Sunday, August 30, 2020

Technology and Education - Jitendra Suthar

Technology education is the study of technology, in which our students "learn about the processes and knowledge related to technology”. As a field of study, it covers one’s ability to meet all the needs, by manipulating materials and tools with techniques. It shows the disconnected relation between wide usage and the lack of knowledge about the technical components of technologies used and how to fix them.

Technology can deliver new educational opportunities for everyone. It offers great opportunities to transform global education at any age level. Technology is continuously developing at a rapid pace and access to technologies such as mobile phones and the internet is increased.

In schools around the world, computers, tablets, smart whiteboards, and other technological devices are being used as part of the learning process. Technology provides a window to the world and access to thousands of learning resources. Learning to stay connected with technologies and using computer coding gives children the skills and confidence to help them get good jobs when they leave school - and in turn, come up with more new technologies.

The number of children around the world using handheld devices, like mobile phones and mini-tablets, is growing. Agencies and organizations are taking advantage of the technology to deliver education where it is most needed.

Technology can be used as a tool for delivering education where it is most needed, especial in humanitarian emergencies such as war or natural disasters.

Students need to be learning the skills necessary for the jobs that have yet to be created Technology can deliver education in places other than a traditional classroom - particularly during humanitarian emergencies such as conflict, natural disasters or epidemics like COVID19.

Jitendra Suthar
The Fabindia School

आशा - जफ्फर खां

आशा जीवन रूपी फूल की सुगंध हैं, किसी कार्य या बात को पूर्ण हो जाने की उम्मीद को आशा कहते हैं |जहां आशा हैं, उत्साह हैं ,वही सफलता है | कार्य कैसा भी हो यदि मनुष्य आशा और उत्साह के साथ काम करता है तो निश्चय ही सफलता व आनंद दोनों प्राप्त होते हैं | मनुष्य को अपना सुखी जीवन जीने के लिए सकारात्मक सोच रखनी चाहिए | जीवन में 'रात व दिन' की तरह आशा और निराशा के क्षण आते-जाते रहते हैं | मनुष्य जिस तरह की भावना रखता हैं वैसी ही  प्रेरणाएं मिलती हैं । आशा वह दीपक हैं जो कठिनाइयों में भी बुझता नहीं है, आत्मा से शक्ति पाकर निरंतर जलता रहता है । 

सच्ची मित्रता रंग रूप नहीं देखती हैं । मित्रता जीवन को रोमांच से भर देती हैं । मित्र के होने पर हम खुद को अकेला महसूस नहीं करते हैं । व्यक्ति अपने जन्म से ही अपनों के साथ रहता है, खेलता है, उनसे सीखता है पर हर बात व्यक्ति हर किसी को नहीं बताता है। वह केवल अपने सच्चे मित्र को ही अपने मन की बात बताता है । जो हमें समय-समय पर जीवन की कठिनाइयों से लड़ने में सहायता प्रदान करता है । हमारे व्यक्तित्व के निर्माण में दोस्तों की मुख्य भूमिका होती हैं । हम अपना सुख दु:ख तथा हर तरह की बातें उसी के साथ बांट सकते हैं जो हमारे मित्र होते है। मित्रता जीवन के किसी भी पड़ाव में हो सकती हैं । 

सच्ची दोस्ती हमको सदैव सही मार्ग दिखाती हैं - जैसे मोती की माला के टूट  के बिखर जाने पर हम उन्हें बार-बार पीरोते हैं क्योंकि वह मूल्यवान हैं ठीक उसी प्रकार सच्चे मित्र भी मूल्यवान होते हैं उनकी मित्रता हमें बनाए रखनी चाहिए । संसार में कई दोस्त होते हैं जो हमेशा अपने मित्रों की समृद्धि के समय ही साथ रहते हैं , लेकिन केवल सच्चे, ईमानदार और वफादार दोस्त ही होते हैं जो हमें कभी भी हमारे जीवन में कठिनाई और मुश्किल के समय में अकेला नहीं होने देते हैं और  हमारा  साथ देते हैं तथा  मनोबल बढाते है।सच्चे मित्र ही बिना विचार किए  हमको संकट में देखकर मदद के लिए आगे आ जाते है |

जफ्फर खां 
The Fabindia School

किशोरावस्था में बच्चों को समझाना और समझना - Kusum Dangi

किशोरावस्था  का  अर्थ हैं  बढ़ना  या  विकसित होना  इस अवस्था में अनेक परिवर्तन होते हैं जैसे - शारीरिक, मानसिक एवं भावनात्मक इस  समय  में  अधिक  बदलाव  के कारण  बच्चों को  अनेक कठिनाइयों  का सामना  करना पड़ता  हैं। वे अचानक  से हूए  वह शारीरिक परिवर्तन   को अनुभव तो कर सकते हैं परंतु समझ नहीं पाते हैं वह इन  परिवर्तनों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं इसके लिए या तो  सहकर्मी   आयु  की मदद लेते  है  या गुमराह करने वाले साहित्य पर निर्भर हो जाते हैं।  गलत  जानकारी  मिलने  से वे और भी  परेशान हो जाते हैं  इससे उनके मानसिक और शारिरिक  विकास पर बहुत प्रभाव पड़ता हैं।  

इस दौरान परिवार की अहम  भूमिका होती है क्योंकि   इस समय  जरूरत होती हैं  उन्हें समझने की जैसे-जैसे  वे इस अवस्था  में प्रवेश करते हैं वे अपनी पहचान बनाना चाहते हैं इसलिए उनको अपने स्वयं के    निर्णय लेने  और अपने स्वयं के कार्य की जिम्मेदारी लेने के अवसरों को प्रदान करने  की जरूरत हैं  अगर वह कोई गलती करे  तो उनको समझाएं और  सही करने में सहयोग करें इस अवस्था में उनको समझाना बहुत आवश्यक हैं  इसके लिए माता -पिता को  पहले उनके अच्छे दोस्त बनने की आवश्यकता हैं  क्योंकि  इस दौरान उनको कोई समस्या आती हैं तो वे इस बारे में आपसे  बात करेंगे  उनके ऊपर विश्वास करे तथा उनको  जिम्मेदार बनाए इसके लिए उन्हें कोई भी जरूरी कार्य दे और करने के लिए कहे सबसे आवश्यक है वह कुछ भी बात करें या करें तो उन पर विश्वास करें।

Kusum Dangi
The Fabindia Schools

टेक्नोलॉजी - Usman Gani

टेक्नोलॉजी से तात्पर्य उन सभी मेथड, सिस्टम अथवा डिवाइसेस से है, जिसका इस्तेमाल विज्ञान की दुनिया में किसी खोज के प्रयोग के लिए किया जाता है। हालांकि, विज्ञान की दुनिया में इसका उपयोग करने के लिए उचित कौशल, ज्ञान और सामर्थ्य की जरूरत होती है।

टेक्नोलॉजी का महत्व
आज टेक्नोलॉजी का हर किसी के जीवन में खास महत्व है क्योंकि यह न सिर्फ व्यक्ति के विकास में मद्द करती है, बल्कि देश-दुनिया के विकास में भी अपनी महत्वपूर्ण भागीदारी निभाती है। वहीं अगर किसी भी देश की विकास की दर धीमी है तो इसका मतलब साफ है कि उस देश की टेक्नोलॉजी काफी पिछड़ी हुई है। टेक्नोल़ॉजी की मद्द से पिछड़ी हुई औद्योगिक अर्थव्यवस्थाओं की सामाजिक व्यवस्था को भी सुधार लाने में मद्द मिलती है। आज जिंदगी से संबंधित हर काम टेक्नोलॉजी से जुड़ गया है, जिससे जीवन स्तर में न सिर्फ सुधार हुआ है, बल्कि विकास को एक नई दिशा मिली है।

विज्ञान और टेक्नोलॉजी
विज्ञान और टेक्नोलॉजी एक-दूसरे के पूरक है, अथवा उन्नत तकनीकी का इस्तेमाल कर ही आज विज्ञान नई-नई खोजें कर रहा है और विकास की दर को बढ़ाने में मद्द कर रहा है। वहीं आज का युग विज्ञान और तकनीकी का युग है, जिसमें मानव जीवन पूरी तरह विज्ञान और टेक्नोलॉजी पर निर्भर हो चुका है। आज टेक्नोलॉजी और विज्ञान की मद्द से ही इंसान समुद्र की गहराइयों से लेकर आसमान की ऊंचाई तक को माप सकता है। यही नहीं विज्ञान और तकनीकी ने इंसान की पहुंच अंतरिक्ष तक बना दी है।

टेक्नोलॉजी ने आज मानव जीवन को जितना आसान बना दिया और देश -दुनिया की अर्थव्यवस्था को मजबूत करने में अपना पूर्ण रुप से सहयोग दिया है तो वहीं दूसरी तरफ टेक्नोलॉजी के इस बढ़ते इस्तेमाल ने मनुष्य के स्वास्थ्य पर भी नकारात्मक प्रभाव डाला है, इसलिए हम सभी को जरूरत के वक्त ही इसका इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए।

Usman Gani
The Fabindia School

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Read more to know more - Sharmila Vijayvargi

Books are a storehouse of knowledge. They remove our ignorance and kindle in us a fire to know more. Books guide us, inspire us and enlighten us. We can become heirs to the wisdom of the past by reading books. We can use the knowledge gained by reading books for the welfare of the world. We become more humane by reading books. They can influence and change the course of our lives altogether. Apart from giving joy and knowledge books make us think and thus help us to develop our intellect and wisdom. They make our imagination fertile and boost are creativity. Therefore we should develop the habit of reading it is a very useful hobby, for it not only increases our knowledge but also helps us in becoming complete human beings.

We can fruitfully employ our leisure time in reading books rather than wasting it in useless and slanderous gossip. Reading books makes learning fun, develop our intellect and adds to our knowledge. It improves our vocabulary and grammar besides keeping boredom at bay. We can learn many things from books. We can enjoy reading stories, poetry, plays and tales of adventure. We can read about animals, birds and plants. But we should be particular about what we are reading we should choose books that are suitable for our age and interest.
Our parents and teachers can help us in selecting the right books for reading. Books -Our Best Friends for you’ll never find a better friend In all your life than a good book. It will enlighten, inform and entertain you at your will and yet remain silent and understanding. It will withstand any rough handling and open like a magic door.

When everything else is such a bore it will interest and please you once more. And when you are done with it goes back to the rack and stays there patiently and quietly until you pick it up again to learn, relax or entertain. 

Sharmila Vijayvargi
The Fabindia School

In Search of Myself - Shivani Rao

Aarav Solanki/ LKG
Have you ever thought about who you are? What you stand for? You can be a friend, son, father, brother/sister, but these are just an aspect of you. Your inner self is who you really are. To know your inner self you must acknowledge your purpose values, your visions, goals, belief. Not what you have been told by others. You need to spend time with yourself. 

The biggest adventure of our lives is discovering inner you. In order to be the most valuable person in the world around you, you have to first know who you really are. Introspection and self-awareness are highly required.

If you are not connected with who you really are, you are probably just living your life for others. Pursing others goal and living up to other expectations rather than what you really want.

'All the wonder you want lies within you.'

Shivani Rao
The Fabindia School

समय का महत्व - Usha Panwar

समय बहुमूल्य है, इसे व्यर्थ नही खोना चाहिए। हम बीते हुए समय को वापस नहीं लौटा सकते हैं। समय किसी की
प्रतीक्षा नहीं करता। हमारे जीवन की सभी सफलताएं, आशाए, इच्छाएं समय पर ही निर्भर करती है। जो व्यक्ति समय का सदुपयोग करते हैं वही जीवन में सफल हो पाते हैं।
विद्यार्थी जीवन के लिए समय के सदुपयोग का विशेष महत्व है। विद्यार्थियों को विद्या ग्रहण करने के लिए अपने समय का एक-एक क्षण का सदुपयोग करना चाहिए। संसार में जितने भी महापुरुष व मेघावी व्यक्ति हुए हैं उन्होंने अपने समय का बुद्धिमत्ता पूर्वक सदुपयोग किया है। उदाहरण:-नेपोलियन सिर्फ 5 मिनट देरी से पहुंचने के कारण उसे युद्ध भूमि में पराजय का सामना करना पड़ा और वह कैद कर लिया गया।
अतः हमें अपने समय का पूर्ण सदुपयोग करना चाहिए खेल के समय खेलना और पढ़ाई के समय मन लगाकर पढ़ाई करना। समय के सदुपयोग से ही जीवन में सच्चा सुख व सफलता प्राप्त की जा सकती है ।समय अमूल्य धन है ।समय संसार में अमीर गरीब ऊंच-नीच की भेदभाव नहीं रखता जिसने भी समय के महत्व को पहचाना और सदुपयोग किया वह उन्नति की सीढ़ियां चढ़ जाता है।

Usha Panwar
The Fabindia School 

Self Reinvent - Richa Solanki

There is a phase in your life when you may need to learn how to reinvent yourself. This could come when you experience big things. If you are going through a major situation in your life or facing some challenges you may have to find new ways of thinking or doing things or take a risk.  You can also achieve this only when you take a leap of faith and make things happen for yourself.

Although it is important that you learn to rely on yourself when facing any challenge, it is also important to have a support of anyone who motivates and guide us if anyone is not, then be yourself motivator and this thing will come into your mind when you give a boost to your mind when things get too tough and to correct you when you’re making mistakes. 

It is different between independence and dependence. Don’t be afraid to be sharing the difficulties you’re facing. When you open up, you’ll find the people who are really going to be there for you. During the process of learning how to reinvent yourself, you will have to pull yourself away from your past things, comfort zones, habits, and roles. Yes, it is difficult and you will question your self-worth, so it’s important to adopt in self-care to maintain positive thinking and keep your mind and body healthy as you face the challenges that come in your path.

If sometimes you want space then mention self-care by participating in a hobby you enjoy and spending time with your love ones. Taking some time to walk in nature. Practice love, kindness and meditation. Find what works for you and what helps you feel like your real self as you want a perfect version of you. To Reinvent Yourself, you have to sure that you are equipped with all the solutions that you are facing. Develop your strengths. This will provide valuable information on how you deal with certain situations. If you have this information, you will be able to manage difficulties more efficiently.

Richa Solanki 
The Fabindia School 

Learning Forward Annual Conference 2020

Learning Forward’s Annual Conference, known for more than 40 years as THE Learning Conference, is moving to virtual for 2020.
Learning Forward is concerned first and foremost about the safety and health of our colleagues, educators, students, and communities, so this year's attendees will come together virtually Dec 6-8, 2020.
Ensuring students have equitable access to high-quality learning remains as important as ever. Learn about best practices, the latest research, and how other learning professionals are responding to challenges in their districts, but without the usual travel costs or restrictions!
Join education thought leaders at all levels—policy, system, school, and classroom—for powerful networking as you gain the tools and strategies needed to understand and implement effective professional learning in classrooms, schools, and districts.
Look soon for more information about this opportunity, where we’ll highlight leading voices in professional learning and connect our community of peers to share solutions and inspiration.
This year’s theme is Innovate for Impact, addressing questions such as:
How can professional learning solve the challenges we face
in the upcoming school year?
What innovative solutions do education leaders need to know about
for professional learning policies, systems, and practices?
How can we measure the impact of professional learning
so that your investments are leading to equity and excellence
for all students?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

विश्व फोटोग्राफी दिवस 19 अगस्त - Aysha Tak

फ्रांसीसी वैज्ञानिक आर्गो की फ्रेंच अकादमी ऑफ साइंस के लिए लिखी गई एक रिपोर्ट को तत्कालीन फ्रांस सरकार ने खरीदकर 19 अगस्त 1939 को आम लोगों के लिए फ्री घोषित कर दिया था। इसी उपलब्धि की याद में 19 अगस्त को विश्व फोटोग्राफी दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाने लगा ,आधिकारिक तौर पर इसकी शुरुआत 2010 में हुई थी । यह दिन उन फ़ोटोग्राफ़रों को समर्पित होता है जो किसी खास पल और खूबसूरत चीजों को कैमरे में कैद कर उन्हें यादगार बना देते है। 

विश्व के बहुत से फ़ोटोग्राफ़रों ने फोटोग्राफी की इस दुनिया में अपना एक अलग मुकाम बनाया है और उन्हें इस मुकाम से धन और शोहरत दोनों खूब मिले हैं। लोगों ने उनके काम को बहुत सराहना दी है। अच्छी फोटोग्राफ और विडियो बनाने के लिए फोटोग्राफर को काफी ज्यादा दिमाग लगाना पड़ता है। उसको फोटो या विडियो बनाने के लिए सही दिशा का चुनाव ,एक बेहतर कोण ,कंट्रास्ट एवं ब्राइटनेस के साथ - साथ बहुत कुछ देखकर काम करना पड़ता है। 

विश्व फोटोग्राफी दिवस का उद्देश्य पूरे विश्व में फोटोग्राफर्स को एक सरल उद्देश्य के साथ में फोटो साझा करने के लिए प्रेरित करना है। इसे अपनी दुनिया को दुनिया के साथ में साझा करना कहते हैं। किसी पल को अगर अमर करना हो तो उसे तस्वीरों में कैद कर लो। तस्वीरें किसी के प्रति आपकी भावनाओं का भी हाल बताती हैं। इंसान के पास जब इतने हाईटेक कैमरे नहीं थे , तब भी वह तस्वीरें बनाता था।
चित्र बनाना इंसान के लिए अपनी रचनात्मकता की अभिव्यक्ति का सशक्त माध्यम रहा है। प्राचीन गुफाओं में बनाए गए भित्ति चित्र इस बात के गवाह हैं। इनके जरिए वह आने वाली पीढ़ियों के लिए बेश्कीमती सौगात छोड़ गया है। बाद में जब कैमरे का आविष्कार हुआ, तो फोटोग्राफी भी इंसान के लिए अपनी रचनात्मकता का प्रदर्शन करने का एक माध्यम बन गया। कुछ बातें जो हम बोल कर नहीं समझा पाते हैं , वह तस्वीरों के द्वारा आसानी से समझाई जा सकती हैं।

एक तस्वीर उन तमाम भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने का दम रखती है , जिन्हें हजार शब्द भी बयां नहीं कर पाते है। कुछ तस्वीरें ऐसी होती है जो कि कभी न भूलने वाली होती हैं , उनकी छवि हमारे दिल व दिमाग पर अपनी अमिट छाप छोड़ जाती है।इन कभी न भूलने वाली तस्वीरों में करुणा , उल्लास ,आक्रोश ,दर्द और शोक नज़र आता है। कुछ तस्वीरें जो सिर्फ यादगार तस्वीरें ही नहीं बल्कि इतिहास के पन्नों में दर्ज तारीखें बन जाती हैं। 

Ayasha Tak 
The Fabindia School 

अपनी सुरक्षा अपना दायित्व - राजेश्वरी राठौड़

मानव को कोई भी कार्य के दौरान किसी दुर्घटना से बचने के लिए सुरक्षा का पूर्ण ध्यान रखना चाहिए। सुरक्षा का
अर्थ हानी से बचाव करने की क्रिया और व्यवस्था को सुरक्षा कहते हैं। वर्तमान समय में सुरक्षित रहना हर वर्ग के लिए एक चुनौती सा बन गया है। हमारी स्वयं की सुरक्षा का दायित्व किसका है ? समाज, सरकार या स्वयं हमारा है। इसकी विवेचना करना आवश्यक है। वैसे तो मनुष्य को बचपन से ही हर तरह की  सुरक्षा के बारे में बताया या सिखाया जाता है। जैसे आग से, बिजली से, पानी से ,सड़क दुर्घटना से, औद्योगिक कार्य मे सुरक्षा  से सावधानी से कार्य करना चाहिए। हमारे स्वास्थ्य की सुरक्षा के लिए जैसे व्यायाम करना ,पौष्टिक खाना खाना  इत्यादि।

एक उदाहरण के माध्यम से अपनी सुरक्षा अपना दायित्व को समझाने का प्रयास कर रही हूं मलेरिया जैसी बीमारी से हर हर साल  कई लोगों की मृत्यु होती है। अगर वह सुरक्षा रखें जैसे घर की सफाई अपने आस-पास पानी इकट्ठा ना होने देने की सफाई का ध्यान रखें तो मच्छर उत्पन्न ही नहीं होंगे रात में मच्छरदानी लगा कर सोना इत्यादि सुरक्षा के उपाय करेंगे तो बीमारी से बच सकते हैं। वैसे आज-कल कोराना जैसी महामारी ने लोगों को  हिला कर रख दिया है। इसके लिए सरकार उपचार कर रही है लेकिन हमको अपनी सुरक्षा स्वयं को करनी है जैसे मास्क बांधकर बाहर जाना सोशल डिस्टेंस बना कर चलना जो सुरक्षा के नियम है उनका सावधानीपूर्वक  निभाना है तभी अपनी सुरक्षा कर सकेंगे।

हमारे स्वास्थ्य की सुरक्षा का उत्तरदायित्व हमारा स्वयं का है सरकार के साथ-साथ हमें भी स्वयं की सुरक्षा करनी चाहिए।  सुरक्षा जीवन का अर्थ सुरक्षा के बिना जीवन व्यर्थ है।

राजेश्वरी राठौड़
The Fabindia School

Being Focused - Urvish Singh

Being focused means that you have clear goals and objectives and your work is dedicated to achieving those goals and objectives. When you are deciding what you are going to do in any given moment; you base your decision on how you can make the most progress towards your goals with the time and resources available.

Being focused in the present moment means that you are solely focused on the one activity that you are trying to complete. Anything else is unimportant so you shut out all distractions and give your full and undivided attention to the task at hand. It’s difficult for people to remain focused on one task for a variety of reasons. 

For one, we live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with TV, radio, cell phones, Internet social media, as well as a much larger population that lives closer together than ever before. the benefits of being focused are 1=u are quicker 2=u produce higher quality 3=less stress and Being focused is the key to success. It is not about doing the most work; it is about doing your most important work to the highest standard. Only being focused allows you to do that.

Urvish Singh
The Fabindia School

Contributions towards the Country - Monika Vaishnav

This year we have celebrated our 74th Independence day. Many of us put posts on our social media status and wish each other on the occasion of National festivals. That is one of the ways to express our love and respect towards our country but don't you think action speaks louder than words. Yes, we should do more than that to contribute to our country. We should be expressive in both words and action. Sometimes, we should ask ourselves a question, 'What is my contribution towards my country?, I know we all can't be soldiers or corona warriors but still, there are many things which we can do to make our country a better place.

We can contribute to our country by paying tax on time because this money is used for the development of our country, by doing our work honestly, by helping needy one, by following rules and laws, by raising our voice against wrong, by taking care of the public property, by educating ourselves as well as others, by making difference in others life,  by being unselfish, by protecting nature to reduce pollution, by supporting equality, by understanding both our rights and duties, by creating a happy environment etc. Our soldiers are protecting us day and night by sacrificing their lives, so can't we put these little efforts for our country. 

We really need to think about these things. If we want to see India in the list of developed countries, we have to put our efforts towards it, it is not only the responsibility of the government, and we are the key factor who can bring huge change if we really love our country. These days our Prime Minister Mr. has talked about a vision ' Aatma Nirbhar Bharat' to make a self-reliant country. As he said, Vocal for Local’ we all should also contribute towards it and encourage local business and work on quality products.

Monika Vaishnav
The Fabindia School

Independence Day - Swabhi Parmar

Every year on 15th August, India celebrates Independence Day. India became an independent country in the year 1947 from British rule. Each one of us is born free, dies free and wants to live free. India achieved its Independence with great struggle and effort. Several freedom fighters and many great men sacrificed their lives to achieve the nation’s freedom from the grip of British rule. The movement of independence in India was started by the Indian freedom fighters under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. 

These freedom fighters endured a severe struggle in order to achieve the nation’s freedom. 15th August is celebrated with high enthusiasm in order to pay honour to our legendary freedom fighters, who sacrificed their lives for our motherland. Independence Day motivates us to love our country and be forever willing to sacrifice our lives for its honour and integrity. Being a part of such a beautiful nation one must not forget these sacrifices. We must honour and preserve the integrity and dignity of the country. We should maintain the slogan of unity in diversity.

There is a saying that if you want to see change then first change yourself. Because it always starts with us. Freedom is not only a privilege but it is the duty of each and every being of the nation to respect our motherland. We can truly enjoy freedom when we will be free from social differences and many ill practices which happens in the nation. This should not be motivated at any cost. If you expect equality then you should be capable to give equal treatment to everybody. So you must give respect to take respect. On this note, I wish you a very Happy Independence day. Let's spread positivity and peace all around.

Swabhi Parmar
The Fabindia School

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Academy

The LFIN Academy’s Professional Learning Program (PLP) is custom-built for each participant or team to match your needs.

Are you ready to:
  • Construct knowledge and develop strategies to overcome challenges and improve educator practice?
  • Become the professional learning subject-matter expert for your organization?
  • Implement professional learning in your environment that ultimately increase student achievement?
  • Engage fully during learning sessions and do the job-embedded homework?
  • If you answered yes to any of the above questions, Learning Forward's Academy is right for you.
Benefits to Academy participants
  • Share years of learning with educators from around the world;
  • Experience face-to-face, team-based learning days for in-depth instruction and to build relationships and foster community;
  • Attend the Learning Forward India Retreat and be inspired by, and network with, industry experts and peers;
  • Participate and collaborate by phone and virtually to extend learning and for continuous process improvement;
  • Receive ongoing support from an experienced coach who is also an Academy graduate;
  • Gain access to resources, relationships and real results with a complimentary Learning Forward India membership for life—to advance your professional learning journey; and
  • Celebrate successful completion with formal graduation.
Sign up for the Learning Forward India Professional Learning Program and find your mojo in teaching and learning! #HappyTeachers   

Monisha Dutta - Director of the Learning Forward Academy
Email LFIN@ebd.IN

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Self Motivation - Nikita Rajpurohit

Motivation is a very strong tool that we can use to get further in life to achieve our dreams and goals.
Setting goals for ourselves is something that I consider to be very important, I believe in always pushing myself further and further in life, not only physically but mentally as well. We all have different things or tools we can use to motivate us towards our end goals. In order for us to stay motivated, we have to have a goal and be driven towards achieving that goal.

Self-motivation is the window of a room with a closed-door that keeps you reminding that there is always a way to achieve things you desire. Wanting to do something and motivating yourself to actually do it are two different things. The difference between those who never reach their goals, even after years and years, and those who achieve one goal after another is nothing but their self-motivation, it’s the positive inner force that pushes them to move further and help them achieve their goals.

When you think you want to give up on something, or you just don’t know how and where to start from, your self-motivation is the key that unlocks the door for you to explore and achieve. With self-motivation, learn and grow – regardless of the hurdles coming in your way. That’s why it’s such a fundamental tool for reaching your goals, achieving your dreams, and succeeding, in this journey called life.

Positive thinking is an important element to build strong self-confidence. It’s important to look at things positively, especially when things aren’t going as per plans and you really want to give up. If you keep thinking negative about things or you feel you won’t succeed, it may influence things around you in such a way that all your negative predictions will come true which will make you more and more upset.

This happens in the cases where you need to work hard to achieve your goals, or if you need to persuade others to support you in order to succeed. Your thoughts have a major influence on your success or failure, so make sure those thoughts are “on your side.”

Focusing on your goals is also an important part to keep yourself motivated. When you have many goals, always schedule your time and resources effectively. You can achieve the “focus” part of self-motivation by prioritizing and establishing a schedule that will help you succeed in accomplishing your work more effectively. It doesn’t make sense to work until you’re exhausted or give up one goal to achieve another or just simply doing half of every work and completing none. So always keep motivating and stay motivated

Nikita Rajpurohit
The Fabindia School

समस्या समाधान - उर्मिला राठौड़

किसी समस्या का समाधान (हल) प्राप्त करने के लिये हमें विभिन्न पहलुओं का  क्रमबद्ध तरीके से विश्लेषण करना
पड़ता है। रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी में बहुत से कारक ऐसे आते है, जिनको समझ लेने की बाद ही निष्कर्ष निकलता है कि इससे कैसे निपटे और उसका सामना कैसे करे ? 

व्यक्ति मानसिक और शारीरिक तौर पर मजबूत होगा तभी ऐसी परिस्थितियों से निकल सकता है।इसके लिए हमें अपनी जीवन शैली में बदलाव करने की ज़रुरत है। एक बालक अपनी समस्याओं के निवारण हेतु कोशिश तो करेगा लेकिन सही क्रम अपनाने में गलती कर लेता है। उसके समाधान के लिए वयस्कों की मदद की आवश्कता होती है। 
सबसे पहले व्यक्ति को मानसिक तौर पर मजबूती चाहिए ।  उसके लिए एकाग्रता, सकारात्मकता होना आवश्यक है। यह तभी होगा जब हम नियमित योगाभ्यास करेंगे। अच्छे और प्रेरणास्पद साहित्य पढ़ेंगे और शिष्ट व्यक्तियों के साथ अपने विचारों का आदान प्रदान करेंगे। विपरीत परिस्थितियों से लड़ने का हौसला होगा। प्रत्येक समस्या अपने साथ समाधान रखती है बस जरूरत है तो धैर्यवान बनने की, नए तरीकों को खोजने की। हम धरती से सभी समस्याओं को मिटा नहीं सकते लेकिन उसके लिए रास्ता तो खोज सकते है। यह धैर्य और सकारात्मता से ही होगा।

 किसी विषय से संबंधित समस्याओें के लिए निरन्तर अभ्यास करना चाहिए। जिससे हमारा भविष्य बेहतर बन सके। क्योंकि हम जो हमेशा कार्य करते है वो सफलता पाने के लिए नहीं है बल्कि यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए है कि हम कहीं असफल न हो। 

उर्मिला राठौड़
The Fabindia School 

National Webinar - Rahul Thakur

National Webinar on “Impact of Physical Education on Students’ Well-being and Academic Success in Higher Education” was organized by the Department of Physical Education. The session was conducted by Dr Gautam Mukherjee C.E.O and Co-Founder of Sportify

Discussion on the topic was conducted in the webinar i.e., “Impact of Physical Education on students’ well-being
and academic success in higher education”. Not only in the elementary level but also in higher education students should engage themselves with the activities. Yes, it is very much important for the student to engage in the activities (it can be any games or sports, recreation games, physical exercises etc.) so that they can develop their physical and mental health development as well as motor development. It also develops leadership qualities of the students.

It also expressed that Physical Education may be included in all the field of Higher Education as a subject including medical and engineering. In the general degree colleges, physical education subject can be a compulsory subject with all streams (Arts, Science and Commerce). Physical Education is as important as our daily requirement.

Rahul Kumar Thakur
The Fabindia School 

The World of Books - Punita Chouhan

One word we should never forget that’s “BOOK"
Once finding a friend in the book 
One will never feel lonely.
And this bond remains till the end of life.       
Books are great friends of mine 
Who share multiple notions. 
Hence the deal with everyone’s emotions 
They deal with anger and grief but never complain. 
Books take us to the places unexplored 
 It amazes me, reveals the identity of people unknown. 
  It gives us delight and enlightens our life.
They are the boats which sail us to further places. 
On a  journey of imagination and fairyland.

The greatest of the books of our mythology  
  Gives us answers, of the questions untold 
 My friendship with them is ever unbreakable. 
As we share a peaceful conversation        
I promise to keep you beside me       
No matter where and how I am. 

Punita Chouhan
The Fabindia School  

Freedom and Peace - Sharmila Vijayvargi

Both these values indistinctly strike our minds to be related with some sort of struggle, largely, the 
Indian struggle to independence and which is true. The values of freedom and peace were the driving force to India being an independent nation. However, if we delve into the inculcation of these values in our daily life, one would know that both these values are really important for one person's growth and development. In early childhood days, freedom is utmost important. When students play freely in the class or anywhere without any fear of being judged or scolded, they come out with their creative selves, which boosts their motor skills, observation skills.

 A free mind accepts, absorbs and learns more. Like planning is essential for success in life. So, also is it necessary for attaining peace. There can be conflicts at home, in school, factories, parties, organizations, etc. To solve these conflicts and to restore peace, some definite plans are to be made. Even to maintain peace we need certain plans. We need to make a plan not only to restore peace but also to maintain it. Freedom and peace is a Universal value. Everyone needs peace and freedom. The young and the old all desire peace and freedom. It is a universal longing. It has no boundaries. Thus, freedom of doing coupled with peace in mind certainly helps one achieve better results and development. Both the values are inclusive of each other. While at the micro-level, peace and freedom help individuals, at the macro level, both values have led to countries to come out of dominance and rule. 

Sharmila Vijayvargi
The Fabindia School.

Freedom and Peace - Swabhi Parmar

The word freedom refers to the possibility that every person has to make decisions regarding their own lives, yet with certain limitations. We have the ability to choose from a variety of options but at the same time, we must not jeopardize the freedom of others. Freedom of thought, opinion, creativity and faith are fundamental human rights which are found in the constitutions of numerous acts of international significance. Freedom in this context is not physical, but a spiritual creation, belief, thought and free manifestation. Every child has the right to express their opinions freely on all the questions which concern his/her life. So a child should not be the victim of the pressure of an adult, who would try to force him/her in order to influence them in their opinion or who would prevent them from expressing themselves freely. The freedom of expression for the children also involves their right to be informed. It is the right of the children to know what happens and to access information which interests them.  Freedom leads you to a peaceful and hassle-free life. 

Every individual has the right to express freely and give his or her opinions freely to the community or society. A person has the right to be liberal in choosing whatever he or she wants to choose to make their life more peaceful and happy. Anyone who is content and happy then only they can be very productive and balanced in their workspace or in their learning process. Peace is the state of being emotionally and mentally at calmness in which there is no restlessness or disturbing thoughts, and being in control of your mind, moods and reactions. True inner peace is independent of external conditions and circumstances. It confers tranquillity, inner harmony and balance.

Peace is a very necessary part of humankind because it can give us the capability of good decision making and we are relaxed even when the situations don’t turn up well. A state of inner peace eliminates anxieties, fears and worries. It also removes negative thoughts, stress, lack of satisfaction and unhappiness. It is a state of emotional and mental poise, happiness, confidence and inner strength. Everyone desires inner peace, even if he or she is not aware of this desire. Few realize the importance and benefits of inner peace, and still, fewer know that it is a skill that can be learned. You can continue living where you are, without making external changes in your life, and yet, attain inner peace. Some might progress fast, and others at a slower pace. Some might reach far, and others not so far. However, everyone can gain, at least a certain measure of inner peace, enough to transform their lives. This is why it is necessary to make your heart quiet and peaceful as soon as it becomes troubled by something internal or external. Direct your intentions to the right subject and try to find out how to achieve a state of affairs when every action is done in the peace of state of heart, with pleasure and joy. In brief, preserving the peace of heart should be the constant effort of your whole life, and you must never allow it to be cast into the disorderly disturbance.
Swabhi Parmar
The Fabindia School

International Youth Day - Prerna Rathod

Every year on 12th August,” United Nations International Youth Day” is celebrated  to recognize
efforts of the world’s youth in enhancing global society. The main aim is to promote different ways to encourage them in becoming more active in making positive contributions towards society.

The youth of the age group between 15 to 24 years fall in this category. Youth form one-sixth of the population of the world. Young people proposed the idea for International Youth Day in 1991. In 1998, a resolution was passed to recognize 12th August as International Youth Day. It was later endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 1999. The first International Youth Day was observed in 2000.

It is aimed to bring everyone’s attention to youth issues all over the world. The slogans and themes used during the previous years are as follows – Mental Health (2014), Youth and Civic Engagement (2015), The Road to 2030- Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production (2016), Youth Building Peace (2017), Safe Spaces for Youth (2018), Transforming Education (2019).

On this day different activities and events are held. For example, conferences are held where different speakers from various countries and fields encourage and motivate youth. Debates and discussions and award ceremonies are also held. In 2018 and 2019 International Youth Day was hosted by Indian Youth Café, Chennai. The event has its own speciality in empowering the youth.

For 2020, the theme is “Youth Engagement for Global Action”. It aims to highlight different ways of engagement of young people at the local, national and global levels and enrich multilateral institutions and processes, as well as draw lessons on how their representation and engagement in formal institutional politics can be enhanced. The government also wants help from youth in helping to create awareness among people regarding Covid-19. This will help to save all people especially the youth in being victims to Covid-19.

Prerna Rathod
The Fabindia School

To Cultivate The Love Of Learning - Prakash Dangi

However, when children develop a love for learning, half the battle is won. There would be no need to force children to complete assignments or to pressurize them to study to achieve good grades. They would want to learn naturally, finding new information and discovering answers by themselves. Here are four tried and tested ways, based on my teaching experience, to cultivate the love of learning in children:

1. Create A Safe Space For Children To Ask Questions- Children have the gift of curiosity and they should be allowed to pursue it without the fear of being judged or scolded. Once they have this safe space, their quest for knowledge will be ongoing and limitless. In my classes, I welcome questions instead of shunning them. As a result, my students get into the habit of not just asking me but also their peer's questions and, hence, deepening their learning.  
2. Expose Children To Different Outdoor Environments- Oftentimes, the outdoor spaces are the best classrooms, as learning becomes authentic when children are allowed to experience and interact with their surroundings. 
3.The Power Of Technology- The saying “If you can’t beat them, join them” holds true in this case. We cannot stop the advancement of technology in our children’s lives, but we can sure tap on the variety of resources available online or in the form of apps to enhance our children’s learning. Today we use maximum technology for learning.  
4. Most children love dabbling in different art forms- such as painting, sketching,  music, drama and dance because it allows them to bring their imagination to life. Practising the arts not only improves the skills of the child but also makes them more sensitive to the world around them. 

I hope these suggestions are useful for everyone.. It is my wish that schools, teachers and parents form solid partnerships to create learning environments to nurture the love of learning in children.

Prakash Dangi
The Fabindia School

Friday, August 14, 2020

Global Silicon Valley labs

Global Silicon Valley labs (GSVlabs) is an innovation services company with a mission to empower entrepreneurs and democratize innovation around the world.  GSVlabs has a world-class network, diverse innovation assets, extensive experience accelerating entrepreneurs and enterprises, a globally recognized innovation brand and a proven model to help organizations manage their entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem.

If you are not already a member, I highly recommend you to join the global platform anyway (many amazing resources can be accessed with the free membership)

Ms Pukhraj Ranjan 
Head of Community & Impact

Here is more...
As Pukhraj mentioned, Global Silicon Valley labs (GSVlabs) is an innovation services company with a mission to empower entrepreneurs and democratize innovation around the world. Our primary platform - GSV Passport is a virtual innovation platform providing members with remote access to an online suite of vital tools and services supporting business growth and acceleration including:

  • Mentorship: book 1 on 1 video meetings with over 80 industry leaders directly through Passport
  • Investor Network: If you're ready to seek capital and funding we have over 450 investors to match with through Passport
  • Resources: over 100 guides, templates, startup pitches to learn from including a dedicated COVID19 resource hub
  • Community: connect, share and learn from thousands of global founders on Passport through our community slack channels
  • Perks Program: save with over US$800k in free and discounted tools and services you can redeem directly through Passport including $365k in combined cloud credits.

If you'd like to know more about our remote platform GSV Passport, you can signup for a free account and explore Passport for yourself at

Kapil Gaba
Country Head – India

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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Benefits of Online Learning - Prakash Dangi

Online Teaching has become a hot trend in recent times. As technology has developed, so too has the way we learn new skills. Thanks to the internet, those interested in boosting their knowledge and skills now have a wide range of options open to them. The main difference between online and offline learning is location. With offline learning, participants are required to travel to the training location, typically a lecture hall, college or classroom. With online learning, on the other hand, the training can be conducted from practically anywhere in the world.

Learning and teaching can occur at times that are more convenient and productive for both students and teachers. Students can work at their own place within a given framework. Online education provides opportunities to access and share information more easily and readily. Teachers and students are able to join online communities of practice based on their area of interest rather than their geographic location. It's obvious that any study resource or information in digital format is very easy to be accessed and shared.

Online teachers often report that students usually perform better and also show more participation in discussions during online classes. According to a recent survey conducted on a group of online instructors, 90% of them have reported that teaching online helps them to stay more connected with the students and also gives them the ability to have a better understanding about every student. 

Prakesh Dangi
The Fabindia School

Quit India Movement - Kusum Sharma

Quit India Movement Day (77th anniversary) is observed on 8 August which is also known as August
Kranti. It is considered as an important movement in the freedom struggle where masses also participate and take charge itself.

 In April 1942, the Cripes mission failed. Within less than four months, the third great mass struggle of the Indian people for freedom started. This struggle is known as the Quit India movement. On 8 August 1942 at the Bombay session of All India Congress Committee by Mahatma Gandhi during World War II passed a resolution of Quit India Movement. This resolution declared that the immediate ending of the British rule in India was an urgent necessity for the sake of India and for the success of the cause of freedom and democracy, for which the countries of the United Nations were fighting against fascist Germany, Italy and Japan. The resolution called for the withdrawal of the British power from India. Once free, it said, India with all her resources would join the war on the side of those countries who were struggling against fascist and imperialist aggression.

The mantra of movement do or die. We shall either be free or die in the attempt”. “Quit India” and “Do or Die” became the battle cries of the Indian people during the Quit India movement. By the end of 1942, about 60,000 people had been jailed and hundreds were killed. Among the killed were many young children and old women

The war years were a period of terrible suffering for the people of India. Besides the misery caused by the repression by the British army and police, there was a terrible famine in Bengal in which about 30 lakh people died. The government showed little interest in providing relief to the starving people. There is no doubt that the "Quit India Movement", united the Indian people against British rule. Although most of the demonstrations were suppressed by 1944. But after Gandhi's release in 1944 from the prison, he continued his protest and went on a 21-day fast. By the end of World War II, Britain's position in the world had changed dramatically and the demand for independence could no longer be ignored.

Kusum Sharma
The Fabindia School

Monday, August 10, 2020

Hiroshima Day 6th August - Ajay Vijayvargi

Hiroshima Day 2020 - On 6 August 2020, Hiroshima Day is observed to mark the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan by the United States of America. The day aims to promote peace politics against the war. Hiroshima day aims to raise awareness about the threat of nuclear weapons and the dangers of nuclear energy used for the destruction of mankind.

On 6th August 1945, more than 9,000-pound Uranium-235 bomb was loaded on a modified B-29 bomber, dropping the world’s first atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This happened during World War II, that is, 1939-45. The explosion wiped out 90% of the city. It immediately killed 70,000 people and tens of thousands later died due to exposure to nuclear radiations. The bombings ended the Second World War. After 3-days, on 9 August, a second nuclear bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. The second bombing killed an estimated 40,000 people. The then Japan's Emperor Hirohito announced Japan’s unconditional surrender in World War II on 15th August citing the devastating power of a new and most cruel bomb.

During the Second World War Japan was against the United States America and its allies like Britain and the Soviet Union. The allies were winning the war and Japan was pushed back from several locations. During the war, several soldiers used to die every day and Japan had been at war for so many years. Later, Japan and China teamed up and attacked America. The then President of the US Harry S Truman wanted to surrender Japanese soldiers as quickly as possible and save lives. He permitted the nuclear bombing with a view that the Japanese will surrender after the destruction. The United States wanted to avoid the invasion of Japan through the land and by the Soviet Union. So, America dropped a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima, Japan.

A few years after the bombing, there occurred an increase in the incidence of leukaemia among the survivors. After a decade, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and other forms of cancer were also observed at higher than normal rates. The other effects included Pregnant women subjected to the bombing experienced higher rates of miscarriages and infant deaths. The children who were exposed to the radiation whilst in their mothers’ wombs were born with intellectual disabilities, impaired growth, and an increased predisposition towards developing cancer.

The detonation of the plutonium bomb led to radioactive dust particles falling out of the sky around the site of the explosion. Water and wind currents carried the radioactive dust across a much larger radius, effectively contaminating the ground, water supply, and the food chain. The contamination spread among agricultural plants, aquatic creatures, and terrestrial animals. Scientists also expected the effects of radioactive contamination to remain in the environment and the atmosphere up to decades. At least 66,000 people were killed and around 69,000 more were injured in the explosion alone.    

Hiroshima Day is observed annually on 6 August. Hiroshima Day 2020 marks the 75th year of the attack on Hiroshima. It reminds us of the bombing attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States during World War II in 1945.  At 8:15 am on the morning of 6th August every year, people mark the exact moment when the atomic bomb was dropped. At that moment, bells ring out at temples, sirens wail throughout the city and the citizens of Hiroshima observe a solemn moment of silence in remembrance of citizens who died in the attack.

Ajay Vijayvargi
The Fabindia School

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Friendship - Bharti Rao

Friendship is a relationship which cannot be described by words and is beyond description.
Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August month.  In 1935, a tradition of dedicating a day in honour of friends began in the US. Gradually Friendship Day gained popularity and various countries including India also celebrate this day.

When the whole world turns its back towards you, then it is the friend who will be always at your side. Everybody goes through some difficult phases in life. During those times you need a shoulder to cry on. Friends can give exactly that. They will be there to listen to your nonsense talks and still acknowledge whatever you are saying to lighten your heart. 

Just imagine life without friends. It would be boring. Friends are those who will always make fun, make you laugh and bring you out of depression. They are those who inspire us, guide us and motivate us. In history, we get examples of many friendship stories, which show the importance of friend in life. From the stories of Krishna and Arjun, Ram and Sugreev, Krishna and Sudama, Duryodhan and Karn it shows that friends have always been a person who helps and supports us. 

Everything came to a standstill due to the pandemic situation. COVID 19 separated each other but friends couldn’t be separated for friendship is a bond between two hearts. Meeting our friends physically gives a different joy altogether, however in these difficult times, we could easily manage by looking at their faces using video calls. We can stay together just like normal life, without physical touch.  Those who love reading got their best buddies during COVID 19, which are books. Books not only give us knowledge but they also give us good company. It has been rightly said by John Evelyn ‘Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.’

 Bharti Rao
The Fabindia School 

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