a safe and fun sports experience.

Good sportsmanship may seem hard to define, but its hallmarks include being able to win without gloating, respecting one's opponents, and being able to lose gracefully. 
Here are some important principles to instil in your children:
If you lose, don't makeup excuses.
If you win, don't rub it in.
Learn from mistakes and get back in the game.
Always do your best.

If someone else makes a mistake, remain encouraging and avoid criticizing.
Show respect for yourself, your team, and the officials of the game.

Abhay Raj Singh
The Fabindia School

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