Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Honesty and Respect - Kavitha Devda

Honesty means being truthful. It is very important, to be honest at all times. Telling lies does
not get you anywhere except in more trouble. Honesty builds trusts. When someone lies it means the trust is broken. Once the trust is broken it is very hard to get it back. Being yourself means you accept yourself for who you are and by being an honest person, people will believe you and trust you. When we make some mistakes, we should accept it. Making mistakes always helps us to learn and correct our mistakes.

Honesty is always appreciated by everyone. Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. An Honest person shows good behaviour, always follows rules and regulations, maintains discipline, speaks the truth, and is punctual. An honest person is trustworthy as he always trends to speak the truth. Honesty helps in developing good attributes like kindness, discipline, truthfulness, moral integrity and more.

Respect begins with listening. Listening to what another person has to say is a basic way to respect them. Until you listen to another person’s concerns, you will not know who they are and what’s important to them. Life on earth is about serving others. In fact, our professions, our careers, and our jobs should revolve around a desire to serve others. We can serve without being kind. But it’s very difficult to be kind without serving. Kindness is an expression of respect. 

Respect for the fact that someone else is simply in need. We have all been in need. And what a relief it was when someone showed us kindness. Kindness is a tangible way of showing respect. Respect doesn’t always require thankfulness. But it often does. It’s just another way we show respect. It’s just another way that we feel respected. Everyone wants respect. Everyone should show respect. So hopefully everyone will receive the respect they’re due, and they’ll grant the respect due to others.

Kavitha Devda
The Fabindia School

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