Friday, January 17, 2020

Ajay Vijayvargi: Writing

Writing once is equal to read ten times, it was experienced in an institution preparing students for competitive exams when students were asked to learn some formulas as short tricks for calculation of percentage, profit and loss sums. 

In other subjects, if one needs to write something after reading in her own ways this will give rise to Critical Thinking – which is very important for one's intellectual development. 

Most of us face the stage fear of facing the audience, public speaking, addressing a gathering – Why ? it is because if we forget something while speaking to an audience but we are able to think  critically, we will be able to continue our speech/address to the audience by critically thinking.

Critical thinking means able to think rationally, independently and to able to relate purposes and reasons /causes. It is an important quality to be developed by an individual and a student as it increases his thinking and working efficiency.
Ajay Vijayvargi

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