Monday, May 4, 2020

Happiness and Tolerance: Jitendra Suthar

Having a feel of joy whenever we come across any situation we like the most is happiness. As a point from the student’s side, a student is always keen to find happiness in his own friend circle in the school. Sometimes a school stands as the only point of happiness in a student’s life. At home kids always miss a friend like them. Right starting from the day of admission in the school, a child has the tendency to find friends with the same way of thinking; this comes up with better understanding between each other and builds moral support. 

Happiness in class can only come when an educator acts as a mentor to kids beyond the relations of a teacher and student. When this happens, each and every child will try to attend the class of that teacher. 

Experience matters a lot. All the educators have gone through the same situations in their schooling days. It becomes very easy for educators to make out how they can make kids understand right or wrong. Many times there are small fights in the classroom, a tough time for an educator to settle down the situation. For this, a teacher should try to make each and every child comfortable with each other, like they can start sharing their desk with each and every kid. Daily there should be shuffling in the class and kids should be asked to site with the new face daily. 

At the same time, there should be a lesson where students should be allowed to share both the good and bad sides of the bench partner. This will help them in building mutual understanding between them; they will get to know their own qualities (good and bad) and they can improve. This process can make our kids tolerant and if a child is tolerant, He will always stay happy.

Jitendra Suthar
The Fabindia School

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