Sunday, May 17, 2020

Patience and Courage: Usman Gani

Sometimes, in our relationships, we become defensive, irritated, and say something to hurt others. We do not realize the importance of patience and end up making hasty decisions. Whenever you feel defensive against the person, try to be patient enough to take time to think over another person’s positive qualities.

Patience helps acquire a positive attitude: - If things are not going the way you want them to, instead of getting frustrated, you must learn to be patient. You need to see things and situations in a positive light to make your life happier. And to get that positivity, you need to be patient. If you find any life situation challenging or find it difficult to bear, try to re-frame that situation and try to see its positive side.

Courage is the mental and emotional preparedness and ability to deal with difficult, challenging, and sometimes seemingly impossible circumstances. It is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, intimidation and other threats.

When we work to develop courage, we both empower ourselves with the ability to confront problems head-on, as well as, acquire the skills required to deal with life's inevitable challenges. 

Indeed, when we build any muscle, we do so in order to build strength and resilience. At a time when many of us resort to harmful and counterproductive substances to deal with problems, we would do better to rely upon a healthy supply of courage. Undoubtedly, it is the wiser alternative.
Usman Gani
The Fabindia School

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