Sunday, May 10, 2020

Unity - Manisha Deora

The meaning of unity is that if we stay together, then nobody can defeat us. Unity is about sticking together even when things get tough and we want to give up. We can do it if we help each other. We gather every day in our assemblies for a common goal. We cooperate with each other to be united. We show respect and friendship with each other.
Unity is seen through teamwork in our sports teams, music groups, dance groups, etc. No team sport is quite right without cooperation. We can understand it very well with an example. We all know the story of the old man and his three sons. When the old man was dying, his sons began to quarrel. He asked them one by one to break a bundle of sticks tied together. 
They were unable to do it. He ordered the bundle to be united and then asked his sons to break each stick separately. They did it easily. This was a lesson to their sons that strength lies in unity and they never quarrelled afterwards and stand united.
In every walk of life, we find that it is our unity that gives us strength. In schools also, teachers and other staff members need to work in teams to achieve the best outcome of the schools. Showing unity is a great way of making friends. Unity helps us to make a better listener and leader.
Unity mixes with cooperation. It is also cooperation that keeps a team together, the closer the team the harder they are to beat. The important aspect of our life is unity. So, we should always stay united. 
Manisha Deora
The Fabindia School

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