Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Happiness and Tolerance: Urmila Rathore

Happiness literally means keeping someone happy and resolving their problems. When we give happiness or laughter on someone's sad face, this is true happiness.

Whenever I am disturbed or unhappy, I like to sit in seclusion with yoga or meditation, behold trees or listen to songs of my choice.
As a teacher, I want to keep my children happy for a long time, which will be possible only when we listen to their problems, give the courage to face any difficulty and make them tolerant.

They will bring positiveness in them, the environment around them will be full of friendship and this will give them good results. It is very important to have a happy atmosphere in the classroom because where children will be happy there will also increase their learning and learning power.

Nowadays some children are unhappy because the environment around them is negative, there is pressure on the spirit of competition and to bring good marks, it is necessary for all of them to make children tolerant. There can be a reason.

We can solve every problem of the children by listening to it, knowing the reason for anger and unhappiness, find the appropriate solution, and give the right guidance by improving the ability.

To teach children the importance of happiness, they can keep children happy by telling them stories of moral values, by helping each other, by doing yoga and other academic activities. It was seen in the children that if they get disappointed on something very soon, then they will have to explain with patience by giving them time to know the situation and their abilities.

A few days ago, Vikram, a student in the class, arrives without tiffin. He was sitting in seclusion during lunch and was very unhappy. When I asked him why did not bring food today. At first, he ignored it but after much effort told him that his mother was ill, so he could not cook any food and did not bring it. Then the other students in the class made him sit near him and fed him and also heard his problems. Then they went to play together.
At that time he forgot all his troubles and started playing happily. In this way, we can understand the problems of children and do them with little happiness.
Urmila Rathore
The Fabindia School, Bali

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