Sunday, January 19, 2020

Affection and Rejection post by Curious Icons

People who become afraid of rejection might hold back from going after something they want. The better we get at dealing with rejection, the less it affects us.  When a child comes to the school they want to care, love and affection for becoming a human being.

A teacher thus plays a very important role in a child’s life to save him for the feeling of rejection. A word rejection itself brings all the negativity in it, how can one groom himself with the feeling of rejection?

In a classroom, many students think themselves as slow learners or have been projected by their peers as a slow learner. This led them towards rejection or to some isolated subgroups.  It is thus very important for an Educator to assist the fellow classmates to change their views for that child. This will definitely help the child to come up from the feeling of rejection.

The feeling of rejection not only comes with slow learners but many times personal family background also has a great impact. A child with a happy family will have always a joy in him which will, of course, make him confident but a child with a disturbed family wants someone to care for him. Here a teacher has a very active role in his life. If with his affection he can bring all good qualities in him, the child will be a great human being.

- Curious Icons, The Iconic School

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