Thursday, May 14, 2020

Responsibility and Cooperation - Bloom BHIS

Volunteering is not a choice, it's a responsibility.

Hello everyone, today I wish to share a story about responsibility and co-operation based on an incident which took place in our school during the Academic Year 2019-20.

In the course of an Academic Year, we organize various inter-house competitions such as Inter-house Debate, Elocution, JAM, Doodle Making, Street Play among others. We also had a competition - “What’s the Good Word?” for the Secondary Section. We started with Grade 9, followed by Grade 8 and ended with Grade 6 and 7.

As I was put in charge of this competition, I listed down the steps involved in executing the event. I took the help of students to whom I could delegate various tasks, thereby enabling them to take on responsibilities. One such responsibility was to ensure practice and prepare the students of Grade 6 and 7. For this I wanted the students of higher grades to be involved, and hence I selected Avi and Dev from Grade 9. Both Avi and Dev were excited but at the same time were sceptical about their assigned responsibility as they had never done any thing remotely similar in the past.
I explained to them the nature of my expectations, which they diligently took note of. Soon, they initiated the selection process of participating students, collected content from various sources, had them verified from relevant teachers and prepared their juniors. Often I found them leading a practice session, assigning homework and taking tests. Before long, the participants were thoroughly prepared for the competition.
Finally, D Day arrived. All of us were excited but Avi and Dev were nervous as they fidgeted like mother hens! All their hard work would be judged. The six and seven graders participated with confidence, and finally, the result was declared. Guess what! The ones trained by Avi and Dev managed to bag the 1st position.
The happiness of their faces was a treat to see! Their efforts had paid off. In training their juniors, they had transformed into more confident individuals. In many ways, this was their reward. Avi and Dev had learnt that working in co-operation with others, taking up responsibilities and working towards executing them was the only way to achieve the desired goal.

Now, I see the radiance of confidence and leadership in Avi and Dev. They are always ready to take up new challenges. It is gratifying to participate in grooming the leaders and trendsetters of tomorrow.

We all do better when we work together. Our differences do matter, but our common humanity matters more.

Bloom @Billabong High International School, Thane 
- Priya Wagle, Ranjana Solanki, Rinku Lapasia, Manisha Joshi, Sharanjeet Kaur, Savita Rane, Manjit Kaur.

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