Monday, May 4, 2020

Sympathy: Urmila Rathore

Sympathy literally means a feeling of compassion towards someone or understanding their
problems. In everyday life, we see how many unintentional events happen that shock us from inside. We see in children, their helpful nature towards each other. During lunch in school, they share their tiffin-boxes with other students who couldn’t bring one. They talk of their routine, share each other's emotions; ask of the problems they face and so on.

Similarly, they also share their pen, book, pencil, etc. with each other. I have seen many times in school that some children feed half of their food to dogs and when asked why they do this, they reply, “Who else will feed them then?”

In them, you have to teach moral values to be sympathetic to the trees, such as watering them, not breaking the flower leaves, etc. A school harbours children of vivid natures, some of them good in studies, some in collaborative activities. At the same time, they have to learn and need to be taught not to ridicule someone's weakness. Students need to be explained that their little joke can hurt someone deeply, so they have to learn to understand the situation of others, to experience their pain.

In the present day, COVID19 pandemic has explained to humanity that we can share one's suffering only with the help of others. Doctors, nurses, police, etc. are busy serving patients day and night without worrying about themselves and their families. On the other hand, governments and donors are providing basic needs to the daily labourers, migrant labourers and the poor; this is a perfect example of sympathy.

We should know the problems of others and understand their pain and help. Nature also helps every living animal to fulfil its needs. Therefore, we should not harm and keep every person, creature, trees and plants happy.

Urmila Rathore
The Fabindia School

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