Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Honesty and Respect - Swabhi Parmar

Honesty and Respect are the most important attributes that any individual should possess.
These two simple values lead us to live a better life. Honesty is a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings. If you want people to know who you are, be honest in your self-expression. Honesty shows maturity and self-acceptance.
Honesty can bring people closer by creating a safe connection. It forms a context for the relationship within which both parties feel secure enough to be genuine in their interactions. The relationship between students and teachers should be one of mutual respect. Students should listen to the teacher and try their best in the class. Teachers, on the other hand, need to do their best to give their students a quality education and respect them as individuals.
But how do we react when a child disrespects us? The solutions are not that simple if you, yourself do not have the quality of patience. A teacher should be capable of accepting and have the tendency of patience inside him or her. The suggestions could be, we should not react to disrespect but we should act to correct it. We should never overreact over the action of disrespect taken by the child. We should correct them and avoid their disrespect. This will create a feeling of sorry in the child from within.

Children should be always treated with respect and love. They should feel a kind of belonging with the teacher. Teachers should not be judgemental. A teacher should not take anything personally but be patient. There are situations in which we are not appreciated for the hard work we put in every work. We should not lose heart in this situation. We should keep up doing the good work. If it is not appreciated but someday it will inspire people. Respect is always a two-way street if we give it we get it. Same goes with the relationship between a teacher and a student. If we give respect to our children, they will give us the same. There is a saying if you want to see good in others we should be good in the first place. If honesty becomes an unconscious habit, you will become very attractive to other honest people and you will receive immense respect. A life filled with authentic people will be vastly enriched. 

Swabhi Parmar
The Fabindia School

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