Monday, May 25, 2020

Responsibility and Cooperation - Prakash Dangi

Responsibility is one of the most important aspects of human nature and personality. It is “doing the
right thing”. Doing the right thing means living a life where every move or decision you make is all your own and you do things that will not harm others. It is a moral belief that as individuals we must behave ethically and be accountable for our actions, and be conscious of our decisions and the impact it has on society. Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. Definitely, people are not born with a sense of responsibility. It's obtained automatically when we complete any task. It plays an important role in a teacher's life as without responsibility teachers' career cannot shine. Responsibility changes human behaviour. 

When we take responsibility for doing any work, we will definitely get success easily. It develops many other values such as patience, love etc in human nature. In the classroom, we can build the responsibility in our student by making a separate group of the student and then assigning them any task to complete. Since everyone has certain responsibilities: responsibilities of family, of school, of the nation, of work and so on. Every parent tries to raise the sense of responsibility in their child. It means caring for others. I will give an example of a cricket match. When 2- 3 players are left while playing in a team, they don't understand the value of responsibility. But when the last player is left, he takes full responsibility and plays very well, that is a real responsibility. Co-operation is one of the most important fundamental things in our life. Cooperation means working together. In other words, we can say cooperate with each other. No society can exist without this. 

Cooperation means working together for the achievement of a common goal. Co-operation is the process by which an individual or group combines their effort, in a more or less organised way for the attainment of common objectives. Co-operation is a form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work together to gain a common end. Cooperation is a key interpersonal skill which all students should develop and enhance in order to succeed in a future professional environment. So, educators have introduced cooperative learning within the classroom improving the whole student learning experience. Cooperation promotes a good working environment, encourages peace, and builds humanity. It is essential for a school because everyone plays a huge role in cooperation and increases the schools' graphs. When we talk about any games, without the player's cooperation we cannot achieve our goal and when all the players cooperate and work as a team, they definitely win. Today, the most common example of cooperation we can see is a doctor, nurse, police, people, etc. They all are working hard by understanding their own responsibility with the cooperation of people against COVID19 and with their efforts, we will win the battle against COVID19 and live our life like before. So responsibility and cooperation both values go hand in hand. 

- Prakash Dangi, The Fabindia School

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