Friday, November 1, 2019

My Good School Program: Experiential Learning for ALL

We are presenting
Karl Clauset, Director, National Center for School Change &
Sandeep Dutt, Chairman, Learning Forward India 

2-Hour Sessions | Dec. 11 | 1 p.m.–3 p.m.
Session 3233 | My Good School Program: Experiential Learning for ALL

Area of Focus: Social and Emotional Learning/Health (SEL/SEH)

Topics: College- and Career-Readiness/Student Performance 
Standards, International Perspectives, Social and Emotional Learning/
Health (SEL/SEH) 

Audiences: Principals, Assistant Principals, School-Based Professional 
Development Leaders/Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders/
Mentors/Team Leaders

Learning Forward’s Annual Conference is THE conference for educator professional learning. Join colleagues, inspiring practitioners, and thought leaders in St. Louis, MO, December 7 - 11.
Learning Forward's conference is where you find answers to your most pressing teaching and learning challenges. After attending the conference, you will return home with an expanded network of peers, strategies for strengthening learning systems, and solid practices for leading capacity-building efforts at all levels. Learn more at

This year's keynote speakers include:

  • Sonja Santelises
  • Harriet Sanford and Michael Petrilli
  • Taylor Mali

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